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Two years had passed since Jay left the guild, "left" was an understatement, "abandoned" seemed more accurate. After defeating Krieg two years ago he decided to leave Fairy Tail without a single explanation or a reason why. Once he started feeling better I decided to talk to him about a job request I found to help him get back on his feet. Looking around for him all over the guild I ended up at his apartment only to discover it empty, before leaving I noticed a letter on his night stand. The letter said he'd be leaving the guild and not to mention anything else to the others, especially Lucy. After reading the letter I tore it up in anger and frustration, but most of all sadness, and stormed out. Months passed after that day, feeling depressed I didn't visit the guild as often.

A few days later Lucy and Wendy stopped by to visit and see how I was doing, leading them into my room we sat around my bed. "Hey Nala, how are you doing?" asked Lucy. "Fine." I said softly. "It's been a while since you've been to the guild, we got a little worried so we thought we'd come and check on you." said Wendy. "I'm fine, just had a lot on my mind, so I figured I could use some alone time." I said looking down. Reading my reaction Lucy knew something was wrong with me, "What's really wrong?" she asked. "What do you mean?" I said. Sitting down next to me, "I can tell something's really bothering you." said Lucy, "your body language says it all." she said. Getting up from my bed, "I don't know what you're talking about." I said. "If something's wrong you can tell us." said Wendy. I began fighting back my tears, after a brief silence, "A lot's happened these last few years, but I never thought something like this would happen considering it was everything he always wanted." beginning to cry, "I just don't know what to do."

Rushing over to my side, "Hey, what's wrong?" said Lucy hugging me, "What happened?" she asked. "It's Jay, isn't it?" said Wendy. Turning to her, "How do you know?" I asked, "I thought I was the only one who knew." In a worried tone, "What happened with Jay?" said Lucy. "Well...Cana told me actually...she told me not to tell anyone else though but, I just didn't know what to do." said Wendy. In a sad voice, "He...he left the guild." she said. "What do you mean?" said Lucy, "why would he just leave...Fairy Tail meant everything to him." she said. "How did Cana know?" I asked. "She saw you leaving his apartment two years ago after his fight with Krieg." said Wendy, "she saw you running away crying, so she wanted to see if you were ok by asking Jay what happened, but when she got there the place was empty." said Wendy. "How did she find out about Jay then?" said Lucy. "Before she left she noticed pieces of paper on the floor, turns out it was a letter from him." said Wendy, "after reading it she knew what happened." she said. "You're saying he's been gone these last two years?" asked Lucy, "but I always thought he started traveling again, isn't that what you told everyone Nala, how could he be gone for so long without anyone noticing, we have to talk to master Makarov about this, he needs to know what happened, maybe he knows something." said Lucy.

Walking through the doorway, "I already asked him for information, but if you wanna go ahead and try your luck, then be my guest." said Cana taking a seat. Turning to Cana, "What did master Makarov say?" asked Lucy. "Well he didn't say much, just that he hasn't seen him around for a while now either." with a serious tone, "but, it's almost like there was something he didn't want me to know." said Cana, "I even tried asking Mira like always, but the same thing happened." she said. "Maybe they don't know about him yet?" said Wendy. Turning over to me, "If you knew about this all along why didn't you just say so instead of lying to us?" asked Lucy, "why would you say he started traveling again instead of him leaving the guild?" she said tearing up. "She had no choice, right Nala?" said Cana looking at me. "So lying's better than the truth?" said Lucy. "Jay told me not to tell anyone about it, he didn't want anyone going after him or worrying about his decision." wiping away my tears, "especially you Lucy, you meant everything to him, you're his only true friend, if it wasn't for the both of you you two wouldn't be where you are now, both of you would've never followed your dreams and join Fairy Tail." I said hugging her. "We should go and see what gramps knows, maybe he'll tell us something if we let him know what happen to Jay." I said.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now