Land of Waves Stats (AN)

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(AN) : this is something I will do when I feel it is necessary to show their stats it won't be after each chapter but it will show up more often later in the story it's just a way so that the readers can see the jutsus and level of characters for this first stat showcase it will only be naruto since he will be the only one different from canon but more will be added on later
Btw I just want to make this clear naruto will have an affinity towards all the elements but that does not mean he has mastery over any of them it just means it's easier to learn jutsus the reason for this will be explained MUCH LATER but i thought I would get it out of the way now the only element he really uses is wind and some lightning. I also changed how the thunderclap arrow works because I didn't like the idea of it having to use water element first. I will now show you how these stat (AN) will be like.

Naruto: age:12
Speed: low jonin
Chakra: low Kage level
Ninjutsu: high chunin
Genjutsu: N/A
Taijutsu: Low jonin
Kenjutsu: N/A
Known Affinities: All
Known ninjutsu: Wind release: air bullets, wind release: breakthrough, wind release: gale palm, wind release: vacuum bullets, lightning release: thunder clap arrow, lightning release: lightning ball shuriken
Intelligence: Mid Jonin

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