The Apology

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Finishing up the caravan job I made my way back to Magnolia, after a long travel back and the run in with Nala, I decided to stay home and relax for the day. I started the day off around noon pouring myself a drink, a heavy bitter feel surrounded the room, the thought of the moment between me and Lucy was the only thing running through my head. Remembering the old mans advice I knew I had to make things right, the expression on Lucy's face that day meant I had to fix things or risk ruining my only friendship. Finishing up my drink I looked down at my guild mark, "But that's what friends are for, they talk about their problems with each other no matter what and try their best to help." Lucy's words griped around my heart, "or do you not see me as your friend anymore?" The air around the room became tense sendings chills over me, snapping out of it I grabbed my jacket and made my way to the guild.

Walking in the doorway I looked around for Lucy, searching left and right she was nowhere in sight. Spotting Erza at a table I made my way to her to ask about Lucy, sitting down at the table I was greeted, "Good afternoon Jay." she said. "Hey Erza, listen I was just wondering, have you seen Lucy around I really have to talk to her." I said. "I haven't seen her around the guild for a few days." she said. "Do you know if maybe she's out on a mission or something?" I asked. "Well, now that I think about it she did seem upset the day before, maybe she decided to stay home for a bit." she said. "Did she say anything about why she was upset?" I said. "She mentioned talking to you about something that happened the day before but that you had to leave for a job soon." she said. "Did she say anything else?" I said. "Just that, but she looked as if she'd been crying after you left, did something happen before you left?" she asked.

With a sad worried look on my face I said, "I might have screwed things up between us, she came to me the day after I was in a bad situation for answers but I pushed her away wanting to leave the town for a chance to clear my head." Erza remained quiet for a second, "It's none of my business to ask about your personal life if you like but, if you want my advice go to her and put things back in place, a friend like Lucy is one in a million, don't let things end the way they are or sooner or later one of you will make a mistake you'll both regret." she said. "You're right, I have to make things right, after all Lucy's the main reason I was able to join Fairy Tail, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here today." I said looking at my guild mark. Getting up from the table I thanked Erza, "I have to go apologize to her, thanks for everything Erza." I said. "Happy to be of help." she said. Walking out of the doorway I head to Lucy's apartment to apologize.

Arriving at Lucy's apartment I knocked on the door waiting for an answer, but nothing. I knocked again, but still no answer. I waited for a few more minutes, then I shouted at the window, "Lucy open up, it's me Jay!" but still nothing. "Lucy!" I shouted. Fearing she didn't want to see me anymore I shouted, "Lucy please open up I came to apologize, I know I acted like an idiot before but that's just how I am, I've never had a situation like that happen before so I didn't know what to do, I'm sorry for acting so stupid please open up." nothing, "I know I can be a terrible friend sometimes but I don't want to lose someone like you, you're an amazing friend and I'm lucky just to have you in my life, you're the one who kept me going in life when things were bad, if it wasn't for you and the promise we made I would never have been able to join Fairy Tail, please I'm sorry." I shouted, but no response. Giving up I fell to my knees, "I lost you once, I don't want to lose you again." I said, "Not again."

"You sure can be an idiot sometimes, but you're my idiot." said a voice from behind. I got up and turned around to see Lucy with tears in her eyes, "Lucy, I thought maybe you didn't want to talk to me anymore, what are you doing out here?" I said surprised. As she ran up to hug me she said, "I was out for a walk trying to clear my head." she said. "How much did you hear?" I said. "Everything, and don't worry you won't lose me again I promise, I forgive you." she said. "I promise I'll try to be more understanding, if I ever need some to talk to whenever something happens I promise I'll come talk to you." I said. "That's all I wanted to hear." she said wiping away her tears. "Come on let's go inside and you can tell me all about your last job." she said opening the door. As I smiled at her I said with a small laugh, "You will not believe what happened to me on the way." I said heading inside.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now