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Bursting through the doors Krieg demanded to speak to me, "Are any of you fairy bastards gonna tell me where I can find Jay or am I gonna have to beat it out of ya!" he yelled. Looking over at me Nala whispered, "Jay what do we do, if we don't do something soon things might go bad." Thinking for a second I suddenly heard Natsu's voice, "Hey buddy, what's the big idea, first you come in here yelling and destroying the place acting like a big shot and now you're demanding to talk to one of us acting like you didn't even do anything wrong, I don't know what you're thinking pal but you better settle down, or did you forget where you are?" he said with a smug smile.

In a split second Krieg dealt a serious blow to Natsu sending him flying across the room, "I'll ask again, which one of you is Jay!?" Rushing over to Natsu's side to help him, Gray and Erza helped Natsu back on his feet, "Hey asshole what's the big idea!?" said Gray. "Don't think we'll let something like this just go unpunished!" said Erza. As they both got ready to fight off Krieg I decided to step in, "Hey Kriegy, how's about you leave my friends alone," I said getting up from my seat, "from what I hear it seems like you've got some serious business with me, so how's about you leave the rest alone," making my towards him I stopped point blank in front of him, "your business is with me not them." I said with a smug smile.

With a loud laugh Krieg said, "So, you're the little shit that stole my vase, funny you don't look like much just another pathetic weakling like the rest of these people." With a sharp grin I replied, "You know it's funny you should say that, I get that a lot, I was also thinking the same thing about you but what can I do right?" With a serious tone Krieg looked me dead in the eyes, "You're cocky kid I'll give ya that, but if there's one thing I hate the most, it's bastards like you who think themselves so tough just because they know a little bit of magic." he said. "Well it's a good thing you won't have to look at me any longer after I'm finished with you." I said cracking my knuckles. "Hold it Jay!" said master Makarov, taking a sip from his mug I turned around to face him, "Don't be so hasty to start a fight, let's just settle down for a bit and see if we can't resolve this without raising a fist." said Makarov. Turning to Krieg I said, "You're lucky gramps spoke up, otherwise you'd be lying on the ground right about now." I said. With an evil grin Krieg replied, "Is that so?"

Without hesitation Krieg nailed me dead center with a serious hit to the gut. "Jay!" yelled Nala. Gasping for air I raised my hand stopping her from stepping in, "Don't...let me...handle this." I said smiling at her. "You don't have to do this Jay let us help you out!" said Lucy. Coughing on the ground I got on my knees, "Don't worry Lucy, guys, Kriegy's just being friendly, isn't that right big guy?" I said standing up. "Well well, either you must have a death wish or you're just plain stupid standing up to me, whatever it is I'll make sure I have fun beating it out of you after I bury you into the ground." After another hit to the gut I fell to the ground once again, "Come on Kriegy, you gotta do better than that." Coughing up blood on the ground Nala was anxious to rush to my side, "I can't watch this anymore I have to help him." Walking a few steps she was stopped by Makarov, "Wait Nala, I know this might be tough to watch but Jay can handle this, he's a lot stronger than he looks." he said with a serious face. "But gramps he's getting murdered out there we have to help him." said Nala. "The moment he stepped in he knew what he was doing, I know it looks bad but Jay's always been one to put his pride and love for his friends before his own life, even if it means losing it."

Standing in horror all Nala could do was watch and hope it ended soon, after a few minutes of what seemed like an eternity, Krieg had tired himself out. "So you finally gonna tell me where my vase is or am I gonna have to finish you off for good." Laying on the ground covered in blood and bruises I laughed with a big smile, "Don't tell me you're done already...I can still handle a few more "friendly" punches from ya buddy." I said coughing. "Jay let us help you out!" said Natsu. "Save your pride and let us help!" said Gray. "Enough you two!" said Erza. "If this is what Jay chose then who are we to stop him, if he decides he could use our help he'll let us know." she said. "Until then all we can do is wait." As Natsu and Gray both looked at each other they knew Erza was right, "Make sure you let us get in on some of the action Jay, I'm all fired up and can sure blow off some steam." said Natsu looking at Krieg with a devilish look, "Don't forget about me." said Gray. Getting back up I wiped off some of the blood on my face, "Well Kriegy, what's say we finish up this little tea party and play again some other day?" I said adjusting my glasses, "I'll make sure to give you a few answers before you leave though, what do you say?"

