Fairy Tail's Finest (Special #2)

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The guild was in clamor with excited chatter, the annual Fairy Tail Wizard's Ball was a few hours away, a night of excitement and wonder awaited the fellow wizards. Levy sat in her room, trying to figure out if she would even go to the ball. Her arms and back had taken the longest to heal and still had some visible scarring. She sighed and fell back on her bed, legs dangling off the edge. Back home Gajeel and Pantherlily both tried on their suits for the ball, "I look like an idiot in this." said Gajeel. The Iron Dragon Slayer stood in front of the mirror looking at himself hair slicked back, "You look fine." said Lily. "What am I doing anyways, I don't even know if Levy's even gonna want to go or not, let alone with me." said Gajeel.

Levy startled some as her door opened, "Oh, hey Mira." she said looking up from her bed. "Hey Levy, what's going on?" she asked. "Not much....you excited for the ball?" asked Levy. "Uhuh, I go every year." said Mira with a friendly smile. Levy nodded some, "Usually I don't unless Jet and Droy drag me....I'm not even sure if I should go this year." she said with a sigh. "Well you have Gajeel this time, why don't you try asking him." asked Mira smiling. Levy turned bright red, "W-why would I ask him?" she said quickly looking away. "Well you two seem pretty close." said Mira playfully. "I-I doubt it....he barely even knows I exist." she sighed rubbing her arm. "Well I'm sure you've noticed him." said Mira, Levy nodded unable to look at her. "So then why not just ask him?" said Mira happily. "Because...it would be weird...." mumbled Levy. "Well then maybe he'll ask you instead." said Mira. "Maybe....but I don't even have anything to wear...." sighed Levy. "I'm sure Gajeel can give you some advice." said Mira flirty-like. Levy turned more red, "Why don't you help me get ready Mira, you always look so beautiful." she said slowly getting up. "Sure thing." said Mira.

Levy led Mira to her tiny closet of clothes. The Fairy Tail Ball was just a few hours away, as a nervous Gajeel made his way to Levy's place, he was having second thoughts, "I don't know if I can do this Lily, what if I ask her and she says no?" he said. "Well you won't know unless you ask her, what if she ends up agreeing?" said Pantherlily. Levy let Mira do her hair and makeup, as well as choosing a dress. The blunette didn't own much fancy or nice, just her usual clothes. Gajeel had arrived at the door, palms sweating he nervously knocked on the door. Levy heard her door being knocked on and blinked, all the other girls in the boarding type house had left a few hours before, who could it be? Flowers in hand Gajeel continued to sweat, "I don't think I can do this Lily, what if she already agreed to go with her friends Jet and Droy?" he asked. "I'm sure she's here and if she's not we can look for her at the ball." said Lily. Levy walked to her door, wobbling in the heels Mira insisted she would look good in.

She slowly unlocked the door and opened it to see who was on the other side. His back facing Levy Gajeel began to stutter, "Umm...Levy, I just thought, I mean, I figured I might ask but, well...do you have any plans for the ball?" he asked. "Not really, I wasn't planning on going till Mira came over." she said looking at his back. "Why, did your date not show?" she asked obviously quite oblivious to the Dragon Slayers love for her. "I...actually...don't have a date." he said, "I thought maybe I'd come and ask if maybe you'd like to go....you know together?" he said face blushing. "Oh, sure I'll go with you." she said not knowing Gajeel likely meant as his date. "Here, these are for you." said Gajeel turning around handing her the flowers embarrassingly. She blinked some then looked at him, "Oh, thanks, I'll go put them in some water." she turned and wobbled in her heels into her kitchen area. "So ready to go?" said Gajeel reaching out his hand. She put the flowers in a vase and wobbled back to the door, "Sure." she said softly.

After a short trip the two arrived at the guild hall ready to step in, Levy followed Gajeel looking around. "What's wrong?" asked Gajeel. "Nothing, I just feel weird dressed like this." she said softly. "You don't think I feel the same wearing this stupid thing." he said blushing. She shrugged slightly, "I know..." With a small smile, "So what's to worry about then, I'm sure we'll have a great night." said Gajeel. She nodded looking at him, finally getting a chance to see how nice he looked. "You look beautiful tonight by the way." said Gajeel. Levy turned red and looked away. The couple smiled at each other heading into the guild to enjoy the night. Levy saw Natsu and Lucy talking, along with Juvia following Gray. "Hey you guys, wow, Levy you look amazing." said Lucy. "You look like an idiot." said Natsu laughing at Gajeel. Levy blushed, "Thanks Lucy, you look beautiful too." Stepping in closer to Natsu, "Shut it Salamander, you look like an idiot in your get up too." said Gajeel. Levy stood next to Lucy as the two talked, "So is Natsu your date?" she asked. "Yeah he is." said Lucy. With a smirk, "I knew you two were in love Lu-chan!" she said happily. "We just came as friends." said Lucy nervously. Smiling a bit, "Whatever you say, you just look so happy." said Levy. "So do you, so how did it go asking Gajeel to come with you?" said Lucy. "Gajeel actually asked me..." said Levy blushing. Surprised, "Really? Wow I never would have expected him to do that." said Lucy. "I didn't either." said Levy. "Well I guess he's really full of surprises." said Lucy. "Well it's better than what Natsu did, he just dragged me along with him saying we were going to the ball together." she said. Levy laughed, "Natsu's never been the best with words has he?" said Levy. "You can say that again." said Lucy sadly looking over at Natsu fighting with Gajeel. Levy watched and laughed as she watched the two bicker. "Cut it out!" said Lucy punching Natsu's head.

Levy laughed more covering her mouth with her hand. "Well, we'll leave you guys alone now, hope you two have fun tonight." said Lucy walking away with Natsu. "Same to you Lu-chan." said Levy smiling. "That damn Salamander messed up my hair." said Gajeel fixing his messy hair. "I like your hair like that." said Levy. Leaving his hair as usual Gajeel blushed, "Hey how about we get something to drink?" asked Gajeel reaching out his hand. "Ok." said Levy taking his hand. Arriving at the bar Levy and Gajeel ran into Gray and Juvia, "Hey guys how's it going?" said Gray. "Wow Levy, you look so beautiful." said Juvia. "Thanks, so do you." said Levy blushing. "You don't look so bad yourself either Gajeel." said Juvia. "Thanks." said Gajeel looking away. "So, what brings you guys here tonight?" asked Gray. Blushing, "Well, we thought we'd come together and see what would happen." said Levy. "Well, it's always great to see you two together." said Juvia, "I hope you two enjoy your night." she said. Leading Gray away, "Come on Gray, let's go dance." said Juvia pulling him by the arm. "I don't dance." said Gray as the couple left.

Sitting at the bar a silent awkward mood built between the Dragon Slayer and the blunette, breaking the silence, "So...I see you're doing better now." said Gajeel. Rubbing her arm, "Yeah...I'm still a little sore but...I'm doing better." said Levy. Both looking away after a brief silence, "Thanks...for coming to save me..." said Levy blushing. Turning to her, "I couldn't let anything happen to you now could I?" said Gejeel blushing, as the two met each others eyes, they quickly looked away. Looking back, "So...do you...wanna dance...maybe?" said Gajeel embarrassingly. Seeing his blushing face Levy smiled, "I'm not much of a dancer." she said. "It's ok, neither am I." said Gajeel. Grabbing her hand the couple made their way to the center of the guild. As the music slowly played the song changed to a bright elegant theme, the couple went hand in hand slowly dancing back and forth, "See...it's not that hard, right?" said Gajeel. Smiling at him, "No, it's not." Looking into her eyes, "I'm glad you decided to come with me." said Gajeel. Blushing, "Me too." hugging the Dragon Slayer the couple danced the night away enjoy their wonderful night together.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