The Encounter

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Telling Makarov about Hiroshi's plan to return in a couple of days our only choice was to be on the look out the next few days. Hearing about Hiroshi's "ability" master Makarov thought it would be best to expand my team, having Natsu, Gray, Mira, Erza, and Gajeel should help our search, and fighting chances if it came down to it. Everyday was the same, me, Cana, Lucy, and Wendy would walk around town keeping an eye out for Hiroshi or anyone looking suspicious, the rest of the team did the same splitting up and searching the town. Two days had passed without a single sighting from Cromwell, "Was Hiroshi really coming back or did he just say what I wanted to hear?" I thought to myself.

Surveying the town we heard a commotion coming from the guilds direction, "What's going on, could it be Cromwell?" I thought. Seeing people running away in panic we knew something had to be wrong, rushing in the direction of the guild we could hear fear in the people's voice something bad was definitely happening, stopping one of the towns people we had to figure out what was going on, "What's happening? Why is everyone running?" I asked. "A group of mercenaries began attacking the town, the best thing we could do wass run away before any of us could get hurt!" said the man in fear. "Cromwell! Looks like they're finally here." I said clenching my fist. "Did any of them mention where they might be headed!?" said Cana.

Shaking his head the man begun running away, "I'm sorry, I don't want to get caught up in something out of my league!" said the man. "Hey, wait...." said Cana. "Let him go!" said Erza, "It's Warren, looks like he has some information for us, go ahead Warren." Hearing Warren's voice he informed us on the situation, "Guy's looks like the group that's attacking is in fact Cromwell, they began attacking the town taking out anything in their way but we still haven't been able to figure out why they're here." he said. "Have we found out where they might be headed?" asked Erza. "Well, the way things are going and depending how crazy they might be I'd say they're heading towards the guild." said Warren. "What do they plan to accomplish by doing that?" said Erza questioningly. "Warren! Have we gotten any news on Hiroshi?" I asked, "Is he here? Is he with the attacking group?" I said. "We've picked up on his location but..." said Warren. "What is it?" I said. "We lost track of him a few minutes after the attack started." said Warren. "What was his last location?" I said. "A few miles east of you." said Warren. "Got it." I said running off. "Nala, wait!" yelled Erza.

Without a moment to lose I turned a corner disappearing towards Hiroshi's location. "Cana, Lucy, Wendy, follow her, make sure she doesn't do anything reckless!" said Erza. "Got it, let's go guys!" said Cana. "The rest of you come with me, we have to go and stop Cromwell before they get to the guild." said Erza as she and the rest headed out. Running through the town hate clouding my mind I knocked over people in my way without hesitation, "Nala!" yelled Lucy from behind, "Hey Nala! What the hell's wrong with you!?" yelled Cana, ignoring them both I ran even faster approaching Hiroshi's whereabouts. Arriving at a narrow alleyway it was nothing but a dead end with no one in sight, "No!" I yelled punching the wall next to me, "Warren tell me you've found Hiroshi's location!" I said placing my finger on my head. Without an answer, "Warren!" I yelled, still no response, "Dammit! Guess I'm on my own." I said.

Turning around to continue my search I suddenly saw a hooded figure peeking out from the side of the building, catching a quick glimpse I couldn't believe what I was seeing, "Jay?" I said. Surprised the figure began running away, knowing very well I wasn't mistaken I chased after it. "Wait, come back!" I cried out. Following close on his heels the figure turned a corner, "I known I'm not seeing things, that's definitely Jay." Turning the corner the figure hit a dead end, frantically searching left and right for a way out I called out to it, "I know what I saw was real, it's really you..isn't it..Jay?" Standing still the figure remained silent, stepping in closer to it, "I knew this was bound to happen sooner or later but, I didn't expect it to be so soon, guess I've got no choice then now do I..." taking the hood off, "right Nala?" said the figure. Tearing up I couldn't believe my eyes, "Jay!" running into his arms once more I began to cry, "I was so worried, I've missed you so much!" I said. "What are you talking about, why are you crying?" he asked. Happily I answered, "What do you mean you dummy? You're finally back, everybody including me was so worried something bad might have happened to you but now you're finally here." I said. "Look, I'm sorry but, I think you might have me confused with someone else." said Jay. Slowly stepping back, "What do you mean?" I said examining him from top to bottom. "Well well, looks like dear Romeo and sweet Juliet have finally been reunited after such a long time, alas I forget the last time my heart felt such sweet pity."

Turning around in an instant seeing none other than Hiroshi walking towards us my blood began to boil. "You! I've finally found you, what did you do!?" I said to Hiroshi. "Why, whatever do you mean, I haven't done a single thing yet I just arrived into town looking for my first in command." said Hiroshi sitting cross legged on a crate. "Don't play dumb with me, what did you do to Jay, why is he acting this way?" I asked. Placing his sword on his lap, "You know, memory can be a very interesting thing, lots of variables can affect the mind varying from simple memory loss due to a sharp blow to the old cranium, to a sudden case of amnesia brought on from a horrifying or life altering experience." said Hiroshi blowing dust off his sword, "now on which of these two might be the answer I'll let you decide, but of course only two of us now the right one." said Hiroshi with a devilish grin. "What did you do to him!?" I yelled to Hiroshi. "Why not ask him yourself, I'm sure you're quite eager to find out some answers yourself after all these years?" said Hiroshi laying back, "don't mind me I'm sure you two have plenty to catch up on, just pretend I'm not here." said Hiroshi with a yawn. "This guy, he gets on my nerve more and more each time I see him." I thought gritting my teeth.

Turning to Jay, "What's really going on Jay, what did you mean when you said I had you confused for someone else, you are Jay Hisoka right?" I asked. "My name is Jay but I can't remember who you are." he said. "What do you mean you can't remember me, you know my name well enough to know who I am." I said, "just stop please, quit messing around I'm not in the mood for this right now." I said trembling, "what did he do to you!?" I yelled. Looking at me for a second, "Look, all I know is my name is Jay Hisoka and I'm a part of Cromwell, whatever differences you have with Hiroshi are between you and him but if you keep acting hostile towards him I will step in, he is my guild master after all, he's the one who took me in when I was out wondering around, the reason I know who you are is because for as long as I can remember I've kept having these memories of someone named Nala that I couldn't explain." he said. "That's not true you belong to us, to me, you're a part of Fairy Tail you have been and always will be, if you need any proof just look at your hand and see for yourself!" I said. "And see a horrible reminder of the guild who would forsaken me without taking me back in after what I did!?" Yelled Jay. "What are you talking about, we'd never do anything like that." I said. "I had no choice it was the only way, it was either his life or mine I did what I had to do!" he yelled.

Falling over to his knees, "It was either him or me, him or me, him or me!" screamed Jay, "I can still see it now, so much, everywhere, so much, I didn't have a choice." he said shaking his head. "My my, seems to me like he's having another one of his episodes." said Hiroshi climbing off the crate. Horrified I grabbed Hiroshi, "What did you do to him!?" I yelled. "I didn't do anything." said Hiroshi, "he's been like this for a while now." he said looking at Jay, "I know I'm the bad guy and at fault here but I'm only trying to help him." said Hiroshi sounding concerned. "What do you mean? Why are you trying to help him?" I asked. Taking my hands off of him, "Do you believe people deserve a second chance?" said Hiroshi. "Why are you asking me that?" I said. "Hmm, well if you'll indulge me for a bit I'd like to tell you a little story about certain events leading up to a bitter end." he said, "I will warn you though it is not for the faint of heart." he said fixing his sword around his waist, "so, what do you say?" asked Hiroshi. Looking at Jay my heart began to ache, "I promise everything will make sense soon enough." he said. "Fine, I'll listen." I said clutching my chest.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now