Conquest? (Extra #1)

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It was another regular day at the guild as everyone enjoyed some time off from job requests and whatever else they did to fill their time. Lively chatter filled the guild hall as everyone drank and talked to fellow friends, at a nearby table an unlikely group gathered talking amongst themselves, "So, how you guys doing today?" asked Jellal. "Like you even gotta ask." said Laxus, "better yet, what are you doing here anyways, last I heard weren't you traveling around Fiore with your little after school club or something?" he said. "Don't be so hard on the guy Laxus I'm sure there's a pretty good reason why he's here, right Jellal?" said Elfman. "Actually the real question is, why are we even here talking to each other, this is the first time we've ever even been together let alone talk to each other like "good" friends." said Laxus. "Just stick to the script will you I'm sure the writer has a perfectly good reason why he lumped us together." said Jellal. "Whatever just get on with it." said Laxus sipping his drink. "Anyways, well Elfman I'm glad you asked, the reason I'm in Magnolia, besides story setting, is because Erza actually invited me here, seems like she was a bit "lonely" and wanted some company if you catch my meaning." said Jellal with a wink. "More like she forced you to come here so she can emasculate you again, am I right Elfman?" asked Laxus laughing. "Bite me Laxus you know I'm really the one giving it to her." said Jellal, "I wish the same could be said for you but from what Erza tells me it seems Mira's the real "provider" between you two." he said drinking his mug. "You picking a fight with me Mrs. Scarlet!?" said Laxus slamming the table. "Bring it on Mrs. Strauss I've got no problem taking you on, after I'm done with you Mira won't be the only one with a pretty little girlfriend." said Jellal. "Why you no good cocky bastard!" yelled Laxus getting up from his chair, "Whoa, whoa, whoa fellas simmer down, talk about chivalry but come on a real man wouldn't stoop so low as to rush into things so hot blooded, take me for example I bet I'm the only real man between the two of you who isn't reduced to the role of a housewife." said Elfman with a big hardy laugh.

Looking at each other for a second, "Hey Evergreen, what brings you to the table?" said Laxus. Suddenly turning around, "Ever, I...I...I didn't mean anything by it you gotta believe me...I...I was just joking around with the guys, please don't get mad at me, I'm sorry!" said Elfman frantically stuttering. "Some man you are you big baby." said Laxus laughing. "Why you bastard!" said Elfman attacking Laxus. "Don't think I forgot about you Laxus!" said Jellal jumping into the fight. As the three mages continued fighting, at a nearby table another mismatched pair talked with one another. "What a bunch of idiots." sighed Evergreen. "I think it's cute, a little rough housing to blow off some steam seems like a fun idea, after all boys will be boys." said Mira smiling. "I'm surprised to see Jellal so energetic after yesterday." said Erza drinking from her cup. "Oh, and what's that supposed to mean?" asked Evergreen. "Did you two end up having a little "reunion" after so much time apart?" she said with a smirk. "You could say that, of course after such a long time I had to let him know I'm the only one he belongs to." said Erza. "Figures you'd be the one taking control, not only are you strong on the battlefield but it seems elsewhere too." said Evergreen. "Well armor isn't the only thing I can requip I'll say that much, makes things much more exciting." said Erza. "What about you Mira, from what I can tell it seems you also have Laxus wrapped around your finger." asked Evergreen. "Well he's not the only "Lightning Dragon Slayer" if you know what I mean, Laxus knows that well enough." said Mira with a small laugh. "That actually scares me." said Evergreen worried. "And you Evergreen, I assume you take good care of Elfman seeing as how he acts." said Mira. "Well he may be big and strong but he knows not to make me mad or get on my bad side without regretting it." said Evergreen. "So, tell me Erza, seeing as how he acts around you I'm guessing "Mrs. Scarlet" is quite the happy man after the deed, am I right or am I right?" asked Evergreen. "Hmm, well things do get bit interesting when the mood strikes." said Erza smiling. "Let's just say Jellal's endurance has really improved quite a lot." she said. "I wouldn't doubt it." said Evergreen. "What about Laxus, I'm guessing even after acting like a such a big shot he knows his place thanks to you Mira." said Erza. "Well after fooling around he sleeps like a baby hugging his Freed plushie." said Mira, "that is until I'm up for another go, but lets just keep that between us." she said. "He has a Freed plushie!?" said Evergreen surprised. "Don't tell him I told you about it though he gets really embarrassed by it." said Mira. "Noted." said Evergreen. "I'm assume you're the same with Elfman Evergreen?" asked Erza. "Ha, even though he's a monster with Takeover Magic the real beast is me since I have him eating out of my hands." said Evergreen with a small laugh. "It seems like we've found ourselves the perfect partners then seeing as how things sound." said Erza. "You can say that again." said Mira.

Looking over to the other table, "Do you think we should do something about them?" asked Evergreen. "I'd say they need to be taught a lesson." said Erza, "what do you think Evergreen?" she asked. "I'd say so." answered Evergreen happily. "Mira?" said Evergreen. "Way ahead of you." said Mira with a smile. As the three headed over to the table the fellow wizards stopped their fight, "Erza, I...I didn't see you there...I...uhh...I can explain." said Jellal. "Ha, seems like daddy came to pick up mommy." said Laxus laughing. "She's not the only one." said Mira. "Mira...what...what are you doing here?" asked Laxus. "And you you big idiot, are you really that thick headed to start a fight right away?" said Evergreen. "Ever...I... I didn't mean anything...I...I was just trying to stop these two that's all." said Elfman. "Either way you three are really gonna get it, isn't that right girls?" asked Evergreen. "Oh yeah." said Erza. "No question." said Mira. "Now come on!" said Evergreen pulling Elfman away. "Wait, Ever please don't, I'm sorry, really I swear, please no!!!" yelled Elfman. "Don't think you're getting off so easy Jellal, seeing as how much you were able to fight I'd say you're well rested." said Erza, "now come on, I'd say it's time for your "punishment." she said caring Jellal away, "No, please, I'm not ready for another turn, please give me some time to rest!!!" yelled Jellal. "Oh Laxus, I think we both know where this is going, don't you?" said Mira. "Dear god woman not again, please just beat me instead I beg you, anything but that!" said Laxus. "Come on you." said Mira dragging Laxus away. "No, someone please, help me Freed!!!" yelled Laxus as the pair disappeared out of the guild. "Stay strong Laxus, I believe in you." said Freed finishing his drink at the bar. Many days come and go here in Fiore but from tough enemies to near death battles, who's the real opponent, the many different dangers out in the kingdom or the women at Fairy Tail, either way you be the judge.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now