Moment Of Truth

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Weeks of training with Rufus and Sting took its toll on me, becoming harder and harder. Apart from learning to control and master Memory Make, I had to fight against members of Sabertooth to help improve my fighting ability. I had trained enough to become decent to handle myself in a battle, but sparring against Rogue was a completely different story, a complete mystery to me living up to his name, Shadow Dragon Slayer. Rouge was a bit different, although he was on the same fighting level as Sting, for some reason he seemed stronger.

I was training with Rouge one day as part of my training, I was suppose to be able to learn his Shadow Dragon's Slash, one of his basic attacks. The magic training went well, but when it came to the physical training, that's where things changed. We started out with a bang remembering Stings' White Dragon Punch I was able to get in a few hits.

Rouge came back strong using his Shadow Dragon's Slash I took hit after hit but remained on my feet. Remembering the training from earlier and watching Rouges' Shadow Dragon's Slash, I copied his attack and gained equal ground. Things were going easy when all of a sudden, he just disappeared. I was flustered and didn't know what to expect. I kept my focus and concentrated on my surroundings as I heard Rufus, "Not to take the excitement out if this fight but, You might want to watch yourself Jay although Rouge is a great fighter, he can be a tricky one." At that moment Rouge appeared from behind me as he attacked me, "Shadow Dragon's Slash!" I fell to the ground.

As I got back on my feet all I could think was, "How did he sneak up on me, I was completely focused on my surroundings?" I brushed the dust off of me, " How did you do that? I was sure I was concentrating." He let out a chuckle, "Well not to give away any fighting secrets but there are perks to being a Shadow Dragon Slayer." "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. "Well not to get too specific or anything but, I'm able to hide in the shadows which is how I snuck up on you. While you tried hitting me, after I dodged your attack, I hid in your shadow and waited to make my move." I was impressed and said with a smug chuckle, "Well that's some trick, could prove useful if you can teach me it?" He smiled at me and said, "If you think it'll help you against me in another fight, I'd be more than happy to." The next day me and rogue decided to spar again, after he taught me his shadow trick I was sure enough I'd be able to beat him this time or at least come close to it. We started off like last time, I charged at him with a White Dragon Punch but he blocked and countered me with his Shadow Dragon's Slash as he attacked he hit me a second time with a powerful punch, I fell to the ground. "Well looks like even with all that training and my little trick you still can't beat me." Said Rouge as he walked away from me.

A moment later I heard Rufus say with a chuckle, "I wouldn't be so sure this fight is over rouge, looks like Jay might still have one last trick up his sleeve." Rouge turned around in a shock to see I wasn't down for the count. "Running away so soon, or are you just hiding?" Said Rouge. "I'd be concentrating if I were you Rouge, the slightest mistake and I could get the drop on you." I said with a sly laugh. "Like that can happen, don't be so sure of yourself Jay your nothing but a beginner. It'll take years before you can match my strength and ability." Said Rouge. At that moment I emerged from behind his shadow and struck him with a Shadow Dragon's Slash attack. As I hit rouge he, fell to his knees. As he coughed he said, "Clever move, making me think you were done for, very cunning." As I helped him back on his feet I said, "What can I say, I learned from the best."

With a smile Rouge responded, "Indeed you have. Looks like you're finally ready to start your way to becoming a famous wizard." Rufus approached us clapping his hands, "Well well, looks like I've...I mean we have taught you well Jay, not only have you learned my magic, but it seems your little sessions with Sting and Rouge have made you into quite a fighter." I smiled happily and said, "Well it looks like I did. Thank you guy's for everything I couldn't have done any of this without you and the guilds help. But most of all I really want to thank you Rufus if it wasn't for you and your magic I would have rotted away living a boring life knowing I broke a promise I made years ago." "Well none the less, what do you intend to do now?" Said Rufus. "Starting tomorrow I plan to finally fulfill my dream and keep my promise and live my life to the fullest." I said. "Well just know that if you ever want to join Sabertooth I'm sure you'd be more than welcomed to, after all you've proven yourself these last couple of weeks and I'm sure you've shown your worth to master Jiemma." Said Rufus. "Well as much as I appreciate the offer, I'm going to have to refuse. I made a promise to a special someone and I intend to keep it." Rufus said, "Well the offer always stands if you change your mind I'm sure Rouge and Sting will enjoy having someone new to spar with besides us." Rouge put his hand on my shoulder and with a smile said, "Sure would be nice having a new face around here, things tend to get boring every now and then, with someone new here it could be a nice change of pace." I smiled at Rouge, "I wish I could but starting tomorrow I'm going to fulfill my dream." "I understand." Said Rouge. "Well enough of with the heartfelt moment what say we go back to the guild and have a round of drinks." Said Rufus. "Sounds like a plan." I said. "Let's go." Said Rouge.

The next day I left Sabertooth and made my way back to Fairy Tail, after much training and learning Memory Make, I was finally happy to join Fairy Tail. I returned to the guild to meet up with Macao, as I walked in to the guild I was met with a smile and drink from Macao. "Looks like it's time for that drink now, right Jay?" I took the drink and made a toast, "it's finally time Macao, I'm ready to join Fairy Tail." As we cheered we both took a drink from our mugs. "Well it's not much but having you at the guild should help make things better, a nice change of pace and a new face around here should be good for everyone." "Good or bad, either way I made a promise to Lucy and I plan on keeping it." Macao smiled as he took another drink, "Well then as current guild master I welcome you to Fairy Tail all that's left now is your guild mark, so where would you like it on?" I took another sip from my drink, "I'd like it on my right hand." With a surprised look Macao said, "Well either it's a lucky guess or just a coincidence but that's also where Lucy has her guild mark." I smiled and said, "Well maybe it was just coincidence." After I received my guild mark Macao and I got another drink and cheered, "To new people and to Fairy Tail." I cheered, "To Fairy Tail."

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now