Chapter 9 He Could Be The One

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He hands me a helmet. I hop on the back of the bike. We start to ride. I can feel the wind pulling at my hair. I put my hands around his waist tightly, then my face against his back. He smelt so damn good! I don’t know why, but I feel safe with him.  We had finally stopped downtown. We walked around for a while until we stopped at this diner. It was pretty old looking, but it got a lot of business. We sat in booth. A lady walked towards us.

“Hello my name is Caroline. These are specials for today. Can I start with anything to drink?”

“Yes I’ll have an orange juice please.” I say politely

“And an almond milk.” He adds.

“Almond milk?” I look at him. “You drink that stuff?”

“Of course I gotta stay healthy. You don’t get abs like these from eating junk.”

 He lifts his shirt a little then he punches his abs. I laugh loudly. I then sat on his lap, and kissed him. “I love it when you are silly.” We kissed again.

“Um are you reading to order?”

I started to blush. “Yes we will have two of the specials.

“Um hey” I protested. Because I didn’t really want that.

“Oh I’m sorry and can I get almond milk for the lady here?” I playfully punched him.

“Oh now you polite?” I asked while still on his lap.

“I didn’t even realize it.” Both of us laughed loudly. Everyone was looking at us, but I didn’t care because it  felt like we were the only two there.

After we had finished our breakfast we walked around town some more.

“Hey lets go in here.” He dragged me into this expensive posh store. Everything was so bright and expensive looking.

“Hello Mr. Malik is there anything in particular you are looking for today?” He must come here a lot.

“Yes Jennifer do you have anything new?”

“Yes. Actually…”

“I’ll take it then.”

“Ok sir. I’ll have it ready for you in just a few.” She exits. She later comes back with a box. I can’t tell what’s in it though.

“Thanks Jennifer.” He grabs the bag then walks way.

“Aren’t you going to pay for it?” I nervously ask.

“Don’t worry Jennifer knows my very well.”

We stop walking until we reached this park. It was tiny there was a pond and a fountain, and playground with kids playing on it.  We sit on the edge of the fountain.  He grabs the bag and pulls out the box to me. I untie the black ribbon, and open the box. Inside the box was a ring. It was sliver with diamonds accenting the ring.

“It’s a Claddagh a ring. The hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty.” He says.

“Zayn…” I try to speak, but I can’t.  The ring was so beautiful and I couldn’t stop crying.

“Shh” he quietly says. He puts his hand on my cheek and wipes away my tears with his thumb. “I love you so much.” Then he kissed me, but this time it was more passionate. I loved him, and all of him.  I didn't care what people thought of him. He was mines, and I was his. And we both loved each other, and that's mattered.

Zayn POV

We stop walking until we reached Elizabeth Park.  We sit on the edge of the fountain.  I grabbed the bag with ring in it and gave it to her. She slowly opened the box. She was speechless.

 “It’s a Claddagh a ring. The hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty.” I said. 


“Shh” I had put my hand on her cheek and to wipes away her tears.  “I love you so much.” Then I kissed her. We stayed at the fountain as we continued to talk. It was already night. We counted the all-stars until it was almost dawn. She looked so gorgeous starring at the sky. You can even see the moonlight in her eyes. I never realized how lucky I was. For having Cat in my life. She made feel something I haven't felt in a long time. She made feel love, and the only thing I can do to return the favor was to love her back with all my heart. 

** Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I've been writing alot, so more updates are to come. Please vote, comment, and like**

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