The Toll

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Years went by as my journey brought me nothing but dead ends. When I first arrived at Lamia Scale asking about the mysterious mage, I was told such person like that did not exist amongst their guild. I was pointed to Blue Pegasus in hopes that I might soon put an end to my travels. I arrived and to no avail my results were the same. I headed from guild to guild and even thought if desperate enough I'd try searching dark guilds. Years went by and still nothing, searching far and wide almost covering the entire kingdom of Fiore, all for nothing, then the terrible news arrived.

I was on a train heading to Magnolia to ask master Makarov if he had heard any new information about the wizard. I arrived at Magnolia but for some reason I had felt that something was off, like something from the town had disappeared. (Side note: I think you might know where I'm heading with this.) It had been years since my last visit to Fairy Tail so there were a few new changes to the town. One of the main changes was the new guild, Twilight Ogre, where Fairy Tail was located. I was surprised, I didn't think Fairy Tail would ever move. I turned to the nearest person and asked, "Excuse me but isn't this where the Fairy Tail guild is suppose to be?" The man looked at me with a serious face, "Have you been living under a rock or what? Fairy Tail moved to the outskirts, something about losing their strongest wizards and not being able to pay for the property anymore or something like that. If you ask me good riddance rumor has it their just a bunch of losers now ever since they lost their master." I gasped, "You mean master" The man said, "Could be for all anyone knows, everyone's saying they just disappeared into thin air, they were out having some contest or something on some island. Last anyone heard no bodies were found." I stood in horror as the news hit me. How could something like this happen, then I suddenly realized what master Makarov had told, "I know it'll mean a lot to Lucy if you joined. She's really changed a lot since joining us. She's becoming stronger with her magic and even teamed up with our strongest wizards, Natsu, Gray, and Erza. It seems they all function great together, if I'd known any better I'd say they were the strongest team in Fairy Tail." Fairy Tails strongest wizards gone without a trace. I couldn't believe the news, I ran off to the guild to see if what I'm thinking couldn't be true, that Lucy disappeared too.

I reached what seemed like the guild, a small building with a crumbling sign above it that read Fairy Tail, what happened to the guild I first visited? I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I needed answers so I made my way into the hall. I looked around and saw nothing but melancholy faces as if the life of the guild had gone missing. Expecting to be greeted by Mirajane or master Makarov once more, a man approached me. "Who are you?" He asked as he looked at me. "My name is Jay Hisoka, I came looking for master Makarov to ask for information but what I heard earlier made me believe he's no longer here." He looked at me with a serious face, "That's right, master Makarov isn't here anymore he's been gone for 6 years along with the rest of our strongest members. I'm the new master now my name is Macao Conbolt the new guild master, without Makarov picking a successor I took over as master." I was in shock, "What happened?" He had a sad look on his face, "From what we know the master was hosting the annual S-class competition on Tenrou Island to see who would qualify as an S-class wizard. What turned out as an exam changed into an ambush by Grimoire Heart. Of course master Makarov and the others defeated the guild along with their master but then everything changed, apparently a dragon appeared on the island attacking everyone, we were all surprised to hear something like that happened. After all, along with having three dragon slayers on the island, dragons have been long gone from this world." I asked, "So you mean the dragon..killed everyone on the island?" He looked serious, "That's just the thing, there were no signs of the island anymore or any bodies." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. So without hesitation I asked, "Can you tell me if Lucy Heartfilia is ok? She's here or out on a mission right?" He looked at me for a minute then looked down, "I'm sorry to say but...she was one of the people on the island." Tears began rushing down my eyes, "No! That's impossible tell me she's safe tell me she's alright!" He looked at me with a serious look, "Listen damn it I wish I were making it up I really do but face it what happened on the island along with Makarov can no longer be undone."

I fell to the ground, "It can't be I don't believe this, I promised Lucy I would join Fairy Tail to be here for her. We both shared the same dream." "There's no point in living in the past, if you really want to keep your promise to Lucy you can always join us. I know it won't do any good but I'm sure it would have meant a lot to her." He said. "I came here looking for Makarov in hope that he'd have information on the wizard I've been looking for but after all that's happened I'm not so sure anymore." He asked, "What information were you looking for?" "A wizard who's said to be able to use his memory to create magic learned from their opponents." I said. "You mean the wizard from Sabertooth?" He said. "Sabertooth? Is that a new guild? I've never heard that name before." I said questioningly. "It's a wizard guild that's gotten popular ever since they recruited five strange, yet powerful mages into their guild. They're called Fiores strongest wizard guild." He said. "Well what can you tell me about the wizard you mentioned?" "Well his name is Rufus Lore he's also known as the minstrel who sings to the red moon. Apparently the magic that he uses is an ancient spell called Memory Make Magic that matches the kind you described." He said. "Do you know where I might be able to find Sabertooth?" I said. "What for from what I heard they're nothing but trouble?" He said. "I need him to teach me his magic so I can keep my promise to Lucy and finally join Fairy Tail." He sighed, "If I remember correctly their somewhere up in the mountains, the place has a flag in front of it with the guild mark you can't miss it." "Well looks like my journey will finally be over. I'm heading off to talk to Rufus so that he can teach me his magic. After I've succeeded I'll come back and join the guild." He looked at me and reached out his hand, "Well good luck and come back when you've learned his magic." He said as we shook hands. "Thanks for everything it means a lot to me. I hope to come back and have a drink with you as a Fairy Tail wizard." He chuckled, "I look forward to it Jay."

I traveled to the mountains where Macao told me and finally arrived at the guild, the place was unlike anything I've seen. I entered the guild and was confronted by huge man sitting in a chair. "Who are you?" He said. I said nervously, "I came searching for a wizard named Rufus Lore I was told he was part of Sabertooth." The man just stared at me, "And what is it you want with him?" He said. "I was hoping he could teach me his Memory Make Magic." The man laughed, "Well Rufus, what do you think is he worthy enough to be your pupil?" I turned to see a man emerge from the shadows. "What makes you think I'll just teach you my magic? For what purpose do you wish to learn from me?" I couldn't think of a good reason, so I decided to lie. "I want to learn from the strongest guild in hope that I might become a famous wizard among Fiore." He laughed. "Well master Jiemma, what do you think?" He looked at me, "Well it seems he might have potential, we might be able to help him out, after all we are the strongest guild in Fiore." "Very well then master." He said. "So it's settled I'll teach you my magic." I thought to myself, "Finally I'll be able to become a Fairy Tail wizard and complete my dream. Now I can keep my promise to Lucy, and become a Fairy Tail wizard for both of us."

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now