Naruto and Sasuke

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Naruto and sasuke now sat upon the top of sasuke's house looking at the sky.

Naruto then finally said something to sasuke "why don't you treat me like the others treat me, why do you try and talk to me when you know everyone hates me here."

Sasuke in shock as this was the first time he's had a conversation with naruto "well me and you are not so different we both are orphans as well as loners, sure the people don't give me the type of unnecessary looks they give u but I do understand loneliness very well, I also know it's not good to be by yourself so I thought we might as well be alone together in this hard and unforgiving world."

Naruto then began to shed a single tear as he silently said "thank you, sasuke"

sasuke saw him cry and realized naruto was happy to know that he wasn't alone anymore "no problem" said sasuke they then sat in peaceful silence as they knew that just found someone they can trust and share their experiences with. The silence then stopped when narutos stomach started to act up because he has not ate in the last 2 days. Sasuke and naruto then shared a quick laugh that then stopped when sasuke said " let me get you something to eat before you go, how about some ramen huh."

Naruto then smiled which shocked sasuke as this was the first time he saw naruto smile ever. Naruto then shook his head with agreement.

The boys then ate their ramen as they finished naruto was heading towards the woods sasuke then looked in confusion "hey naruto aren't you gonna head home and get some sleep" sasuke asked with slight confusion and curiosity.

Naruto then said " I do not have a home in the village I have a small wooden tent in the woods." Naruto said with an emotionless face, sasukes eyes widened as he didn't realize just how bad naruto was disrespected in the village, he then realized that this explains why he always looks tired and that if sasuke would have approached him earlier he could have helped narutos living conditions.

"Just what else does this kid go through, why does he even want to protect these people? They all hate him and treat him like dirt."

Sasuke then said with a slight smile "you can stay here for the night if you want I have plenty of room in the house."

Naruto then bowed his head towards sasuke and said "thank you sasuke I won't forget this, but are you sure it's a good idea to be associated with me."

Sasuke then realized just how much naruto cared for others with this statement "this kid has been through hell and he's worried about my well being just because I talk to him, this village needs more people like this." Sasuke said this in his head.

Sasuke then firmly said "yes it's fine naruto, no worries at all I'll set up a room for you." Sasuke went inside to prepare a room for naruto, while naruto sat on the side deck practicing his chakra control while meditating.

Sasuke then saw this and pondered what naruto was doing. "Naruto are you alright what are you doing"

Naruto then calmly said "yes I'm alright I'm just practicing controlling my chakra I'm pushing the chakra through my hands to practice how much I'm using.

Sasuke then asked in a low tone " do you think that you could teach me how to do this sometime."

Naruto then shook his head "yes just let me know and I'll show you."

Sasuke was happy to hear his answer and was glad that Naruto was starting to talk To him "alright, anyway your room is ready whenever you want to come inside."

Naruto then shook his head in acknowledgment but didn't say anything, sasuke knew it would take time for naruto to open up to the idea of seeing sasuke as a friend. Sasuke then headed for his room. The next morning sasuke woke up and proceeded to the kitchen to get some breakfast he then realized that naruto was still meditating, he never moved from that spot he meditated the whole night.

Naruto then spoke softly "good morning sasuke"

which made sasuke refocus "good morning naruto, but did you sleep at all last night you didn't move from that spot at all."

Naruto then broke his meditation facing sasuke and said "I do not sleep much as i experience....nightmares." Naruto said the last part as if it held more influence then he lead on.

Sasuke then said "what kind of nightmares if you don't mind me asking"

Naruto then put his head down and said "don't worry about it, it's nothing."

Sasuke was not happy with the answer but he knew this friendship would take time so he just shook his head in understanding.

Naruto Uzumaki: The Child of Prophecy Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