Hokage Retrieval (next day)

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Jiraiya then sat on top of the Namikaze compound waiting for naruto to arrive. He then turned as he heard his student yelling at him "PERVY SAGE, what did you wanna talk about"

Jiraiya then jumped down as he smirked at his student "you and I have been given a A- rank mission kid"

naruto then raised an eyebrow "what is it then"

Jiraiya sighed "well since the third past away we now need a new hokage and the only options were me, Danzō or my teammate Tsunade Senju, and I can't because of my spy network and nobody actually wants Danzō to be hokage other than the elders....so the only option is Tsunade."

Naruto then said with no expression "I see so our objective is to find Tsunade and ask her if she would like to become hokage" Jiraiya nodded "fair enough....when do we leave"

Jiraiya smirked "as soon as possible"

naruto then sighed "alright let me say goodbye to everyone"

Jiraiya then smirked "you mean Ino Yamanaka"

naruto stood up straight as he froze in place "umm....well yeah obviously what's your point"

Jiraiya chuckled "Oh nothing (man he might be intelligent when it comes to shinobi life but when it comes to girls he's hopeless I am gonna have to teach him about that stuff one day)"

Naruto then approached the Yamanaka household and knocked as Inoichi answered the door. Inoichi was first shocked but then smiled at the boy. "Naruto I'm guessing you are here to see Ino. Why don't you come in? I'm guessing you haven't eaten yet, so join us for breakfast."

Naruto looked shocked by his words "are you sure mr. Yamanaka I don't want to cause any problems."

Inoichi could tell that Naruto was still nervous around him as he was the person that always called naruto a monster. "Yes Naruto I promise my wife makes some of the best bacon and eggs you have ever had"

naruto then smiled at him "well if that's the case I am in mr. Yamanaka." Naruto then bowed before entering and taking off his Shinobi sandals. He then walked in with Mr.Yamanaka they then turned to where the dining table was.

Ino saw her dad walking with Naruto in confusion. "Naruto? what are you doing here?"

Naruto chuckled "well I am about to go on a mission with Pervy sage and I just wanted to say goodbye before I left, when I got here your dad asked me if I wanted to join you for breakfast and from what your dad told me your mom makes amazing bacon and eggs and I just couldn't turn that down."

Ino then looked at her dad with a smile "(thanks dad) yeah she does make some pretty good bacon"

mrs. Yamanaka then introduced herself "hey naruto I am inos mom my name is Edith Yamanaka I'm pleased to meet you"

naruto bowed before greeting her back "hi Mrs. Yamanaka thank you for letting me stay for breakfast I'm really excited to try your bacon and eggs." Naruto chuckled.

Edith then continued "oh no problem please take a seat next to Ino till I'm finished preparing the food."

Naruto nodded before sitting down next to Ino "so naruto what are you and master Jiraiya doing on this mission."

Naruto sighed "well me and the Pervy sage are going to search for Tsunade Senju so that she can take place as the next hokage."

Everyone gasped as they heard that. "Naruto are you sure you should be talking about your mission that sounds like it's an A-rank or higher mission?"

Naruto nodded "yes it's fine I trust all of you"

Inoichi then smiled at the boy before it turning into a sad smile "I'm sorry about lord third naruto he would have been proud of what you accomplished that day."

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