The Reunion

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Weeks went by since I joined Fairy Tail, I had my usual share of mission here and there, from basic bandit takedowns to odd jobs every now and then. Macao had told me we've been having trouble lately from Twilight Ogre trying to shake us down for rent money. He said there was really nothing we could do but to just do as they say and hope they leave us alone. Spending time on missions and request I was never around when most of the "collections" happened, Macao had said they've grown more and more restless and violent each day.

I was at the guild hall having a drink at the bar when the leader of Twilight Ogre, Teebo, and his gang busted in to collect the payment for the month. "We're here to collect the month." said Teebo. Romeo, Macao's son, got up from his chair, "You can all go to hell. We don't have the money to pay you! Letting punks like you walk all over us...My dad and everyone else are cowards!" he said. "I don't like your attitude, you little brat." said Teebo. "Romeo, don't." said Macao. Anxious to fight Romeo began walking up to Teebo. "Romeo!" yelled Wakaba. "That idiot!" yelled Macao. "I'm gonna fight! 'Cause at this rate, Fairy Tail's name will be disgraced!" said Romeo. I was about to rush over and help Romeo when I was suddenly stopped by Reedus, "The last thing we need is more trouble." he said. Angry not being able to do anything I grit my teeth. "That name's been dragged through the mud long assholes will never make it back up to our level as long as you live!" said Teebo ready to swing at Romeo. He raised his weapon above his head ready to swing. "No!!" yelled Macao.

Halfway down I was ready to rush towards him and stop him, when all of a sudden he was sent flying across the room. We all gasped in surprise, "What was that?", was all that came to mind. "Who the hell...?!" said Teebo's gang in surprise. Everyone turned to the doorway and smiled as life returned to the guild once again, the feeling of happiness was felt once more. The same feeling I felt the first time I visited the guild spread throughout my body. From the doorway I saw a man with pink hair along with a girl with red hair wearing armor, next to her was another man with black hair and no shirt. "We're home!" said the pink haired man with a sincere smile. "Sorry it took us so long, everyone!" said the small blue cat next to him. Amazed I though to myself, "Could this be the legendary Dragon slayer I've heard about, Natsu Dragneel?" The rest of the gang was finished off by the group at the doorway. The first was frozen in place by the shirtless man, the second by the woman wearing armor by a powerful sword swing, and the last by none other that master Makarov himself. A heartfelt tear rolled down my eye seeing master Makarov once again, Teebo and his gang got up as quick as possible and ran out the guild.

The hall rejoiced in celebration once again just like before. Friends began greeting each other once more and long time friends cried as they hugged one another. The feeling of a complete family had again filled the hall, along with my heart. Among all the celebration I heard a familiar voice, "Jay?" The voice sounded familiar as it did the very first time I heard it, "Is that you?" I turned around in surprise to see Lucy standing in front of me, I stood in silence for a moment as tears began to fill my eyes. "Lucy!" I yelled as I hugged her in an instant. "You don't know how much it means to see you again." I said. "I've missed you Jay." she said tearfully. We stayed in each others arms for a minute happy to see each other once again. As we wiped away our tears she said to me, "What are you doing here I thought you were traveling around Fiore?"

"I was, till I settled down after a few months, I found a nice place in Crocus along with a great job at a cafe." I said. "So how did your journey go did you learn any magic or find the one you were looking for?" she said. I raised my right hand as I showed her my guild mark. "Maybe this can answer your question?" I said cheerfully. With a bright smile she hugged me and said, "So you finally joined Fairy Tail, that's great news." "Well we did make a promise together right? Like I said the first time we met I'm not one to break my promises. Sure there were times I thought about giving up and a point in my life where I completely forgot, but hearing how you fulfilled your dream by joining Fairy Tail is what gave me the strength to keep my promise and dream alive." I said. "You know there were times that I though about how you might be doing and hoped you were safe, I mean not hearing from you at all after that day we met had me worried, you were the first real friend I meet before I joined Fairy Tail." she said. "And you're the first real friend I ever had." I said.

"So when did you join up?" she said. "Well it was weeks after I settled down in Crocus, when news and rumors of a new female wizard with blonde hair at Fairy Tail was all anybody could talk about, I wondered if the person everyone mentioned was you, so I came to Magnolia to see for myself. The day I showed up though it seemed I missed the chance to see you by a few days, that's when I met master Makarov and told him about my journey and the promise we made. He helped me on my search by telling information about a man who could use the magic I was looking for so after that I set out to find him so that he could teach me his magic." I said. "And did you end up finding him?" said Lucy.

"I traveled from guild to guild searching for him but no luck, it seemed like the man could've turned out to be a rumor, almost wanting to give up I came back to Magnolia to ask master Makarov for more information about the wizard but when I got here things turned out to be different, one of the main things was the guild hall, confused I asked around and was lead here where I met master Macao." I said. "What happened after?" said Lucy. "He told me about the S-class wizard competition and about what happened at Tenrou Island, being gone for 6 years we all thought the worst when he said the island was completely gone and no bodies were found, hearing about the incident I decided to live up to our dreams and promise by joining Fairy Tail, After telling Master Macao about the mysterious wizard he gave me a name, Rufus Lore, who belonged to Sabertooth. So I headed to the guild in search of him, when I got there I was confronted by their master, master Jiemma. I told him I was looking for Rufus so that he could teach me his magic, he asked why I wanted to learn from him, so I lied and said I wanted to learn from the strongest guild. After that Rufus agreed to teach me, a week later I began my training. The weeks were brutal and there were days I wanted to give up, but the memory of the day we met and the promise we made is what kept me going." I said. "Wow, it sounds like you've really been through a lot during your journey." said Lucy. "It was all worth it in the end though since we're both Fairy Tail wizards now and having you here makes it all the worthwhile." I said. "I wouldn't have it any other way." said Lucy with a tear in her eye as she hugged me. "A toast! To being together once again!" I yelled through the guild hall raising my mug. "Cheers!" we yelled.

Fairy Tail OCs: Jay Hisoka and Nala CromwellWhere stories live. Discover now