The Dragon Lotus

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A few days later Nala and I took up a job request, what would have been a simple job for both of us turned out to be something much more. The day started at the guild hall, I was having a drink at the bar as usual when Nala came up to me with a job request, "Look Jay, I found a great job post for "Team Nala". Drinking from my mug I answered, "Are you seriously still calling us that?" With a pouting face she replied, "It's my team and I'll call us whatever I want you old drunk." With a friendly smile I said, "Fine whatever, just know you'll never hear me calling us that." Punching me in the back of the head she said, "You're just jealous 'cause you couldn't come up with a better name you idiot." Rubbing my head I said, "So what's the deal on the job?" Laying the flier on the counter Nala said, "Easy money, all we have to do is find a stolen heirloom for the client and the rest should be smooth sailing, plus it's great pay."

The job post read, "Help wanted. Missing family heirloom believed to be stolen by thieves, item is irreplaceable. Reward 200,000,000 jewels." Taking another sip from my mug I asked Nala, "Any other info about the job?" I said. "I asked Mira and she told me the client is in Hargeon so it shouldn't takes us long to complete." said Nala. "Well, let's get some stuff together and we'll meet at the train station in a few hours." I said, "Go on ahead I'm just gonna get a few more drinks and I'll meet you at the station." With a serious look on her face Nala said, "Fine, just make sure you show up." Ordering another drink I said, "Don't worry, I'll see you in a few." As Nala made her way out the door I let out a sigh, "Here's for some luck kid, we're gonna need it." I said taking a drink from my mug.

Making my way back home I gathered my supplies along with a few bottles for the train ride, as I gathered my supplies I sat down for minute to think. "Well, first team job with Nala I just hope we can relay on one another in case things go sour, lets just hope it doesn't come down to that." With a long exhale I made my to the station to meet up with Nala. After a few hours I arrived at the station, late, waiting in anger Nala scolded at me without saying a word. "I'm here, ready to go?" I asked. Not saying anything Nala boarded the train, "Hey what's wrong?" I asked, not hearing an answer I followed after her. A long silent ride with tension between the two of us was all that happened. What was bothering Nala, was she mad at me for being late or was something else bothering her, whatever it was I wanted to make sure she was ok.

Breaking the silence I cleared my throat, "So, gonna be a while before we get to Hargeon right?" Without an answer Nala stared out the window, "On the bright side you'll finally be able to make some money, this job should put a few jewels in our pockets." No reply, "What's got her so upset she was excited a while ago finally being able to go out on a job as a team." I thought to myself. "Maybe I should just leave her alone for a bit hopefully she'll feel better after a few hours." Rummaging through my bag I pulled out a bottle, "Good thing I brought a few drinks to help pass the time." I said drinking. Looking at me with a serious face Nala scoffed as she got up. "Hey where you going?" I asked. "None of your business!" she said walking away. "What's wrong with her?" I thought. After arriving in Hargeon we showed up to the clients home to ask for any information and clues about the heirloom.

Arriving at a grand house I was in awe by how fancy the place was, turning to Nala I said, "Pretty snazzy right, we sure picked a good one." Without a single word Nala headed inside. The clients name was Goro Shigeru, a small wealthy family from Crocus, the Shigerus made their wealth as shipwright owners in Hargeon. Having a seat in the parlor room we began with gathering information, "So what kind of thieves do you think did this?" I asked. "Well I'm not quite sure." said Goro, "there's been a lot of robberies around the town lately, and we just happened to be the most recent victims this time." he said. "Do you have any clues or possibilities on who could have done this?" I asked.

"There is a bar in the middle of town where bandits and criminals go to named "Dragon Lotus" he said. "What was the stolen item?" I asked. "It's an old family vase passed down from generation to generation." he said. "Can you describe it?" I said. "Of course, it's a white colored vase surrounded by hydrangeas and sakura leafs." said Goro. "Looks like we got all we can use then." I said getting up, "Don't fret Mr. Shigeru, we'll have your vase back in no time." Shaking hands Goro answered, "Thank you very much, I hope to have my precious heirloom returned to me soon." he said. "Lets go Nala." I said. Still with no answer Nala walked out with me following from behind.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя