New Arrival

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After apologizing to Lucy my mind was a bit more at ease, knowing deep inside I still had to deal with the situation between me and Juvia, I tried my best not to think about it spending more time with everyone and taking job requests every now and then. Outside of Magnolia I began my daily training, it was a nice sunny day out I decided I could use some fresh air to keep me busy.

Training as usual I worked out for a bit to stay fit and focused, after finishing up my work out I relaxed for a while as I began my meditation. After a moment of silence I heard a noise approach me, "Who's there!?" I said in an instant. "It's me Lucy, sorry to surprise you so suddenly." she said. "Sorry, force of habit, I'm out here by myself so you can never be too sure, ya know?" I said. "Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked. As she made her way next to me she said, "I was looking for you back at the guild earlier but I couldn't find you." she said sitting down next to me, "I asked around till Mira told me where I might be able to find you." she said, "A better question is why are you out here all by yourself?" she asked.

"This is where I come to train." I said. "Are you the only one out here?" said Lucy. "As far as I can tell." I answered. "Why don't you ask someone from the guild to come keep you company, I'm sure they can also help you train." said Lucy. "I don't mind the quiet it helps me concentrate, plus I'm not really good around other people, I've been alone for so long growing up I've gotten used to keeping to myself." I said. "Well you have me, maybe next time I could come along and keep you company." said Lucy. "Sure thing." I said with a smile.

"Oh, before I forget, there was some weird girl asking for you back at the guild." she said, "Said she was a friend of yours and wanted to see you." said Lucy. "A friend, who was it?" I asked. "She wouldn't say, all she said was she knew you and wanted to surprise you." Lucy answered. "Well why don't we head back and see who it is then?" I said helping her up. "Ok, let's go." she said. Once we got back to the guild I looked around for the mysterious girl Lucy was talking about, "Do you see her anywhere?" I asked. "I can't find her, maybe she decided to leave after all." said Lucy. At that moment I heard Erza calling me, "Jay, would you mind coming over here please?" she said. "Sure, be right there." I said. "Hey Lucy why don't you keep looking around, I gotta go talk to Erza." I said. "Sure, go ahead I'll catch up with you if I find her." she said.

As I walked up to Erza I was greeted by master Makarov, "Good morning Jay." he said. "Oh, master Makarov I didn't see you there, how are you doing?" I said. "We were actually looking for you." he said. "It seems there's someone here asking for you." said Erza. "Me and Lucy are actually looking for her, she told me about her earlier so I came here to see who it was." I said. At that moment I felt a tap from behind me, "Still as clueless as ever I see?" said a familiar voice. As I turned around I was surprised to see a familiar face, "Nala? What are you doing here?" I asked surprisingly. "So it seems you two know each other already?" said Erza. "We met on a job before but that's all." I said. "Well it looks like you two are already getting along." said Makarov, "At least now you'll feel right at home, right Nala?" Surprised I said, "Wait you mean..." Clapping in excitement with a smile Nala said, "That's right buddy boy, I'm now an official Fairy Tail wizard." she said showing me her guild mark. "You're kidding me, right?" I said to Makarov. With an angry look from Nala I was punched in the back of the head, "What's that suppose to mean you idiot, don't think I'm cut out to be a member of Fairy Tail is that it!?" she said. "I didn't say that, I was just surprised by the news." I said rubbing my head. "That's right as of now Nala here is one of our newest wizards." said Makarov. "Well it seems like you two will get along just fine." said Erza with a smile.

At that moment Lucy walked up to join us, "Hey Jay, I couldn't find the weird girl from before, any luck?" she said. "Who you calling weird?" said Nala. "I..I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it." said Lucy embarrassingly. "Lucy, this is Nala the girl I told you about before." I said. "Nice to meet you blondie." said Nala. "Wait, this is the bandit leader you were talking about?" said Lucy with a scared expression. "Don't worry girly my bandit days are over, thanks to icebrain over here." said Nala with an annoyed look towards me. "Anyways, according to master Makarov, it looks like Nala's now a new member of Fairy Tail." I said. "That's right!" said Nala with a thumbs up. "Well it's nice to meet you Nala I'm sure you'll be a great addition to the guild." said Lucy.

"Sure am considering I already got myself a strong partner here." said Nala hugging me. "Wait, what!? I said surprised. "Well well, first day here and looks like you've got yourself quite the partner." said Makarov drinking from his mug. "Looks like you finally got someone to give you a hand." said Erza, "I expect you two will work great together." she said. "I don't think this is a good idea." I said, "Besides, I've always worked better on my own anyways." Finishing his drink Makarov replied, "Well now that you've got yourself a new partner, you can start working together as a team." he said. "I say go with it, I mean it wouldn't hurt to have someone help you out every once and a while right?" said Lucy. "You hear that, even blondie agrees we'll be a great team." said Nala. With a sad sigh I said, "Guess I don't have any other choice then do I?"

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now