Chapter 18 Is It Too Late?

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Zayn POV

"Get up Malik!" I hear the cell door opens. I try to adjust my eyes to the little bit of light. The police officer grabs my arm and leads me out the cell into the lobby. I see a figure waiting for me. As I get closer I realize that it's Simon.

"Simon? What are doing here?"

"Saving your ass. Let's go."

"Simon how did you know I was..."

"Zayn LETS GO!" I don't question him instead I follow him outside. He had car waiting for us. "Get in the car." I'm slightly confused. I don't want to question him too much because he just saved my ass.

He doesn't anything until we arrive at the mansion. We go downstairs where the drugs are.

"Zayn look around. This is all mines. This." He grabs a bag of drugs. "Bought this mansion, and helped you. Once you met me your troubles went away. You didn't have to worry anything because I took care of you. Zayn you are like a son to me, I even put you in my will." He pauses then looks at me waiting for some sort of respond, but I remained silent. "Then business started to go bad when someone told me that they were happy, and they wanted out. I clearly told him there was no way out and if he left there would be consequences, so he agreed to stay. But business was still going bad I was very confused. Wasn't he supposed to be saving the business? Then someone told me that he wasn't, and hasn't been involved in over a month." His voice became very tense and stern. My heart started to pound because I knew he was referring to me, and leaving him.

"Cat came by today." My eyes widen at the sound of her name. "Ah now I have your attention." He laughs. "She kept begging me to help you, but I told you made your choice. But she begged and begged until finally I agreed under one condition." My heart stopped. "She'll be mines."

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I charge at him, but he grabs my arm then twists it. He kicks me in the stomach then my body collapses. I fall unto the floor holding my stomach in pain.

"You couldn't just listen Zayn. You had to be difficult. I told you the consequences, and you disregarded them. I'm going to do the same thing to her I did to Gemma."

"Wait no I'll do whatever you want. Please let her go! Keep her out of this."

"Too late Zayn she's mine." He hints me in the head with a blunt object. My head is pounding, I can't hear anything, nor see too well. I feel two men dragging off as Simon's figure gets smaller and smaller until finally everything goes black.

Will POV

"Where can she be? I literally looked everywhere." I feel helpless, and defeated. Why do bad things happen to good people? I have been looking for her all night it was almost morning and no one has seen her expect my parents, and Zayn. Then an idea popped in my head she could be at Zayn's house. She always enjoyed staying at his house. She spent more time at his place than at home. It was the only lead I had. Time was running short, and I am certain if I don't find Cat soon something bad will happen. I drive to Zayn's house, which is not far from our house. The house looked empty. I got out of the car, and ring the doorbell. The door swings open by an old rather angry looking man.

"What do you want?" He demands.

"I'm looking for my sister, Cat. Have you seen her?" I question.

"Humph! I haven't seen that silly, naïve girl since Zayn left this house a few weeks ago. How silly of her to think she can ever love a boy like Zayn. My son is nothing but trouble, and he always will be. And he will give her nothing but trouble, and grief."

"That's funny I thought the same thing, until I saw how happy she was with him. I have never seen her so happy before until she met your son, as strange as it sounds." I laugh to myself. He continues to stare at me, but this time his look is more soft,

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