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The following morning I left my apartment making my way to the guild as, always I enjoyed my nice quite walks, when suddenly I ran into Juvia along the way. "Oh, good morning Jay." she said. "M..morning Juvia." I said nervously. "How are you today?" she said. "Good, I'm doing good, just enjoying my morning walk to the guild." I said. "Do you mind if I walk with along the way?" she said. "No..not at all I'd really like that." I said, "I mean..that way we don't have to walk alone." I said nervously. "So, why do you live so far from the guild?" she said. "I enjoy the peaceful walks on the way, I don't mind the distance it gives me plenty of time to think." I said. "So I take it you're an easy going guy?" she said. "Well I do love to relax." I said laughing. "I figured as much." she said with a smile.

"So, do you live near the guild?" I said. "I live in the girls dormitories not that far from the hall." she said. "There are dorms?" I said surprisingly. "Of course, there's also one for boys." she said. "Man, if I'd known that I wouldn't have paid for an apartment." I said with a sad expression. "You know, you're just like Lucy, she said the same thing when she found out about the girls dorms." she said laughing. "So, do you have any plans for today?" I said. "Not at the moment, why do you ask?" she said. "Well it's just, I was thinking, since we're both Fairy Tail wizards, maybe we could grab something to eat and get to know each other better?" I said timidly. "Sure, that sounds like a great idea, how about we head to the guild and grab something to eat?" she said. "Ok, sounds good." I said happily.

After arriving at the guild, we found ourselves a table to sit down at ready to order, as Mira walked up to both of us she greeted us, "Good morning you guys." she said. "Good morning." we both answered. "So, what would you guys like to eat?" she said. "I'd like a sandwich please." said Juvia. "I'll just take a drink." I said. "Coming right up." said Mira as she walked away. "So, what made you want to join the guild?" said Juvia. "It's a long story but, pure and simple, me and Lucy made a promise on the day we met that we'd both join Fairy Tail and live out our dream together." I said. "So, you and Lucy have been friends for quite a while I take it?" she said. "It's a funny story actually, I was walking to Hargeon on my way to Magnolia to join Fairy Tail, when I thought I was being followed by a blonde haired girl, I figured I'd sit down and just let her pass just in case I was being followed, when she also stopped along the way, she lost the last bit of food earlier so I decided to share some of mine." I said. "How thoughtful." said Juvia. "Later she told me she was also heading to Hargeon on her way to Magnolia to join Fairy Tail, after that we both promised we'd join together, and lo and behold, we both became Fairy Tail wizards." I said.

"That's a really sweet story." said Juvia. "Thanks." I said. "Here you guys are, enjoy." said Mira happily as she brought our order. "Thanks Mira." I said. "Thank you." said Juvia. "What made you join?" I said taking a sip. "'s kind of complicated, but it was mostly because of Gray and the rest of the team." she said. "Well it's a good thing you joined." I said, "I mean..'cause that just shows how convincing Gray and the rest can be, right?" I said embarrassingly. "Yeah, they really are." said Juvia. A while later Natsu, Happy, and Lucy came to join us at the table, "Hey guys, how are you?" said Lucy. "Good, I was just having lunch with Juvia trying to get to know her a little better." I said. "Hello Lucy, I was just talking to Jay here." said Juvia. "They must be on a date." said Happy with a chuckle. "Are you guys on a date?" said Natsu questioningly. " were both just talking about why we joined Fairy Tail, right Jay?" said Juvia nervously. "Y..yeah, we were just making small talk." I said embarrassed. "Don't be rude Happy, they're just having lunch together trying to get to know each other." said Lucy. A moment later Gray joined us at the table, "Hey guys, what's going on?" he said. "Apparently we're on a date with Jay?" said Natsu confused. "Gray, it's not what it looks like, we were just having lunch together." said Juvia blushing. "Don't be an idiot Natsu we just wanted to come join Jay and Juvia to get something to eat." said Lucy. "Hey, it's none of my business who you go on a date with." said Gray. "They're in love." said Happy. "Will you stop it cat!" said Lucy. "Hey Jay, you gonna finish that?" said Natsu.