Crossing his arms Krieg replied, "Fine then ya little bastard, I'll ask you a few questions before I kill you." he said. "First of all where's my vase?" he asked. "Well, last time I checked my lovely partner over there had it with her after gramps gave it to us." Looking over at Nala Krieg asked, "Why'd you steal it from me knowing very well who had it after you beat Jas?" Cracking my neck I answered, "What can I say, I love a challenge." I said with a big smile. "You cocky little shit, enough with the questioner now it's time for me to end you, and after I do I'm coming for girly over there next!" Rushing towards me Krieg cocked back his arm ready to strike me when all of a sudden I was shielded, "Shadow Guard!" Turning to Nala I smiled knowing she had my back. "Hmph, you're in for it now Kriegy looks like team Nala's gonna teach you some manners." Running up to him I punched him in the chest, "White Dragon Punch!" Without so much as a flinch it seemed my attack didn't work, striking him after with my Shadow Dragon's Slash attack nothing seemed to work. With a loud laugh Krieg smiled, "Is that all you got!" hitting me with a deadly strike he moved me back a few feet. "You think magic can help you be strong please, magic just makes you think you're strong but in reality you're just weak." he said. "Take me for example, this whole time I've been wailing on you I haven't used a single shred of magic." said Krieg. "What do you think you're too good for me?" I asked. Laughing loudly he replied, "I don't need magic when I have shear strength alone!" he said throwing a punch at me.

Before his attack hit me I knew there was only one way to defeat him, "Alright, how's about we make things a little interesting." I said. Moving my hands to my side I readied my attack, "Ice Make Lance!" as a line of lances hit Krieg I could hear Gray from behind me, "Don't get to happy Jay there's only room for one Ice Make mage around here." he said. "Come on Jay you got this!" said Natsu. "Hey Natsu hope you don't mind but, don't take this personal." I said. Running up to Krieg I wound up my arm, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!", hitting Krieg dead center he fell to his knees, "It's gonna take a lot more than that to finish me." he said. "Well, I was hoping I wouldn't have to use this in the guild but," turning over to Makarov he immediately knew what I was thinking, with a friendly smile he nodded.

Turning over to my guild mates surrounding Krieg I said, "Guys if you don't mind, how's about a little room." Running away from Kreig I began my attack, taking a deep inhale Krieg seemed a bit worried, "What are you doing?" he asked nervously, with a sharp exhale I let out my sure shot move to finish Krieg once and for all, "Lightning Flame Dragon's Roar!" With a destructive wave of fire and lightning taking out both Krieg and half of the guild hall, Krieg was sent flying out of the guild and half way across the town. With a loud cheer everyone ran up to me, I suddenly collapsed from exhaustion. "Looks like he overdid it a little." said Natsu. "Remind you of anyone?" said Gray.

Running to my side I could hear Nala's voice, "You idiot, you shouldn't always go overboard." she said with a happy laugh. "Well done Jay." said Erza. "Let's get him to the infirmary that last attack really took a lot out of him." said Lucy. Being carried to the infirmary I could hear Makarov and Erza, "He sure seems to be getting stronger now a days." said Erza. "That he is." said Makarov, "but he can't be this reckless." he said. "What do you mean?" said Erza. "I can't keep paying for repairs to the town and the guild hall whenever one of you gets into a fight!" said Makarov, "The bill I'll get soon for the damages is coming out of your pay after you finish up the job!" said Makarov. "Yes master." said Nala with a sad voice making our way to the infirmary.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now