Ice or Memory Make?

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The next day I traveled outside Magnolia for some training, most of it consisted of physical conditioning and meditation. Since joining Fairy Tail, without having anyone to befriend all of my free time was spent alone training to stay alert and vigilant, both physically and mentally. Being on my own, I had got used to being by myself without it ever bothering me. I trained for minutes on end with my White Dragon Punch and Shadow Dragon's Slash, I had broadened my fighting ability with different types of magic I learned over the months, but I always felt more safe and content with the first magic I ever learned from Sting and Rouge. I'd been training for hours breaking rock after rock, when I decided to call it a day, I made my way back to the guild to have a drink before searching for a job request.

Since moving to Magnolia I found myself a small apartment just outside the town, sure it was quite a walk from the guild, but it was nice and quaint giving me time to think every now and then while I made my way to the guild. Arriving at the hall I walked up to the bar, as I took a seat I was greeted by a mysterious white haired woman, "Morning, what can I get you?" she said. Surprised I answered, "Oh uh...I'll just have a drink." I said. "Sure thing, coming right up." she said. "Here you are, enjoy." she said. "Thanks, I'm sorry but...have I seen you before you look awfully familiar?" I said perplexed. "I don't think we've ever met before?" she said puzzled. At that moment I was greeted by Mirajane, "Good morning Jay." she said with a happy smile. "Morning Mira." I said. "So, I see you've already met my sister Lisanna?" she said. "Oh, so you're Lucy's friend Jay, I'm Lisanna, Mirajane and Elfman's sister, it's nice to meet you." she said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you too Lisanna, I wasn't aware Mira had a sister, that would explain why you looked so familiar, but who's Elfman?" I said. "He's our brother." said Lisanna. "Oh, here he comes now." said Mira.

As I turned around I saw a big white haired muscled man approach the bar, "Hi Elfman." said Mira. "Hey big brother." said Lisanna. "Hi girls." said the man. "Who's the guy?" he said turning to me. "That's Jay Lucy's friend." said Lisanna. "One of Lucy's friends huh?" he said, "Well a real man introduces himself when he's meeting someone new!" he said. "I'm sorry, my name is Jay, it's nice to meet Lisanna and Mirajane's big brother." I said reaching out my hand. "I'm Elfman, the only real decent man you'll find around the guild, it's nice to meet you." he said as we shook hands. "So how long have you been part of the guild?" said Lisanna. "Well it's been a few months." I said, "I joined a while back after the whole disappearance situation." I said. "It sure was a difficult time for us." said Lisanna. "But a real man lives in the now." said Elfman. "We were gone for a long time but, we've managed to adjust after a few days." said Mira. "That must have been rough for you guys, I know it was hard on the rest of the guild after all that was going on." I said.

"Well all that matters now is we're back to what we do best, just like the old days." said a woman next to me. "How about another drink Lisanna? she said. "Don't you think you've had enough?" said Lisanna. "Hey, if I wanted advice I'd ask for it, now give me another drink." said the woman. "Cana, have you met Lucy's friend Jay?" said Mira. "Nice to meet you." I said. "One of Lucy's friends huh?" she said. "She really knows how to pick 'em I'll tell ya that much, so how'd you two meet, I bet you guys are more than just friends, right?" she said. "'re just long time friends since we met on the way to Hargeon." I said nervously. "So you're available, well you're quite the catch I'll give you that, if you ever wanna go out or anything keep in touch." she said. "T..thanks, but I already have a thing for someone else." I said.

"So who's the lucky lady?" said Mira. "'s nothing forget I said anything." I said embarrassingly. "A real man doesn't hide his feelings." said Elfman. "It's's just..I wanna see how things turn out first before I do anything else." I said, "for now I'll just try and get to know her first, ya know?" I said. "Well that sounds like a good idea." said Lisanna. "Just let us know if you need help or anything, we're here for you." said Mira smiling. "And if you change your mind you know where to find me." said Cana walking away with her drink. "Is she always like that?" I said. "Yeah, but you get used to it, after all Cana is the heaviest drinker here in Fairy Tail, apart from the old man." said Elfman. "I guess that makes you third best, so you three should get along just fine." he said with a hearty laugh.

