Naruto's Plan

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Naruto was walking to the academy when he was approached by Mitsuki who told naruto he wanted to talk. Naruto was confused but shook his head understanding that Mitsuki was his teacher. Mitsuki then told naruto that he could still pass this test and be placed on a team for tomorrow if he was able to get the scroll of sealing in the hokages office by 6 pm. Naruto could tell this was not part of the exam by the slight smirk on Mitsukis face. Naruto played stupid so that he could set up a trap for Mitsuki.

Naruto then approached the hokage tower. Naruto told the guards "I need to speak to the hokage immediately."

The guards laughed at him saying "the hokage does not have time for the likes of you."

Before naruto could turn around he heard Hiruzen say "let him in"

naruto then walked into the office and told Hiruzen that "I need the Forbidden scroll"

Hiruzen looked In shock as he could tell naruto was serious, Hiruzen then asked "why".

Naruto with no emotion on his face then said "Mitsuki wants to have the scroll for himself, he asked me to get it for him."

Hiruzen quickly asked "why did he ask you in particular"

Naruto then said with a sad smile "because he said if I do this I can become a Genin and graduate, I know it's not true so I just thought I'd set a trap for him."

Hiruzen realizing that Mitsuki was using naruto pissed him off but was in shock that naruto was so calm and calculated. Hiruzen then said "very well I will let you take the scroll and because you were so wise you may learn any jutsu that is within the scroll for your dedication to the village."

Naruto was shocked not expecting this as his decision but he gave Hiruzen a goofy smile which made Hiruzen smile back.

Hiruzen then said seriously " I will have to send someone after you though, I know that you are way above the level of Genin but it's better to be safe then sorry I will send iruka after you in an hour so you will not have long with the scroll so get going"

naruto nodded then vanished with the body flicker technique. Hiruzen just smiled as he left the office knowing that this may change the perspective of how people view naruto even if just slightly. Naruto then opened the scroll once he was in the meet up Mitsuki told him about. Naruto was smart though he did not worry about copying the jutsus first he first made a copy scroll of the jutsus that way he could study them at a later time he then saw two that stuck out to him, the flying thunder god and multi shadow clone jutsu. He then wrote them down and practiced the multi shadow clone jutsu for the rest of the time. He then realized why this technique was forbidden it takes a stupid amount of chakra just to make 3 of them because the clones are able to move and interact something the normal clone jutsus cant. Naruto then realized that he could easily handle this jutsu because of his limitless supply of chakra.

30 minutes later, Mitsuki and iruka arrived to see a naruto just sitting there smiling at them. Iruka then walked forward to get the scroll from the young boy that was until Mitsuki threw a fuma shuriken at iruka even though he did know that this was a trap for Mitsuki he was caught off guard by how quickly Mitsuki acted, the shuriken hit iruka in the back dropping him to his knees making him spit up blood.

Mitsuki then looked at naruto with a evil grin saying "you know what naruto before I kill you I'm gonna let you in on a secret the village doesn't want you to know"

iruka yelled at him in haste saying "Mitsuki no, stop this madness."

Mitsuki just laughed saying "hey brat the nine tails cannot be killed but they needed to stop the attack on the village so they decided to seal it in somebody and guess what that somebody is you."

Naruto then realized why the people call him a demon and a monster and treat him like garbage. Naruto just looked down with one single tear following down the side of his cheek. Iruka was disappointed that he never told naruto, he could do nothing but feel bad for the boy.

Before he knew it though Mitsuki then threw another shuriken at iruka hoping to get him out of the way first. "Now you die first iruka see you in hell"

iruka just looked down as he was still disappointed in himself but before the shuriken could hit him naruto jumped in and took the shuriken to the back protecting iruka. Iruka just looked in shock as he saw naruto standing over him blood coming out of his mouth.

Iruka just looked with sadness "why naruto why did you save me I didn't ask you to"

naruto just gave him a smirk before poofing into thin air shocking both Mitsuki and iruka. Until he heard Naruto yell as he went toward Mitsuki "because you are my comrade and my sensei."

Naruto then punched Mitsuki with two shadow clones one at his face the other at his stomach. He punched so powerfully that it sent Mitsuki off the tree he was on and plummeted into the ground.

Mitsuki just looked in anger and confusion "hoooow how did you do that."

Naruto said with a victorious smile "my reward for setting this trap for you was that I am able to learn jutsus from that scroll."

Iruka then said in shock "you mastered the multi shadow clone jutsu in just under an hour, in.....credible."

The Anbu later arrived and took Mitsuki into custody while naruto looked over his sensei who was still in a little pain "I'm fine naruto don't worry about me, I'm sorry I haven't been there for you I can never repay the kindness and forgiveness you showed me today."

Naruto said with a soft laugh "you could treat me to some ramen."

They both started to laugh but then iruka said in a serious tone "Naruto Uzamaki as your sensei, I promote you to the rank of Genin for your actions in capturing Mitsuki.

Naruto smiled but didn't know how that's possible "I thought the council decided I couldn't be one."

Hiruzen then appeared behind them saying "yes the council did say that but overall I outvote them in such matters and my decision is to allow your promotion."

Naruto then started to cry alittle realizing what Mitsuki said to him was true " am I really the nine tails jinchuriki." Said a sad naruto.

Hiruzen then looked in disappointment of himself saying "yes, the fourth hokage sealed the nine tails in you to stop the attack, I am sorry I never told you I was going to tell you once you officially became a Shinobi but the council would not let you graduate, I hope you can find a way to forgive me son."

Naruto then said with a sad smile " I understand, I may not agree with your choice to hold this from me but I understand."

Hiruzen and iruka looked in shock at the young boy with how mature of a Shinobi he is already. Hiruzen thought to himself " the years of rough treatment truly has made this young boy way beyond mature for his age even a jonin would have taken that worse then he did."

Naruto then said with a smile "let's celebrate, iruka still owes me ramen and you're coming to gramps."

They all started to laugh, then made their way to ichiraku ramen. Iruka then gave naruto his leaf village headband and naruto ate about 6 bowls of ramen.

Naruto then said "goodnight guys and thank you for the ramen gramps and sensei."

Iruka then turned to tell naruto "goodnight naruto make sure you are at your classroom at 6 to meet your team and instructor."

Naruto then shook his head in agreement and body flickered away.

Hiruzen then told iruka "that boy is something different. I truly believe he will be the one to change the Shinobi world, his dedication and work ethic is second to none and he has no desire of slowing down."

Iruka then asked in a serious tone " even so do you think it was a good idea to let him see the scroll of sealing."

Hiruzen then chuckled " hmmm best idea I ever had"

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