Chapter 13 His Place/ My Caretaker

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I'm at home writing my English essay until I get this phone call from Zayn.

"Omigid! What the fuck Zayn?! Are you okay? What happened?"

"Long story" he says. "How fast can you get ready?"

"Idk like five minutes."

"Good I'll be there in five then."

"Wait Zayn what is going on?" He hangs up before I can finish my question. I get quickly get dress. His voice sounded worried and urgent on the phone I wait for him outside.

"Get in now" he demands. "Before someone sees you." He was driving so fast I can hear the tires screech.

"Are you ok and who are you running from?

Well apparently I'm wanted by Harry, my father, oh and the Kent dentition center.

I look at him when I hear the last part. This was really serious. I understand the last two, but I still didn't understand Harry.

"Zayn there is something you aren't telling me about Harry. This is second time you guys fought. Why do you hate him so much?"

"Cat there is some things you'll understand later."

We get out the car and we walk into this old warehouse. I noticed two of Zayn's friends there.

"Is everything good Daniel?"

"Yea man I was able to pull off a few strings and get your old apartment back downtown.

"Good." He gives Zayn some keys.

"Ok Cat let's go" he rushes me out the building.

"Cat we are here Get out the car." I do as he says. He unlocks the door. He runs into bedroom and changes. The place looked like it's been abandoned for forever. I poke around I see picture of Zayn with a women and young girl.

"We'll be safe here. It's safer if you are with me."

"Zayn who's apartment is this?"

He gives me this soft look." It's used to my mums. She used to come here whenever she wanted to be alone"

"That's her isn't?"

"Yea I miss her so much."

"What happened?"

"She had an enlarged heart. And that's Safaa my younger sister."

"Where is she?"

"She lives in Paris with my cousins. I miss her so much. When my mum died I had to take of her. Cause my dad damn sure wasn't going to. But then I started getting into trouble , and I used to fight all the time when I was drunk or high. She used to come out of her room crying asking me to please be nice to daddy. But I couldn't do it. It broke my heart for her to see me like that. So I asked my cousins to take her in until I get my shit together. I promised her I'll come back. She's probably forgotten me once I stopped calling and visting her." He pauses and puts the picture back on the table. "Hey are you hungry?"

"Actually I am." I didn't get the chance eat dinner because Zayn had called.

"We can order a pizza." He says. He finds a menu and calls the number on it.

I sat on the couch thinking about Zayn and his sister, and his mom. It's must of been so difficult especially since his father hates him. For the first time I think I really knew Zayn.

The pizza arrived 20 mins later. We sat on bed watching The Breakfast club on this old tv. I was wearing one of Zayn's shirt. I lied on his chest and played with his chest hair a little bit. I kept looking at him. He was such strong person on the outside. But in the inside he was vulnerable which explains why he spiraled out of control. He didn't know how to channel his emotions.

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