Saving Bella

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Isaac, Lili, Ash and Astra quietly leaves the dungeons and head up to the castle grounds and heads to the throne room, and the moment they arrive inside, Isaac spots Bella, chained and unconscious on the marble table. 

"No, no, no, no, no.", Isaac cried, as he runs to her and is horrified of her state. "What has he done to you?", Isaac cried, as he tries to break the chains from Bella's ankles and wrists. Lili saw Desmond behind them. "Isaac!", Lili cried. Isaac saw Desmond and confronts him. 

"What have you done to my sister?!", Isaac yelled. "In preparation for Daniela's vessel.", Desmond smiled. "How dare you hurt her?!", Ash yelled, as he tries to charge at him, but is stopped by Isaac and Lili. 

"Here you are again, standing sides with these weaklings than your own brother.", Desmond replied. "You're not my brother anymore.", Ash replied, as Isaac and Lili held him back from Desmond. 

"Strong words, but that's the most stupidest thing to say ever! You are weak, just like our parents.", Desmond replied, which angers Ash. "Do not talk about them like that!", Ash yelled. "Give it up, Desmond. You have gone too far!", Lili yelled. "You two have manipulated my brother, made him turn against me!", Desmond yelled. 

"No, I made a choice. I chose light and good, while you chose darkness and evil. I wanted peace and you wanted power.", Ash replied. "You won't anything from me, because you are nothing without me!", Desmond replied. Suddenly, a blast of magic strikes at Desmond, who falls back and hits to the ground, hard. 

As he sits up, Astra appears before him. "But he still has me.", Astra replied with confidence. "Astra?!", Desmond asked, who is shock to see her alive. "Hello, Dez.", Astra greeted. "How are you...? But you're dead!", Desmond asked. "It doesn't matter how I'm still alive.", Astra asked. "What the hell are you going in here?", Desmond asked. 

"I came in here to clean up your mess, to see if I can talk you out of this madness. I heard everything that you did to the Lightwoods. I know how much Daniela means to you and how much you miss her, but taking another witch's life and using another witch's body as a vessel is not the answer. You have change since I passed.", Astra replied. 

"I want Daniela back! She deserves a second chance at life and I'm not going to stop until I have it to her!", Desmond yelled. "Fine, then you leave me no choice, brother.", Astra replied. "What are you talking about, Astra?", Desmond asked. "I'm siding with them!", Astra replied, standing next to Ash and in front of Isaac and Lili. 

Desmond then smiles. "Looks like I'm not going to just lose my brother tonight, but I'm also going to lose my sister too!", Desmond yelled, as he tries to attack them with his magic. "Watch out!", Astra screamed, as she and the others jumps to avoid Desmond's attack. 

In the real world, Desmond finds Bella's body held at the Craftsmans' household and found the house. He barge inside the house, which alerts Ethan and Helena, then he barges into Helena's laboratory, as Ethan and Helena tries to protect Isaac, Lili, Bella and Astra. "Ethan and Helena Craftsman.", Desmond smiled, as Ethan and Helena looks at him with concern. 

Back in Bella's purgatory, Isaac comes up with the plan with Lilli, Astra and Ash. "Ok, here's the plan! Lili, you and Astra defeat all of the guards and protect Bella. Ash, you and I will take care of your brother!", Isaac replied. "Got it!", Lili replied, as she and Astra rushes to protect Bella. "Let's go!", Ash replied, as he and Isaac races together to fight Desmond. 

In the real world, Desmond attacks Ethan and Helena, throwing them everywhere in the laboratory, and tries to take Bella with him, but Ethan and Helena manage to stop him and attacks back with their magic. Helena cast the striking spell at Desmond, who deflects and tries to push Helena, until Ethan gives her a hand and the couple have a stand off with him. 

Back inside Bella's purgatory, Lili and Astra fight all of Desmond's guards and protecting Bella from them, while Isaac and Ash tries to fight off Desmond. 

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