The Hideout

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Having the information we needed from Jas after some, "persuading", Nala and I made our way back to the station to get back to Magnolia in order to search for the hideout. After a long day of both physical and emotional battles, it was nice to know past differences between me and Nala had finally been settled allowing us to become close to each other.

Boarding the train we settled down in a cabin, "We had ourselves a long day, we should get some rest before we get back." I said leaning my head on the window. "Yeah we'll need all our energy in case we get into a fight again." said Nala. looking at Nala it seemed like she had something on her mind, "Hey Jay?" she said. "What is it?" I asked, "I was just wondering..." she began while twirling her hair, "Would it be ok if maybe...I...rested my head on your shoulder?" Blushing for a second she responded, "It's just these train seats are really uncomfortable and hurt my neck, so I was just wondering if maybe I could lean against you so I wouldn't be uncomfortable, if that's ok with you I mean?" Twirling her hair I looked at Nala for a second, "Is that right?" I said smiling at her. Turning to me our eyes met, staring for a second Nala turned away in embarrassment, straightening out her hair I placed my arm around her pulling her into me, "You don't have to make up excuses for me." I said. "I...wasn't you idiot...I was telling the truth." she said. "Ok let's get some rest now then, what do you say?" Hugging me tighter she replied, "Yeah," before closing my eyes to rest I heard Nala, "Thanks Jay, for everything." she said.

Arriving at Magnolia we were ready to look for the hideout Jas mentioned, waking up from the train ride I saw Nala still asleep up against me. Waking her up I quietly whispered, "Hey we're here," yawning as she stretched out Nala said, "That was a great nap." Petting her head I said, "Come on you'll sleep again later after we finish this job." Gathering up our bags she replied, "Ok, let's do this." Disembarking the train we made our way to the hideouts location on the outskirts of town, "Keep a look out there's no telling what'll happen once we get close to the hideout." I said. "The last thing we need is more trouble." said Nala. Walking up to a rundown building surrounded by shady looking characters I stopped in my tracks moving Nala behind cover. "Looks like we found the place." I said. "What's the plan then?" Asked Nala.

Thinking for a minute I surveyed the area, surrounded by thieves it seemed the building was well covered. After getting a better feel on the situation I decided it'd be best to move in at night. "Well after seeing what I could and thinking it through, looks like our best choice is to sneak in once it gets dark." I said. "If you think that's the best plan then I'm up for it." said Nala. "Right then, let's set up a camp a few feet away." I said moving out of cover pulling Nala's hand, "Come on let's get ready before we move in." A few feet away from the hideout Nala and I set up a small camp while we waited for night to approach. Lying on the ground trying to rest I heard Nala ask me something, "Hey Jay," she asked with a questioning tone, "what was your childhood like growing up?" she said. Staying silent for a minute I steered away the conversation, "We should get some rest before we go into the hideout, try and get some sleep." Turning over to my side I thought to myself, "Not now Nala, maybe some other time." In a low quiet voice I heard Nala, "Sorry I brought it up." Turning over to her side Nala fell asleep, "I'm sorry if that was a troublesome question for you Jay, I didn't mean to upset you."

Hours later evening had approached, waking up from my rest I awakened Nala, "Come on sleepyhead it's time to go." Yawning awake Nala rubbed her eyes, "Right, lets go." Packing up our things we headed back to the hideout, getting back to the area I searched around once more. "Looks like there's less guys this time, I don't like this though there might be more inside." I said. "Well it's now or never, whatever you decide I'm with you." said Nala. "Ok I got an idea, follow me." I said moving in closer to the building. Crouching next to the entrance I hoped my spell would do the trick, "Dream Knock.", I whispered as a cloud of smoke lingered into the building. Hearing panics for a minute I began to worry, after a few seconds it quieted down. "That should do it, stay on your guard though there's no telling if it worked or not, come on the spell will only last about 10 minutes."

Heading inside we began looking for the vase, checking room after room we searched every nook and cranny, but no luck. After a few minutes I heard Nala's voice from another room, "Jay over here I think I found something." Walking over to Nala's location I walked up next to her, "What is it?" I asked, pointing at a chest she said with a smile, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" In an instant I had the same idea, "No doubt about it, the vase has to be in there." Seeing the padded lock I looked around for the key, "The key has to be around here somewhere," I said, "look around for it." Moving towards the chest Nala began heating the lock, "There's no time, just give me a few minutes and I'll have this open in a jiffy." she said. "Fine just hurry up the spell should be wearing off by now." Concentrating on the lock Nala began to make progress, "Almost there just a few more seconds," standing watch at the doorway I began to get frantic, "We need to hurry I think the spells worn off." Hearing murmurs and clutter I knew it was time to leave, as the lock hit the ground I could hear Nala's happy voice, "Got the vase, let's get out of here."

Placing the vase in her bag we made our way out the nearest window, running back to the guild we could hear the alert voices behind us as they informed each other of the missing vase. "Let's get this back to the guild so we can head to Hargeon first thing tomorrow morning." Running along side me Nala said, "I can't believe that worked, I thought things would turn out bad for sure." she said. "Well, we make a great team don't we?" Smiling she responded, "We sure do." The next morning I woke up stretching out as I let out a loud yawn, as the smell of coffee wafted around the room Nala walked in from the kitchen with two cups of coffee. "Morning lazy bones." she said. "Morning sleepyhead." I said as I got up from the floor. "Sorry I took over your bed last night." she said. "It's ok I'm not usually used to having company over." I said cracking my back. "Anyways how'd you sleep?" I asked as Nala handed me the cup of coffee. "Good considering you were here to look after me." she said. "Not like I had much of choice, did I?" I said smiling. "Hey." said Nala. Laughing I said, "I'm kidding, it wasn't a big deal, after what happened last night I thought It'd be safer to be together in case they came looking after us." Finishing my coffee I said, "Anyways, lets head to the guild so we can go return Mr. Shigeru's vase and get paid." Finishing her drink Nala replied, "Right let's go." Heading out the doorway we walked to the guild.

Making our way to the guild we went to talk with master Makarov, "Morning gramps, we're here to get the vase." I said. "Well good morning you two." said Makarov. "Morning Makarov." said Nala. "So I heard you guys had quite the adventure over this little trinket." he said. "It was nothing we couldn't handle." I said smiling at Nala. "Sure we had some trouble and a few differences before, but we managed to work it out and complete the job." said Nala. "Well not yet at least, you still need to return this to the client." said Makarov handing Nala the vase. "It's great to see you two working well together to overcome your problems, looks like you two being partners was the best thing to ever happen to you both." said Makarov with a big friendly smile. "It sure was." said Nala smiling at me. "Well gramps we better get going, no doubt Mr. Shigeru is worried sick about his vase." I said. "Well by all means go ahead and get going" said Makarov. "We'll be back after a while." I said walking towards the doorway. "Bye Makarov." said Nala.

As we both made our way to the doorway the doors were suddenly thrown open, "Alright which one of you fairy bastards stole my treasure!" said a big scarred man. All staring at the doorway the man struck the wall shattering it apart, "I'll ask again, which one of you assholes is Jay!?" Hearing the mans question I knew right away this was the man Jas had talked about, this was his boss, Kreig.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now