Training (Year Two End)

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"Kid like I said you shouldn't use that jutsu unless you absolutely have to if you rely on it too much your normal combat skills will weaken."

Naruto sighed "I know I promise only when necessary.....and against Kakashi sensei just to freak him out."

Jiraiya chuckled "you're gonna make him think your minato at this rate hell you already are better at sealing and your hair is starting to look exactly like he used to have it."

Naruto sad smiled as he lowered his head. "Do you think....he would be proud of dad I mean."

Jiraiya lifted his head and patted it "of course kid he would be more than proud he never thought anyone would master his jutsu....but then again you're different."

Naruto held back his tears "thanks Jiraiya sensei"

Jiraiya then took his hand off the boy's head "what are your weights at now."

Naruto then looked to make sure he set it to the correct weight "I have them at 250 right now and they are pretty comfortable I would say in a couple days I could move up to 300"

Jiraiya smirked "you finally are gonna catch up to me who knows by the end of this trip you might just be able to beat me.(that's if he can't beat me already he has to be one of the most versatile ninjas to ever exist at this point and only me and Yugao know and she doesn't even know the half of it.)"

Naruto scoffed, "I have to be ready for them, Jiraiya sensei....I won't let them destroy my village or take away the people closest to me."

Jiraiya then spoke up "you will be my are you and your new sensei for the next year ready to get started tomorrow.

Naruto then chuckled before speaking aloud "let's hear that Kurama you better not be rusty you lazy fox"

Jiraiya scoffed at his apprentices antics "(he's acting like he's not talking to one of the most dangerous entities to ever exist, he treats it like it's some child.)"

"Of course I'm ready you's been a long time I see your training is going well."

Naruto gave him a smile before answering "I missed you buddy how ya been and yeah it's going well but I need to be able to control more of your chakra then I used to be able to I'm sure the training Iv done over the past two years will help that right."

"(I hate how calm he is around me sometimes....just like you father) yes you should probably be able to control another tails worth just by your physical prowess alone but we need to work on your chakra control you need to be able to balance out my chakra."

Naruto then thought for a second before answering "what would be the best way to go about doing that then."

"Well we won't start till tomorrow but we will have you enter into three tails worth of chakra since that is the most you can hold without injuring yourself.....we then will have you meditate this way you can calm your mind it will also get you used to experiencing that sort of chakra for longer time. We will repeat this until you reach 8 tails won't be ready for all nine tails for awhile we probably won't get that far but eight tails should be a good goal."

Naruto then chuckled "alright that works Kurama, make sure to rest up and don't worry you will get to see plenty of me for the next year."

Kurama scoffed, "great just what I needed."

Naruto started to laugh before continuing "I'll talk to you tomorrow see yah Kurama"

"bye brat"

                          Meanwhile in Konoha
"You keep this up sasuke you will be able to beat me by the time naruto gets here."

Sasuke smirked "That's good and all but I need to be better....not being able to use Amaterasu and Susanoo for long periods of time is slowing me down."

Kakashi nodded "yes but if you rely on them too much it could also weaken your other skills which we don't want at the rate you are going with your training you will be the most skilled jonin in the village soon."

Sasuke sighed "but is that that enough to beat that enough to stand by protect him from the akatsuki...I can't lose him Kakashi sensei...if I lose him...I don't know what I'll do."

Kakashi eye smiled at his student before continuing "it is enough to stand by him he has always seen you as an equal and rival that will never change nor will your brotherly relationship but don't let this feud with itachi cloud your judgement....I know it's not my business to talk about your revenge but I want you to really consider if it's worth it I'm not saying you shouldn't keep pursuing it but just ask yourself is it worth it."

Sasuke sighed as he kept his head down "I know what you mean Kakashi sensei and thank you for the advice...thank you for always being there for me. By the way how's Anko Kakashi sensei?"

Kakashi just blushed "none of your business my's Sakura."

Sasuke also blushed "none of your business 'sensei'" they both chuckled for a second before walking back into town.

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