The Unexpected Attack

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10 years later, Bella, who is now 18 years old and has grown into a beautiful young woman, is helping her family get ready for Isaac's return. 

During these 10 years, Bella remains strong and learn how to cope without Isaac and for Isaac, throughout his time in Samroths, he studies hard and learn loads of magic spells and potions during his time at Samroths, and spending time with his best friend, Lili, whom he's secretly in love with, but is unaware that she also feels the same way. 

The siblings still kept in touch, by sending letters to each other, saying what has happened a lot in their lives, how much they miss and love them and couldn't wait to see them again. Bella finish writing her final letter to Isaac and had it sent to Samroths. 

At the Lightwood's household, Bella helps her parents to get ready for Isaac's return. "Ok, 1 more hour until Isaac's car arrives. So Mom, have you got finish making all of Isaac's favourites?", Bella asked. 

"Yes, sweetheart. Don't worry.", Imogen smiled. "And Dad, have you set everything up?", Bella asked. "Yes, all of it done.", John replied. "Good, I'm so excited!", Bella cried with joy. Bella look at the window and stares at the sky. 

"I'll see you soon, big bro. I can't wait to see you.", Bella smiled, as she walks away, but unknowing to her, a hooded figure is watching their house from the distance. Meanwhile, Isaac, who is now 30, is preparing to leave Samroths and head back home, as Rupert loads his luggage in the car.

"I can't believe this is it.", Lili replied. "I know, but I'll write to you everyday.", Isaac replied. "Me too.", Lili sighed. Isaac then pulls something out of his pocket and gives it to Lili. "I made this for you. I craved your favourite crystal and turn it into a necklace, so that you'll always remember me.", Isaac sighed. 

Lili looks at the crystal, and it's a white diamond, her favourite crystal. "It's beautiful. I love it.", Lili sighed. Isaac takes the necklace from her and put it around her neck. She looks down and smiles and shows Isaac. "You are so beautiful. It suits you.", Isaac sighed, which made her smile. 

"Then, I want you to have this.", Lili replied, pulling out her white crystal and puts it in Isaac's hand, before closing it with his fingers. Isaac then takes her hand and gently kisses it, as they look at each other deeply in the eyes. 

Isaac pulls Lili in for a hug and embraces her for a long time, as they both cry. "Goodbye, Lili.", Isaac sighed. "Goodbye, Isaac.", Lili sighed. "Mr Lightwood! Your car is ready!", Rupert called out. 

"Don't forget me.", Lili sighed. "Never.", Isaac sighed, as he lets go of her hand, walk to the car and gets in as Lili watches him drive away in tears, and Isaac watches her standing there, at the car's mirror, in sadness. 

Then Lili's car arrives with her chauffeur and she grabs her luggage and goes into her car, heading back home to her family. Inside the car, Isaac sits there quietly, until Rupert gives him an envelope. 

"A letter from your sister.", Rupert replied. "Thank you, Rupert.", Isaac replied, taking the envelope and opens it. He pulls out the letter, and reads it, as a flashback of Bella writing the letter on her desk. 

Dear Isaac, 

It's been 10 years since we last seen each other and a lot of letters have been written during these past decade. I'm so excited to write you, my very last letter before you come back home from Samroths. 

Things have changed a lot in life, I have grown into a beautiful young woman that I was meant to be, I only have 2 years left until I'll be able to attend to Samroths to learn magic just like you and Mom and I also I have a black cat named Luna, she is handful, but cute. 

I'm so happy that 10 years is over and you're now finally coming back home after all these years. I thought about you every single day in life and remember those wonderful memories that we built together growing up. I miss you so much Isaac, there's not a day that goes by when I don't think about you. 

When you come home, we have a lot of catching up to do, because I have a wonderful story to tell you everything that has happened to me since you left, and I can't wait for you to come back home. 

I love you so much and I'll see you soon, big bro...

- Bella

After reading her letter, Isaac looks at a photo of a now fully grown Bella, which is included in the envelope, and he looks at her photo for a long time, seeing how beautiful and grown his sister is. "You are so beautiful.", Isaac sighed, as he kisses Bella's photo. "I'll see you soon, kiddo.", Isaac sighed, as he's on his way. 

Meanwhile, at the Lightwood's household, Bella and her parents have finished setting up the entire house for Isaac's return, and they sit and wait for Isaac to arrive. "I'm so excited.", Bella replied. "Me too, sweetheart. I can't wait to see your brother's face.", Imogen replied. 

"Me too.", John smiled, as he held Imogen's hand. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and Bella assumes it's Isaac. "Oh, Isaac's home!", Bella cried, as she runs to the front door to open it, with her parents right behind her and Luna in her arms. 

As she opens the door, to Bella and her parents' shock, it wasn't Isaac, but a hooded figure. "Isabella Lightwood, I'm so glad to meet you.", the figure replied in a sinister deep voice. Luna then hisses at the hooded figure and Bella suddenly screams. "Bella!", John cried, as he runs to save her. 

But the hooded figure throw him against the wall, with his magic powers. The throw is so powerful, that John hit his head on the wall, which killed him instantly. "No!", Bella screamed. "John!", Imogen cried, as she tries to use her magic against the hooded figure. 

But the hooded figure hits her with his powers, knocking her out. Bella tries to run, and protects Luna, but the hooded figure comes up to her. "I've been looking for you for a long time.", the hooded figure replied, hitting Bella in the face, leaving her fate unknown.

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