Land of Waves ( 3 months later)

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"Do you have the target in sight" Kakashi said,

"yes clear as day, I can take them down when ready" naruto said in a serious tone.

"Sakura,sasuke are you ready as well"

"yes Kakashi sensei on your call"


naruto then grabbed the target it was......a cat? Kakashi acknowledged his team "well done guys we made great time"

Sakura then asked "Kakashi sensei, is there any chance we could get a better mission? We have been getting cats and doing small chores for quite some time now."

Naruto then agreed with her statement "I must agree with Sakura on this one Kakashi sensei our team is beyond ready for most missions even up to a rank possibly."

Kakashi knew his team was right but it wasn't his choice in the matter. "Very well we will see what the hokage thinks of this."

Naruto then sighed "ughh you know that gramps isn't going to let us, right"

Kakashi just eye smiled, "yeah I know"

the team now sat in front of the hokage demanding a better mission and shocked by the answer they were given "yes I have a c rank mission for you that shouldn't be too difficult to complete, bring him in"

the man then walked into the office he then began to say "you really think that these kids can protect me"

Kakashi then looked at his team "they are more then qualified" at this point naruto is mid to high jonin, sasuke is mid chunin, and Sakura was high genin to low chunin.

"Very well if you say so '' they made there way to the land of waves but they soon encountered the demon twins.

Naruto told Kakashi "you sense them right, two hostiles, their target is definitely the bridge builder by the way they keep eyeing him."

Kakashi just agreed "yeah I'll let you and the team handle this so this bridge builder gets off our backs about you guys being weak, wanna see me freak out Sakura I'll use a substitution jutsu when they throw the shuriken."

Naruto just looked at him "that's evil even for my standards Kakashi it" they gave a head nod and kept walking.

Seconds later a shuriken hit Kakashi, naruto turned to see Sakura freaking out over what happened while sasuke just nodded to naruto understanding the situation. The demon brothers then both attacked naruto.

Naruto then prepared to use his jutsu "wind style: air bullets" the bullets then hit the demon brother dropping him to the ground the second one then attempted to hit naruto with his sword but naruto just simply dodged all of his attacks before striking back with a simple back fist, this knocked the demon brother back ten feet, the man got up but before he could do anything naruto appeared behind the man, hitting the man with "wind style: gale palm" the man fell to the ground as Sakura and sasuke looked in awe at how fast naruto was, he truly was on a different level he might even be on the same level as Kakashi.

Naruto then smirked "there Kakashi sensei you can come out now, you should have seen Sakuras face."

Kakashi then appeared up on a tree saying "good job naruto I would have preferred if you involved sasuke into your plan but other than that well done"

naruto then turned to Sakura and said "Sakura do not let your emotions get the best of you while in battle it was just a substitution jutsu, you didn't know that but still you have to be able to stay calm while on the field, you know what I mean right."

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