Team 7

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Naruto and sasuke were walking towards their respective classroom as they made small talk on who they might get as a sensei and a teammate.

Naruto said to sasuke in a soft manner "I just hope he gives me a chance before making a rash decision on how he feels towards me."

Sasuke realizes that there is a solid chance that naruto will be left out of many training exercises and moments because he is the jinchuriki, something sasuke found out last night when naruto told him. Sasuke was even more pissed now because the villagers all hated naruto for something he had no control of. He tightened his fist in anger forgetting to respond to naruto.

Naruto noticed his reaction and told him "don't worry about it sasuke no matter what they throw at me, I've been through worse."

Sasuke and naruto then smirked at each other before going back into their peaceful silence in each other's company, something both naruto and sasuke were glad they could share.

Naruto and sasuke walked in seeing Sakura Haruno she began to walk up to sasuke saying "sasuke it's nice to see we are on the same team."

Sasuke just kept walking as he knew that Sakura always ignored naruto which made him mad because he knew she cared for him at least more than the others, but then something happened which shocked both him and naruto. "Hey nar...naruto glad to see they let you become a Genin. You deserve it." This made sasuke loosen up and smile at Sakura and naruto.

Naruto replied softly as this was the first time he said something to her he said "tha....thanks sak.....Sakura that means a lot."

Sakura couldn't tell but sasuke could see a single tear come down naruto's face, but sasuke knew this was a tear of joy.

He thought to himself "thanks Sakura, who knows next time you ask me out I might just say yes if you keep this up, see naruto not everyone hates you, you just have to give it time."

Sasuke then told Sakura "hey Sakura you can come sit over here and wait if you want to."

Sakura began to blush red at the fact that he started the conversation and wants her to sit by him. They all sat down and made small talk with naruto saying something every now and then because sasuke told him it's something he could do to try and fit in better. They then heard the door open as a man with white hair walked in.

Kakashi quickly analyzed his team before deciding what to say "Well let's see they all are sitting next to each other, that's a good start, the pink haired one seems to be really interested in the black haired one but he's not mad about it so they must be on good terms. Sasuke seems to be going along with the situation trying to be nice but he is definitely more connected that senseis kid.......I'm sorry naruto that I wasn't there for you I gave into the society norms, I'm sorry minato sensei I let u down."

Kakashi then said aloud "yo, my name is Kakashi you will call me sensei and my first opinion of you guys is that.......we will make a great team."

This made all of team 7 look at each other and smirked at each other.

Kakashi then spoke up saying "we will meet up on team 7 practice ground at 6 am do not be late and by the way do not eat or you might get sick tomorrow."

He then vanished as team 7 was sitting there naruto spoke up " don't listen to what he said about eating."

Sakura looked in confusion but sasuke just waited for his reasoning as he knew that naruto's abilities were way above a genin level and his intellect was beyond genius level.

Sakura then asked slightly confused "umm naruto are you sure it's a good idea to disobey our sensei's first order."

Naruto then chuckled alittle bit then replied "yes, it's fine he wants us to be on an empty stomach that way we don't have much energy, but don't eat to much or you might actually throw up but just enough to hold you over."

Naruto Uzumaki: The Child of Prophecy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora