Chapter 12 Oh Shit!

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Zayn POV

I didn’t go to school today. I’m in too much pain. I unlock my phone, and realize that Daniel had texted me. The first one read: Meeting at noon. The second one said: We may have found your attacker from last night.  I jumped up, and immediately get dress. I rushed downstairs to grab my car keys to leave and meet Daniel. 

“Why aren’t you at school?” I turn around and I see my father starring me down.

“Why are you here? You are never here.”

“Zayn remember what I told you about screwing up. You don’t think I noticed you bruises. You gotten into a fight last night didn’t you? Zayn didn’t you?!?” His voice is already screaming.

“Why do you give a damn all of a sudden? Hmm tell me? It’s not like you ever cared before. You didn’t care about Safaa, or mom when…”


“WHY DAD!?!” I start screaming at him.

“ZAYN. STOP IT NOW!” he threatens. 

“This is your last chance. No more screw ups. You understand?!”

“Oh I understand that you never cared.”

 I walk out the house and slam the door. I then drive away in my car going about 99.


Zayn POV

I walk into the warehouse Daniel is waiting for me with Paula and Ed.

“Out of my fucking way!!” I scream at Paul. “Daniel where the fuck are you?!?!”

“Chill dude. I’m in here”

I follow Daniel’s voice into  a room. Daniel stood around this guy who hand were tied to a pole on the celling. He was one of the guys who attacked me last night. I leaned against a table with guns and knives on it as I watched Daniel interrogate this bastard.

“Who sent you?!” screamed Daniel.   He was silent.  “Who sent you?!” He kicked him in his stomach. “Go fuck yourself” he spitted.

I tired of this guy’s bull shit. So I grabbed the gun of the table and pointed it at his face.


He didn’t answer again. “Ok” I started to walk away, and then I quickly turned around and shot him in the knee. “Now I’m going to ask again, and this time you are going to give me a name.” I said calmly. “Now WHO THE FUCK SENT YOU!” I screamed in his face. He starts to cry, and wince in pain.

“Arry” he says softly.

“I can’t hear you” I say as I point the gun at his other knee. “HARRY!” he cries. I kicked the table over.

“Fucking little bastard. Ugh I’m going to kill the little fucking prick! Let’s go! I think it’s time to pay Harold a visit. I grabbed the gun, and put behind my pants. “Someone go and finish him off” I ordered. “No please! No!” But his screams are cut off.


School was almost over, and Zayn hasn’t texted me all day. I wonder what he had to take care of.

“Someone stop him!” I hear a girl call out. I go around the corner, and I see Zayn punching Harry in the stomach. “You tried to fucking kill me!” He grabs Harry by the shirt and he slams him against the lockers.

“Zayn stop it!”  I tried to pull him, but he pushed me off and shoved me into one of his friends. “Hold her back” he says. He continued to punch Harry in the face. Liam had caught sight of what was happening, and he was able pull Zayn off Harry. Harry head was badly bruised and his nose wouldn’t stop bleeding. I look around for Zayn, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. He vanished. The bell had rung and school was over. I stop by my locker then this guy grabs my forearm. He pulls me to the side.

“I have a message from Zayn. He says don’t try to contact him tonight. It’s too risky. He doesn’t want you to get into trouble. Is that clear?” I nod.

Then he leaves. I honestly wasn’t sure how I felt right now.  I felt bad for Harry, but I was also worried about Zayn. I just hoped that Zayn is careful I don’t want something bad to happen again.

Zayn POV

Liam had pulled me off Harry. He was lucky because I really wanted to kill him.

“Dude we have to get out of here. The police will be here any minute.” I look at Harry who was bleeding, then at Cat.

“Ok wait. Paul give Cat my message” I told Paul the message, he nodded then left.

“Zayn we need to go if you don’t want to get arrested.” I nod to Daniel. Ed, and him usher me out the school quietly.

I hope Cat wasn’t too mad, but Harold got what he deserved. My knuckles are bleeding still, so I had Daniel drive the car while I sat in the passenger seat.  I go into my glove department and pull out my bag of cocaine. I sniff a lot of it. It felt so good. It helped me calm down. I rolled down letting the wind hit my face. Then I saw some flashing lights coming towards us. Daniel started to slow down. “Just stay calm boys”. I hide the cocaine in my pants.

“Boys can I see you license and registration please?” Daniel gives him is license and my registration. “Which one of you is Zayn Malik?”

“I am officer.”

“Can you get of the car sir?” I don’t up a fight, so I do what I’m told. Did you know that your driver was going 95 mile per hour on a neighborhood street?”

“No sir. I’m sorry officer. It won’t happen again.” I manage to put a fake smile on.

He hands me a ticket. Then he walks away. “Have a nice day officer.” I hear his radio say that there was an incident at Tong High school, and that suspect maybe in a black BMW. I walk back to my car and I tell Daniel to drive away now before he realizes who we are. He drives off. I drop the boys off the Daniel’s house

“Hey I gotta stop at my house and pick a few things. I’ll pick y’all up later.”

 I pull up in the driveway and I notice another car there, but I don’t think much about. I run up stairs to my room. I pack a bag of clothes, some drugs, and my phone charger.

I’m half way the door when I hear my dad call out for me. “Zayn come in here.” I make my way into the living room. There were two men in uniform that read: Kent Dention Center.

“What the fuck is this?” I sob softly.

“Zayn the school called today. You almost killed a student.” He says sternly.

“What the FUCK IS THIS?” I scream.

“I warned you Zayn.  I told you no more screw ups.”

“You don’t even tell me you just go behind my back. You planned this didn’t you? You were trying just to get rid of me all along.” He is silent. “You fucking bastard!!!!!”

I charge at him trying to attack him, but the two men pull me back. “I hate you!!! I always hated you ever since mom died! Let me fucking go!” I keep screaming. One of them lets me go. I pull my gun from my pants. Then the other lets go once he realizes I have gun.

“If you wanted me to leave you should have said something. I’ve been looking to move out for a while now. I’m leaving, and don’t try to follow me.” I garb my car keys while still pointing the gun.

“Zayn once you leave there is no coming back.” He says.

“That’s ok isn’t that what you always wanted.” I stated while tears fell down my eyes.

I left out the house and put a flat on all the tires in the driveway. I drove away then made a phone call to Cat.

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