"When Do We Start?"

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Considering the news from before I didn't know what to think, Nala, ex-leader of the bandit group, "Burning Shadows", had become the newest member at Fairy Tail. Deciding she wanted to be a team I didn't know what to do or think, I wasn't saying we wouldn't work well together or be able to relay on one another, it was just being on my own depending on myself for quite a while I didn't know how I'd be able to handle the situation.

The morning started off with the sun rising from the horizon, too lazy to wake up early in the mornings I stayed a sleep for a few more hours. Hearing soft noises around the room I ignored them thinking it might've been nothing, a few minutes later I heard the noises again. Before I got up to check out what could've been making the noise, I was awoken by a voice, "Get up lazy bones I'm starving!" Surprised by the voice I shot up from my bed, "Nala?! What are you doing here, how'd you get in?" I asked. "I used the front door." she said. "It was locked, how'd you even get in here?" I said. "Duh, I was a bandit you know." she answered. "What's that suppose to mean?" I said. "Uhh..never mind lets just leave it at that." she said with a nervous laugh. "Anyways, up and at 'em dummy I'm hungry, whatchu got to eat around here?" she said heading into the kitchen, I couldn't believe what was happening.

Getting out of bed I poured myself a drink, "How did you even find out where I live?" I asked. From the kitchen I heard, "I asked around the guild, then Mira told me." said Nala. Taking a sip from my drink I sighed, "Of course." Coming back from the kitchen food in hand Nala took a seat at the table, "So what we doing today?" she said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "It's the first day of "Team Nala" we gotta do something to celebrate." she said, "We could take a job request and collect our reward or we can go on a job request and get a reward."

Sitting down in my chair I said, "First of all, you just said the same thing which tells me you must really want to make some money, and second, we are not calling ourselves "Team Nala", and even If we did why does your name get to be first?" I said. Taking a bite from a sandwich she said, "Well I just want to do something to commemorate my first official day as a Fairy Tail wizard, plus I'm the one who put this team together so my name should be first." she said. With an exhale I said, "You know what I'm not even gonna argue about this, I'm not even planning on doing anything today so do what you want but leave me out of it." I said finishing my drink heading back into bed.

"Oh come on you drunk you can't really be this boring can you, we gotta do something together." said Nala. "Go, away. I just wanna go back to sleep." I said covering up my head. "Fine then, doesn't matter what we do as long as we're together." said Nala lying down next to me. Shocked and surprised I got up as quick as possible, "What are you doing!?" I said, "Don't you have anything better to do?" Getting up from the bed she replied, "What do you think I'm doing, I keep trying to tell you we should go do something but you're been too much of a downer." she said. With a sharp exhale I said, "You're not gonna let this go are ya?" With a smug smile she replied, "Nope." Taking a bite from a sandwich on the table I said, "Fine, lets stop by the guild then take it from there." I said. "Ha ha, finally!" said Nala, "After you my good sir." she said as we made our way out the door.

Once we got to the guild I headed to the bar, "Go look around for a bit or something I'll join you in a sec." I said. "Fine just make sure you don't get too drunk." she said. "Ha, ha." I said sarcastically. Sitting on the barstool I was greeted by Mira, "Good morning Jay, wow what a surprise you're never here this early, what can I get you?" she said. "Morning Mira, yeah well I had myself a wake up clock this morning." I said annoyed, "I'll take the usual." I said. "Sure thing, coming right up." said Mira happily. As I waited for my drink, Nala came back to me, "Find anything yet?" I asked. "No, none of the jobs were good enough." she said with a sad look. "You mean none of them had a good enough reward." I said.

"Well can you blame a girl for trying." she said. "Here you go, enjoy." said Mira serving me my drink. "Thanks." I said. "Good morning Nala, can I get you anything?" said Mira. "Hey, no thanks I'm good." said Nala. "Well if you change your mind just let me know." said Mira. "Sure thing." said Nala. Finishing my drink I said, "Well if there aren't any jobs that you want, what do you want to do then?" I asked. With a small sigh Nala said, "I don't know maybe you were right, maybe we should just call it a lazy day, not a good day to start off "Team Nala" she said.

"Well we could do some training, couldn't hurt right?" I said. With new found hope Nala replied, "Yeah, lets do that maybe now you can really show me what you're made of." she said. "You don't have to be so competitive it's just training." I said. "Speak for yourself I want to settle things from before." she said. "What are you taking about?" I asked. "The first time we met didn't end in a win for any of us, now that I got the chance to fight you again we'll see who's the strongest." she said. "If that's what you want then fine, let's give it a shot." I said. With a smug smile Nala said, "Hmph, when do we start?"

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now