Sensei vs Student

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The group made their way to the training ground in a way to reevaluate Naruto's skill level. He was already granted the rank of jonin but Tsunade thought it would be a fun way to test his skills anyway. "Jiraiya, how strong is the brat?"

Jiraiya smirked while looking at his former teammate "if Kakashi does not take him seriously he's in for a world of pain."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at Jiraiya before speaking "what do we know about the akatsuki since you left."

Jiraiya looked at her with a straight face letting Tsunade know this was serious "well from what I know from my spy is that the biju extraction process must be done in order from lowest to most tails meaning naruto will be the last target."

"Meaning the one tails will be the first target should we notify the kazekage of this."

Jiraiya shook his head "no they already have been informed the akatsuki probably won't make their move right away until an opportunity arises for them.....another thing."

Tsunade noticed his hesitation and wanted to know "Jiraiya spill it"

Jiraiya sighed before continuing "orochimaru has also rejoined the organization."

Tsunade gasped in fear and shock "what....why"

"Apparently orochimaru wasn't too happy with how naruto stopped him from giving sasuke the curse mark so he figured this would be the best way to enact revenge on him."

Tsunade grunted "that bastard he has another thing coming if he thinks I'll let him take naruto from us."

Jiraiya nodded his head, "agreed Tsunade."

Tsunade then stayed quite before speaking up "alright naruto it's now time for you to be reevaluated by sparring with your sensei."

Naruto and Kakashi both nodded to each other before jumping down off the tree they were in and landing in the fighting area. "Kakashi sensei, you better not take me lightly."

Kakashi eye smiled while slowly removing his leaf forehead protector from his eye that was covering his sharingan "naruto I didn't take you lightly four years ago I'm not taking chances now."

Sasuke smirked ("Kakashi sensei isn't kidding he only reveals his sharingan to me when we are going all out this is serious.")

Sasuke then said "begin."

They both dashed towards each other at high speeds and everyone soon came to the realization that Naruto was faster. He started off by blocking away a punch from his head before doing a spin kick that Kakashi had to duck under. Kakashi quickly tried to counter with a kick of his own aimed at his students midsection but to his surprise he caught the kick and then threw the leg up in the air Kakashi quickly readjusted by landing on his feet and threw another series of punches that Naruto all dodged. Naruto then countered with a low sweep to Kakashi's feet which took out his footing. Kakashi quickly rolled out of it and got to his feet. Everyone just watched in awe.

Sasuke couldn't help but be proud of his brother figure "he's on a whole different level." All Sakura and Ino could do was nod.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya in shock. "What the hell is that, his taijutsu style is completely different then it used to be, it's much more...fluid."

Jiraiya nodded "yes he learned the dragon wings style of taijutsu the style that the dragons use and to be honest he's not even going all out yet." Tsunade and Shizune just gawked at the comment.

Kakashi panting lightly just smiled at his student "well I say you pass the taijutsu category seeing that you clearly have me outmatched but this isn't over."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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