The Academy Graduation Exams

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Naruto has been alone for his whole life and how he spent his time was by training his body to peak physical condition and practicing his basic kunai and shuriken abilities, as well as his taijutsu. At this point in his ninja training naruto has taijutsu skills of a mid chunin and kunai and shuriken skills of high chunin. He has been the best in his class his entire time at the academy. He practiced every day and pushed himself to the absolute limit, it was his way of escaping the hatred and solitude of his everyday life. Naruto was walking to the academy when he saw the civilians glare that he was so used to

"isn't that the kid, the demon" . "He shouldn't be allowed to take the exams, it's all his fault what happened".

He paid the people no attention. Years of hearing this on a daily basis has made him immune to such things. He continued on his way to the academy when he came across Sakura's family and inos family.

"Have a good day at school ino and good luck Sakura." The families then turned to see the boy as they gave him the usual glare. "Make sure you stay away from that boy he is dangerous, you girls hear me" said inoichi.

Sakura and ino then asked, "why he has always been nice to us, what's so bad about him"

inoichi then said "you girls don't talk to him do you".

Sakura and ino then replied "no, but he always helps us and explains how to throw our kunais properly and stuff like that"

inoichi said "fine but don't talk to him, goodbye girls good luck on your exams" inoichi then looked at naruto and said "stay away from ino and Sakura you monster"

ino then looked at naruto and said "sorry about that but don't mind him we know you aren't a monster"

naruto just continued to walk as if they were not there, to him every body was the same so he just did what he had to do in class then left never talking to anyone. He only responded to his sensei Iruka and even then he only replied with the bare minimum.

Ino looked at Sakura and asked her " I wonder why everyone treats him so bad he's never done anything, he keeps to himself and doesn't cause any trouble".

Sakura replied by saying " If people called me a monster everyday I wouldn't be able to handle it Idk how he deals with that."

Ino replied by saying " all we can do is try to be there for him, he's never had anyone so he doesn't open up to anyone"

Sakura replied with a smirk on her face saying " you sure know a lot about him, does Ino pig maybe have a little crush." She winked at Ino.

Ino was blushing bright red " what n-oooo as if you know I like sasuke, forehead." Ino did like naruto but she saw how they treated naruto so until he was accepted by the people she would never show or tell how she truly felt about naruto.

She then said in her mind "I promise I'll be there for you naruto, I promise on my life, but I'm to scared that the villagers will treat me like they treat you until they treat you right I have to act as if I like sasuke."

The two then went inside and took their respective seats. Naruto was in a row with Sakura and sasuke. He sat next to sasuke because he was the only one who didn't glare at him or feel uncomfortable around him.

Iruka then entered the room saying "today class is our graduation exam if you pass today you will be able to become part of the ninja structure as full fledged genin". " the goal of this exam will be to make a clone of yourself using the clone jutsu, please wait till the hokage arrives but until then line up on the line."

Everyone passed until it was narutos turn naruto knew he could do the clone jutsu it was child's play compared to what he could do but he knew the rules are rules.

"Ok naruto please show us your clone jutsu" the rest of the class knew naruto could make one but since he was the best in the class they couldn't help but watch.

Naruto then proceeded by saying "clone jutsu" his chakra was massive as he produced 10 clones that was nothing for him but he thought it would be enough since everyone else could only make 3 at most.

Iruka then looked at Mitsuki and hiruzen waiting for their answer. Earlier that day the elders told hiruzen and Iruka not to allow him to pass as it would put their jinchuriki in danger which they could not allow. Hiruzen had to agree as he was strongly pushed by the civilian council and shinobi council to follow the elders decision. Naruto already figured this would happen but he was somewhat optimistic. Hiruzen then looked at naruto with sadness but then turned to Iruka and shook his head no.

Naruto was depressed by the decision but he expected it. "I'm sorry naruto but you will not be passing the exam." The rest of the class looked in shock to the statement that naruto wasn't going to pass.

Some kids laughed at him saying " that's what you get monster, enjoy another year at the academy"

ino and Sakura gave a death stare to the kids who said this as Ino said in her mind "ugh this doesn't make any sense naruto just produced 10 clones easily and yet they still failed him, they were gonna fail him no matter what he did. By the look on his face naruto already knew this was a possibility, I'm sorry naruto."

sasuke then asked in confusion "excuse me but why did naruto fail the exam he produced the most clones by 7 and could have made more, why has he failed"

iruka then looked at naruto with sadness on his face but then looked at sasuke with a serious face saying "classified information"

Hiruzen then escaped the situation by saying "alright class please join me outside with your families to celebrate your accomplishment, and ascension into genins."

Everyone then began to walk outside as everyone went to their families other then naruto who just sat on the swing that was outside. The girls were all around sasuke when Ino said  "oh sasuke I'm so proud of you I hope we are on the same team."

Sasuke then looked at her with a serious face as he whispered " you don't have to lie with me i know you care for naruto, go talk to him he needs someone to talk to after today."

Ino then looked in shock as she wondered how long sasuke knew this info she then asked him "how did you know that"

sasuke then said with no emotion "I can tell by the way u look at him and the way u act around him, so please just stop faking this and go talk to him he needs a friend."

She then asked "well if that's the case then why don't you come with me."

Sasukes eyes widened when she said this "what makes you think he would want to talk to me"

Ino then said with a slight smile "because he sits next to you meaning he must trust you somewhat and besides I can tell you care for him as well."

Sasuke then tried to hide his face but to no prevail "me and naruto share many similarities. I relate to him in many ways." "Fine let's do it" said sasuke.

Ino and sasuke were walking towards him when inoichi approached them and said to them loud enough so that naruto could hear as well "Ino, sasuke stop don't walk any closer to that monster"

Ino then shook in fear as she knew naruto could hear this. Naruto then started to shed tears as he was completely alone and hated for a reason he didn't truly understand.

Ino then said " yes dad I'm sorry" Ino then looked at naruto as she could see the tears coming from naruto's eyes.

Sasuke just looked at inoichi and ino in disgust " don't tell me what to do, and how dare you call him a monster he's a kid no older then your daughter he basically helped your daughter by himself pass the exam and expects nothing in return and for you disgust me." Sasuke then turned towards naruto without hesitation as he put an arm on naruto's shoulder and said "let's get out of here, huh"

Naruto then shook his head in agreement without looking at sasuke directly. He still didn't trust him but it was better than being around these other people. Ino then began to cry silently as she realized she had just abandoned naruto all because her dad simply said to without any reason as to why she shouldn't.

In her mind she said "what have I done do I really care so much about my image that I would abandon naruto just so I didn't have to get the types of looks naruto receives, what kind of person does that. I'm so ashamed, I'm sorry naruto next time I won't give in to the pressure. Please forgive me."

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