Amongst the chaos I heard Levy calling me over, "I'll be back in a minute, excuse me." I said as I left the table. "Things not working out are they?" said Levy. "What do I do, everything was ok but now look." I said gesturing at the table. "It's ok, let me see what I can do, you're going to have to trust me though and promise not to get mad." she said. "Promise, just help, please?" I said. At that moment Levy called Lucy over, "What's up Levy?" said Lucy. Levy turned to Lucy and whispered in her ear, after a while Lucy said happily, "Ok, ok, no problem I'll see what I can do." she said as she walked back to the table. "What'd you tell her?" I asked. "Well, I had to tell her about you and Juvia, so she agreed to try and get the rest to leave for a while." she said. As I looked back at the table I saw Natsu, Happy, and Gray leave as they said good bye to Juvia, following behind them Lucy gave a thumbs up to both of us. "Well go on, a woman doesn't like to be kept waiting." said Levy. "Thank you so much." I said as I hugged her. "Don't mention it, now go on." she said with a laugh.

Making my way back to the table I apologized to Juvia, "Sorry for leaving I just had to discuss something with Levy." I said. "It's ok, don't worry about it." said Juvia. "So, I hope you don't mind me asking but, what's the deal with you and Gray?" I said. "What do you mean?" she said. "Well, from what I've heard and been told, it seems you really like him, is that true?" I said. "Gray was the only one who really understood me the first time we met, sure it was in bad circumstances but he saw the goodness in me and from then on I knew he was different from anyone I've ever met, after that I knew I had developed feelings for him." she said. "Does Gray feel the same way about you?" I asked. "Well, he may not show it sometimes but I'm sure he feels the same way when he's around me." she replied. "Have you decided if maybe things don't work out, that there might be someone else you could be interested in?" I said. "Well I guess that can be a possibility, and I have been thinking about what I'd do if that situation were to happen." she said.

After a minute of silence, "What's with the sudden interest about all this?" she said embarrassingly. "'s just...I..I'm just going to say it, ever since the first time I saw you I knew I felt a strong attraction towards you that I couldn't deny." I said, "I'm not asking you to choose and regret what you really want, all I'm saying is if you feel the same way as I do maybe we can figure something out, but all I'm saying is just keep an open mind, whatever decision you make, make sure it's what you want." I said holding her hand. "I'm..I.. I'm sorry Jay..I just..I'm sorry I just need sometime to think after all this." she said pulling back her hand. "Thank you for the meal." she said as she got up. As she made her way out of the guild I stayed alone at the table, after a long moment of silence I belted down my drink and slammed the mug on the table, with my hands around my head I basked in the silence.

Levy had come to join me after a while, "How'd the lunch go?" she said sounding concerned. "I just wish this could have been easier for both of us." I said with a sigh. "So what happened" she said. "Well, I just told her how I felt about her and to keep an open mind about what she wants in a relationship and about what's going on between her and Gray considering how things are." I said. "I know it may not seem like you did the right thing by telling her how you feel, but it's better she knows now then knowing you never spoke up, she may seem upset at the moment but just give her some time alone and when the time is right, you might get an answer even if its not the one you wanted." she said. "Well whatever she agrees, I'll just have to settle for what she decides." I said. "Just keep your head up for now, that's all you can do." she said. "I guess you're right." I said unsure.

After replaying the moment in my head I figured It'd be best to head back home for the day, getting up from the table I said goodbye to Levy. After my farewell I made my way towards the doorway, reaching the entrance Lucy had walked past me, after seeing me she turned around, "Hey Jay what's wrong, is everything ok?" she said. Not wanting to stay a minute more I walked away. From behind I heard Lucy's voice of concern, "Jay?", ignoring her call I made my way home.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora