Friendly Match

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Arriving outside of Magnolia Nala and I prepared for our training session, running into Lucy and the rest of the team along the way, they decided to tag along and see us train. "Ready to start?" I asked Nala stretching out. "Been ready, just waiting on you buddy." she said with a smirk. "Good luck Jay!" said Lucy. "Come on Nala really give it to him!" said Natsu. "Aye sir!" said Happy. "Good luck to both of you!" said Erza. "What she said!" said Gray. "Well then lets go!" I said as I rushed towards Nala, starting off the match I attacked with my fire bullet, "Fire Bullet!", but was blocked with Nala's Guard Shadow, "Guard Shadow!" After her successful block she countered with a Shadow Knuckle attack, "Shadow knuckle!", as she hit me dead center on my chest.

Catching my breath for a minute I heard Nala, "Are you even trying, cause this seems a little too easy, what happen to all that ambition on the day we met?" From the side I heard the rest of the group, "Come on Jay get in there!" said Natsu. "Aye!" said Happy. "Weren't you two just cheering for Nala?!" said Gray. "Keep it up Jay!" said Erza. Getting back on my feet I caught my breath, "Don't worry I'm just warming up." I said with a smug smile. In a quick flash I attacked with a Fire Whip, "Fire Whip!", hitting Nala in an instant. Continuing the attack I attacked again with a Fire Typhoon, "Fire Typhoon!", successfully surrounding Nala in flames. As the group cheered from the side the flames cleared away but Nala was nowhere in sight, "Where'd she go?!" said Lucy. "Wow impressive!" said Natsu. "Wow she's really something!" said Happy. "Not bad!" said Gray. "Well looks like Nala can really hold her own!" said Erza. "Where could she have gone?" I thought to myself.

Looking around I kept my guard up keeping my focus, then I remembered my fight with Rouge, "Wait I know what she did she hid in the shadows before my last attack hit her." I said, "I thought only me and Rouge were the ones who could do that, I just have to keep focused and try and guess where she comes from." I said. In that moment I heard Nala, "Shadow Form!", hearing her emerge from my left side I quickly doged her Fire Bullet, "Fire Bullet!" With the successful doge I countered with a White Dragon Punch, "White Dragon Punch!", but was blocked. "Ha, gotta do better then that!" said Nala. In an instant I countered with my Shadow Dragon's Slash, "Shadow Dragon's Slash!", knocking Nala down, after hitting the ground she was down for the count.

Helping Nala up I reached out my hand, "So, how was that, same as the day we met?" I said. "Yeah, yeah, you got lucky I'll give you that." she said pulling herself up. "Just don't let it go to your head." she said smiling. "How about I buy you a drink back at the guild, will that help?" I asked. With a laugh she replied, "It's a start." The group cheered from the side, "Woo! Way to go Jay!" said Natsu. "Impressive!" said Erza. "Way to go!" said Gray. "I knew you could do it!" said Happy. "You were great Jay!" said Lucy. Making our way back to the group Natsu ran up to me, "Why didn't you say you can do Dragon Slayer Magic, where'd you learn to do that?" he asked. "I learned from Sting and Rouge back at Sabertooth." I answered. "That explains it." he said, "When did you learn from them?" he said. "It was a while back when I was searching for Rufus so I could learn his magic, one of the training sessions was to master Memory Make by learning to copy other people's magic." I said.

"Well that was really something." said Erza. "That was quite a show." said Gray. "Nala did her best too, that was some great fighting." said Lucy. "You were amazing out there Nala." said Happy. "Thanks blondie, and you too cat." said Nala. "It's really quite amazing being able to do two different types of magic, now that's something." said Erza. "Thanks red." said Nala. "You know after that match I really got thirsty all of a sudden, how about we go back to the guild and have some drinks, I'm buying." I said. Lucy and the rest laughed as we made our way back to the guild, walking next to me Nala said, "Looks like I still need a lot more training if I want to become as strong as you." Pulling her in for a hug I said, "You'll get there someday, you're already halfway there." We both smiled at each other as we walked back to town.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now