The Big Announcement

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Naruto and Ino then arrived at the namikaze compound and when they walked in they were greeted by sasuke and Sakura. Sasuke then went to bro hug naruto while Sakura hugged Ino. Ino and Sakura then turned to the boys before

Sakura stated "hey we are gonna go prepare some food."

Naruto then gave them a big smile "yes that would be great thanks ladies." They both giggled before walking into the kitchen.

Naruto and sasuke walked over to the couch. Sasuke then started the conversation "so how did it go."

Naruto then sighed "well I got some good training done while I was on my mission I mastered one of my dad's jutsus. We found granny Tsunade at the end of the month. At first I wasn't impressed with her but she's more than capable...I also found out she's partially related to me somehow.

Sasuke out of curiosity then asked "so you learned a jutsu from your dad...that's pretty cool I heard you ran into orochimaru."

Naruto sighed "yeah him and kabuto wanted to make some deal with granny but she turned it down, it was hard when I first saw him I only thought of how much pain I wanted to inflict on him but I was able to calm down. I fought him to protect granny and not out of revenge so I'm ok with it." Sasuke gave him a quick pat on the back before continuing their conversation.

Meanwhile the girls inside the kitchen were preparing food and talking. "Hey Sakura...."

Sakura was preparing some chicken "what's up Ino"

Ino sighed while going through a cupboard "did you notice the necklace naruto was don't think he met a girl while he was on his you.

Sakura was unsure because she thought something similar "to be honest Ino I'm not sure I did notice it and he seemed to be very fond of's a possibility."

Ino sighed while just staring at the picture of kushina and minato. "So I'm too late"

Sakura giggled "Ino I'm sure naruto isn't dating her if there is even someone you know how oblivious he is."

Ino just continued to sigh "yeah I guess....I hope so."

Sakura just looked at her friend with a smile "you know you could just ask him aren't you supposed to be training with him tomorrow."

Ino nodded "yeah he's teaching me some water jutsu."

Sakura scoffed "lucky he gives you all the attention...I just can't decide who I like more between them...I view naruto like a brother but I'm still also attracted to him but Iv always liked sasuke so I don't know what to do." 

Ino scoffed at her "why don't you just take sasuke."

Sakura giggled at inos overprotectiveness of naruto "wow your not trying to get me out of the way for naruto's attention at all are you."

Ino just lowered her head " I'm sorry I just feel like naruto doesn't see me in that type of way at doesn't matter how hard I try."

Sakura then put the chicken on the plate before returning to the conversation "well you have to realize Ino....naruto has been alone for a long time we are the only people he really trust and he doesn't even know what it's like to have feelings like that. Think about it how could he, he's been an outsider for most his life the idea of someone caring for him like that probably scared him."

Ino lifted her had at the last couple of words "you think he's scared to be hurt?"

Sakura nodded "who knows he may have feelings for you or me or for someone completely else but he doesn't know how to express those feelings or maybe he even feels he doesn't deserve to have someone like him."

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