The Return

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"Naruto, remember what I told you about Itachi? You can only tell Sasuke when you find it absolutely necessary. The secret is one of the biggest in Konoha. That goes for you as well Yugao I know you were close with him before it happened but I ask you to keep this quiet until we can find the right time to announce it."

Naruto and Yugao both nodded before the blonde boy spoke up "so if itachi is your spy within the akatsuki does that mean he purposefully let me get away when we ran into them a couple years ago."

Jiraiya nodded as they walked "yes he also probably forced sasuke to kill your shadow clone to awaken his mangekyou on purpose knowing that you both are close."

Naruto nodded as he walked. "I can already tell I'm gonna get slapped or punched by Ino when I get back....Sakura and granny will also probably have a couple of punches lined up for me....hell sasuke might even join in on the fun....I bet everyone's so grown now."

Jiraiya smirked "yeah I bet your girlfriend has also grown if you know what I mean naruto."

Naruto blushed before facing away and turning to Yugao who had a glare prepared for him "I knew letting you read that book was a terrible idea your not as bad as master Jiraiya but you're definitely a closet perv like Kakashi''

Naruto chuckled before placing his hand over his heart In a mocking way "Yugao sensei....your words....they cut deep."

Yugao sighed before getting an angry face "if you keep this up it won't be the only thing that cuts deep i'll make sure to cut what makes you a man off that way all that knowledge is for nothing."

Naruto gasped "you wouldn't.....that's just evil Yugao sensei....just wrong." They both then started to laugh before they continued on their way.

Meanwhile in Konoha
Ino ran to Sakura's house "today is the day isn't it."

Sakura was slightly confused and still tired as it was early in the morning "Ino what the hell are you talking about."

Ino sighed before continuing, "Naruto shouldn't he be returning today."

Sakura's eyes went wide "oh my god you might be right but I'm not sure if it's gonna be exactly today like he said before he left he still might be gone for a couple days until they make it here.

Sakura noticed the excited inos face start to get sad as she looked down "but I'm sure the second he gets here you will be the first to know Ino pig."

Ino sighed as she kept her head down "what if he thinks I've gotten ugly....or what if he is dating someone now....Yugao what if he's dating Yugao....I can't stand this."

Sakura took a breath before hugging her friend "Ino he's not dating Yugao and he definitely won't think your ugly I wouldn't worry about that....every guy in the village wants you...well other than sasuke."

Ino sighed "but naruto isn't most guys forehead."

Sakura gave her friend a sad smile before continuing "don't worry about it at least let him get here before you start freaking out."

Sasuke and Kakashi were eating dango with anko. "How do you think naruto will take the news."

Kakashi eye smiled "I'm guessing he will rather faint or just stop breathing in general it would be a shame to waste his four years of training just to go out like that though."

Sasuke smirked "not only that but I am gonna have to tell him about Sakura....this should be interesting to say the least."

Kakashi eye smiled "yeah indeed it will I hope he gets back soon the akatsuki will be ready to start their hunt soon so we all have to be ready."

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