Team Nala

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Lying on the ground all I could hear was Nala calling out to me to get back up. After taking hit by hit from Jas I was unable to fight back, "Seems you've grown weak in your old age after all this time fairy mage." said Jas. "Come on Jay get up, Nala's counting on you, you just have to pick yourself back up." I thought to myself. Struggling to get up I collapsed to the ground, "Try all you want but it's better to just stay down." said Jas. "Jay please, I can't do this without your help." said Nala. "I can't." I said trying to stand. Running up next to me Nala helped me to my feet, "Hang on Jay, just hold on a bit more, if we work together we can take him down." she said. "He gave me quite a beating, I don't know how much more I can take." I said wincing in pain. "You should know your limits, looks like your body can't take much more." said Jas with a devious laugh.

"As long as I have a job to finish I can't lay down and give up, no matter how bad I get or how much you've beaten me I won't stand down!" I said. "Hmph, big talk from someone who can't even stand on their own." he said. "Jay if you're not up to it I can try and take him on my own." said Nala. "No, I'm ok, I can still move, let's finish this together." Standing on my own I cracked my knuckles, "Let's show him how serious "Team Nala" can get!" I said. "Yeah, let's do this!" said Nala.

"Why do you insist on fighting, you know I'm just gonna beat you into the ground again, and you Nala, you might have been strong as the leader of "Burning Shadows" but now I'm also able to fight you on equal ground." said Jas. "We all have something on our shoulders, but we're not alone. It's because we have friends and people we care about that we can keep going, we can move forward." I said smiling at Nala. "Well aren't we profound" said Jas with a smug laugh, "but talk is cheap, just a useless trick to buy time for someone who knows he's finished." he said. "We'll see once we settle this." I said, "Now Nala!"

At that moment Nala attacked Jas with her Fire Typhoon, "Fire Typhoon!", distorting his vision. "Hmph, cheap shots like that won't work on me." said Jas. Countering the attack with his Sand Blast, "Sand Blast!", Jas fanned out the flames. "Still up to the same tricks I see?" said Jas. "Something like that." said Nala. Attacking Jas with her Fire Bullet, "Fire Bullet", Jas was hit dead centered. "Well your magic has gotten a bit stronger I'll give you that." said Jas. "Well thank you." said Nala. "But not strong enough!" In an instant Jas attacked with his Sand Slash, "Sand Slash", knocking Nala down, hit after hit unable to counter or defend Jas kept attacking.

After a while Jas was just about finished when he suddenly realized something, "Wait a minute..." he said, stoping for a second, "Something's definitely off..." he said. Searching the area listening to the emptiness Jas figured it out. "Alright, where is he!?" said Jas, "Come out fairy mage, I know you're hiding somewhere!" he said. "So that was the plan all along was it, have your little girlfriend distract me so you can sneak up on me?" said Jas. "Worked though didn't it?" said Nala. "Not as you expected." said Jas.

Coming out from his shadow I felt the hard grip of his hand around my neck, with a devious smile he turned to me, "Well well, the old sneak attack from the shadow trick huh?" he said. "Boy that would have really worked if it hadn't been for the fact that I've seen that same move before, isn't that right Nala?" said Jas. "Tch! You're just like before thinking you know everything." said Nala. Tightening his grip Jas asked, "So what next fairy mage, any ideas on how to escape before I finish you off?" he said. Gasping for air I replied, "Sorry...fresh out...of ideas." I said, "but how's this!" Grabbing his arm I pulled myself back as I bit down hard on his hand. "Ah! You bastard, don't you have any self decency, only an animal would stoop so low as to do something like that." said Jas.

Rubbing my neck I said, "Say what you want, but if it's an animal you want to see then I'll be happy to oblige." I said, readying for my attack a took a deep inhale. "What are you doing, there's no way you're gonna do what I think I'm thinking!?" With a deep sharp exhale I let out my Shadow Dragon's Roar, "Shadow Dragon's Roar!", sending Jas flying into a line of trees. "Hope you got what you asked for?" I said cracking my neck with a smirk. Walking over to Nala I reached out my hand towards her, "Let me help you up." I said. "Jay that was incredible, what was that?" said Nala. "That, that's just a Shadow Dragon's Roar courtesy of the Shadow Dragon Slayer himself, no big deal." I said pulling her up.

"I've heard rumors of Dragon Slayer Magic before but I never thought I'd see it up close and personal." she said dusting herself off, "What other kinds of magic can you do?" she asked. smiling at her I answered, "Well it wouldn't be much fun if everyone knew now right, isn't part of the fun in the mystery?" I said. "Well since we're a team you're gonna have to tell me sooner or later." she said.

Wrapping my arm around her I said, "Tell you what, I'll think about it, fair enough?" I said. "Fine, fair enough." she said. "Now come on let's see where Jas went so we can get some answers." I said. "Right." said Nala. Arriving at a mound of broken trees we walked up to Jas. "So Jas-boy, are we gonna get some answers to our questions or would you like another shot of my Dragon's Roar?" I asked. Coughing and groaning Jas replied, "Go to hell." he said. "Ooh, not what I was hoping to hear, but tell you what, I'm feeling a bit creative right now, how do feel about fire and lightning?" I said. "No no I'll talk I'll talk, I'll tell you everything!" said Jas. "Spill it Jas." said Nala.

"Fine, what do you wanna know?" he asked. "Where's the vase?" I said. "It's back at the hide out just outside Magnolia." he answered. "Why hide it somewhere far away?" said Nala. "Would you keep it somewhere so close to the scene of the crime?" he said. "Alight, last question, who took it and why take it in the first place?" I said. "My boss like shiny and expensive things what can I say." he replied, "Quit playing and get on with it." I said. "His name's Krieg, real tough bandit boss known for his brutality, if you think you can take him don't even try, guy's crazy, he's beaten some of his own men nearly half to death just for the fun of it." he said.

"Well he sure sounds like a bad guy," I said getting up, "this is kind of exciting isn't it, I'm getting goosebumps." As Nala and I headed back to Magnolia to look for the hide out Jas yelled at us, "You're a goner if you think you can take him, don't push your luck Jay or you'll be sorry!" he said. "I'm sure I'll be fine, I hope we see each other again Jas but then again you know that'll just mean trouble for you right?" I said waving behind me. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" yelled Jas.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now