Goodbye For Now

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It's been 2 years since the incident with Desmond, and things have changed a lot after that. Isaac and Bella had their family home rebuild and the siblings move back in, and has Astra move in with them, as Isaac gains guardianship to Bella and Astra. 

Lili also moved out and moves in with Isaac, whom the couple are now engaged. This year, Bella and Astra, who are both 20 years old, have got accepted into Samroths and Isaac and Lili couldn't be even more prouder of them. 

Bella came to her parents' graves to tell them about her acceptance to Samroths. "Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. I came here today to tell you that I just got accepted into Samroths. I'm going to the same magic school that you and Isaac went to, Mom. I hope you guys are proud of me, like Isaac is. But I'm not going there alone, as Astra will be going there with me, so I'll be ok.", Bella smiled. 

2 weeks later, after receiving their letter from Samroths, Bella and Astra are packing their luggages and ready to head off to Samroths. Before leaving, Bella goes to visit her parents' graves one last time. 

"Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. Well, today's the day! I'm leaving home and heading off to Samroths today and this will be the last time I'll visit you both in the next 10 years. I promise that I will study hard and become the greatest witch that you hope that I would become. Goodbye, Mom and Dad. I love you so much and I'll see you in 10 years.", Bella sighed, as she kiss her fingers and place them on their tombstones, before leaving. 

Back at the Lightwood household, it was time for Bella and Astra to depart for Samroths, and they say their goodbyes to Isaac, Lili, Helena and Ethan. A car from Samroths arrives to the front door and the chauffeur comes out. 

To Isaac's surprise, it was Rupert, who drove him to Samroths and back home. "Mr Lightwood!", Rupert cried. "Rupert!", Isaac cried, as he goes and embrace him. "It's so good to see you again, sir. You've changed a lot!", Rupert smiled. "Thank you and it's good to see you too, Rupert.", Isaac smiled.

Rupert then sees Bella. "And you must be Isabella, Mr Lightwood's sister?". Rupert asked. "Yes, nice to meet you, sir.", Bella smiled. "Ok, girls. I'll take your bags for you.", Rupert smiled, taking Bella and Astra's bags and put them in the car, while Bella and Astra say their goodbyes. 

"Have a safe trip and study hard!", Helena replied. "I will.", Astra smiled. Bella hugs Isaac as they say goodbye. "I'm going to miss you.", Bella sighed. "I'm going to miss you too.", Isaac sighed. "I can't believe I'm leaving, like you did.", Bella replied. 

"I know, but I'll be ok.", Isaac smiled. "Don't worry, I'll look after him.", Lili smiled. "I know you will, Lili.", Bella smiled, who hugs Lili. "Anyways, girls. I have a surprise for you.", Isaac replied. "You do?", Bella asked. "Where?", Astra asked. 

"Look behind you.", Isaac smiled, looking up. Bella and Astra turns around and to their shock, Ash appears from behind with his luggage. "Ash?!", Bella asked in shock. Astra runs and hugs Ash. 

"I can't believe you're here.", Astra cried. "Of course! I need get to Samroths, somehow!", Ash smiled. "Wait, what?!", Bella asked. "You're going to Samroths with us?", Astra asked. "Yeah! I got accepted and I'm going with you girls.", Ash smiled. Bella and Astra smiles with joy as Astra hugs Ash. 

Ash then comes up to Bella, who is standing there with a smile, while Astra takes Ash's luggage to Rupert. "Hey.", Ash greeted with a smile. "Hey. But how?", Bella smiled. "Isaac, Lili and Helena tracked me down, and eventually found me. I've been living with Ethan and Helena for 2 weeks, before I got accepted to Samroths.", Ash smiled. 

"Oh.", Bella replied, as she didn't know what to say. "I guess you missed me.", Ash replied, as Bella smiled. "Of course I miss you, you big idiot.", Bella smiled, which makes Ash laugh. They came closer and share a reunited and passionate kiss, as everyone watch with a smile. 

"Alright, you two. It's time to go.", Isaac replied. "The bags are in and we're ready to head off!", Rupert called out. "Come on, let's go.", Astra replied, as Ash and Bella held hands and head off together to the car. Astra and Ash gets into the car, while Isaac gives Bella, her black cat, Luna. 

"Don't forget Luna.", Isaac replied, as Bella takes her cat in her arms. "Thanks.", Bella smiled, as she goes into the car. After closing the door, the car starts to drive away. Inside, Bella realises she forgot one more thing and tells Rupert to stop the car. 

"Wait, Rupert! Stop the car!", Bella cried. Rupert immediately stops the car, as Bella runs out of the car, with an envelope in her hand. Isaac goes to her with confusion. "I forgot to give you this!", Bella cried, giving him the envelope, which Isaac takes. 

"What is it?", Isaac asked. "It's a letter for you. I thought I would write you one, like you did for me when you left. But read it when I'm gone.", Bella replied. "You just made my day.", Isaac sighed, as tears come down his eyes. "Is this goodbye?", Bella asked. 

"No, Bels. It's goodbye, for now.", Isaac smiled. Bella and Isaac starts to cry and they both share one last hug, in tears. "I love you.", Bella sighed. "I love you too, kid.", Isaac sighed, who then takes off his red bloodstone necklace off his neck and place it in Bella hands, and kisses it. "Now go.", Isaac replied, as Bella runs back to the car and gets in. 

"Goodbye, good luck!", Helena replied. "See you soon.", Lili smiled, while Isaac waves goodbye, with Lili standing next to him. The car then drives off to the distance, with Bella, Ash and Astra popping their heads out of the windows and wave from behind, as the car drives away. 

Isaac then opens the envelope and pulls out Bella's letter and he and Lili starts reading it, while Bella is in the car with Ash and Astra, thinking of Isaac and the memories she had with him in their childhood. 

Dear Isaac, 

When you wrote me a letter on the day you left for Samroths, 10 years ago, I thought I would write you a letter as well, for the day of my departure. 

Isaac, you have been the best and greatest big brother that I could ever ask for. You have been there for me since the day I was born and through our childhood. 

We made so many memories together and became so inseparable. But on the day you left for Samroths, was the hardest day of my life, because I wasn't able to see you in 10 years. 

But I remain strong for you and is able to go through the hardest times. I know you felt bad for not being there for me during my teen years, but you were there for me in heart and spirit, with all the letters you wrote to me. 

On the day, I was abducted and had our parents were killed by Desmond, you thought about me and did everything in your power to find and save me from my purgatory. I was so glad you were there and you didn't give up on me. 

I will owe you the favour one day and will do the same for you, if you went to the same path as me. I promise that I would protect you, like you protected me and I will study hard to become the witch that our family wanted me to become and make you proud. 

I promise that I'll write you letters every single day and please remember that I'll always be your little sister no matter what, and how much I'll miss you. I'll see you in 10 years, big bro. 

Please don't forget about me and how much I love you...

- Bella

After reading her letter, Isaac smiles at Bella's letter. "Good luck.", Isaac sighed, as he and Lili looks at each other with a smile and embrace each other. 


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