A moment later I was met by Gray, "Morning Jay, morning Mira." he said. "Good morning Gray." said Mira. "Hey." I replied taking a sip from my mug. "So, Already at it I see?" said Gray. "What do you mean?" I said. "It's barely noon and you're already drinking? Boy, I'm sure you and Cana would really hit it off." he said. "I've met her and believe me, I don't think I'm anywhere near her level." I said with a small laugh, "Besides, I'm mostly a social drinker, helps make time fly by, ya know?" I said with another sip. "Whatever you say." said Gray with a laugh. "You want a drink?" I said. "No thanks, I'm ok." he said. "No problem, just trying to be friendly." I said. "So what's the deal for today, got anything going on?" he said. "I wish I did, I wish I did." I said with a sharp exhale. "Maybe you should pick up a job request?" he said. "You know, I planned on it but, I don't know, I might just relax for the day." I said. "Well if you change your mind, you can always tag along with us." he said. "Thanks, I appreciate it." I said finishing my drink. "If you'll excuse me I think I'll go for a walk around the town." I said getting up. "Mira, Lisanna, Elfman, it was nice talking to you guys, but I think I'll head out." I said, "Gray, catch you around." I said. "Good bye Jay, have fun." said Mira. "Bye Jay." said Lisanna. "So long." said Elfman. "See you around." said Gray.

As I left the guild, after walking around for a few hours, I ran into a short blue haird girl coming out of a bookstore, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." she said gathering her books, "It's ok, it's totally my fault, I've just been so distracted lately." I said helping pick up her books. "Hey, you're a Fairy Tail wizard too?" she said. "Yeah, how'd you know?" I said. "I saw your guild mark." she said pointing at my hand. "Oh, right I forgot about that." I said. "I've seen you around the hall before, you're Jay right, Lucy's friend?" she said. "Yeah, how'd you know?" I said. "I'm Levy McGarden, Lucy's friend too?" she said with a small laugh. "It's nice to meet you Levy." I said as I helped her up. "So what were you doing before our little run in?" she said. "I was just out for a walk enjoying the town." I said. "Mind if I join you?" she said. "Not at all, it'd be nice to have some company." I said.

As we walked around for a while, Levy asked, "So, what's got you so distracted?" she said. "It's just...I don't know...I've just been absent minded the last couple of days ever since I met this girl." I said. "Oh, so that explains our little accident." she said with a small laugh. "So, who's the lucky girl that's got you so hexed?" she said. "Well, you gotta promise not to tell anyone, ok?" I said. "Promise, woman's honor." she said crossing her heart. "Well she's also part of the guild and I recently just saw her for the first time in forever. She's kind with the softest cutes voice I've ever heard, beautiful blue eyes and just has the most amazing glow that surrounds her." I said. "Do you know her name?" said Levy. "Her name is Juvia Loxar." I said. "You mean Juvia who's always hanging around Gray?" she said. "What do you mean?" I said. "Well it's just, Juvia gets all lovey dovey around Gray and everything but, he never really seems to pay much attention to her." she said. "So they're not official?" I said. "Well, it's sort of complicated." said Levy. "Well, maybe if she just gets to know me better we can make things work out, right?" I said. "Well I won't be one to stop you but, you can go ahead and try." she said.

"Thanks Levy, I really needed some advice, I'd ask someone at the guild for help but, I'm too embarrassed to ask Lucy, Mira, and Lisanna. I'd ask someone else but I'm afraid the second closest person I have to a friend is Gajeel which scares me considering the situation." I said. "And how is he?" she said. "He's fine, just his usual self from what I can tell, why do you ask" I said. " reason I was just curious, I mean I know how he is and all but, it doesn't hurt to be caring for the rest of the guild every once in a while, right?" she said. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I said. "So, what say we head back to the guild for something to eat?" she said. "Actually, I think I'll head home for today and call it a night." I said. "Ok, I'll see you around the guild then." she said. "Sure thing, here, I'll walk you back." I said. "Thanks, that'd be nice." she said.

After walking Levy back to the guild, I made my way back to my apartment, having the long walk back gave me time to think about how I felt towards Juvia. After meeting her for the first time I knew I fell head over heels for her, but hearing what Levy said about her and Gray got me thinking how she felt about him. None the less, hearing about the "complicated" relationship meant I had a chance to try my luck and see how things worked out, I decided to start off by getting to know her better and telling her how I feel. The only thing I could hope for was that she feels the same way or at least think about me as a second choice if things don't work out between her and Gray.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now