Siblings Reunited

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Back in the forest, Bella and Ash wakes up, and start their morning with breakfast, before Bella resumes her training, while Ash goes deeper in the forest collect more wood. While he's out there collecting, Ash encounters Desmond. 

"Hello, Ash.", Desmond greeted with a smile, which scares Ash. "You scared the shit out of me, Dez.". Ash replied. "What the hell are you doing, Ash?!", Desmond asked. "Doing what?", Ash asked. "You're suppose to keep an eye on her and bring her to me, not help her!", Desmond yelled. 

"I know, but I need her to know that she can trust me.", Ash cried. "Trust you? She's the last resource for Daniela! She is the perfect vessel for her!", Desmond replied. "I know, but...", Ash cried. "But what?", Desmond asked. 

"Dez, this is nuts! Daniela has been dead for a long time, when will you ever let her go and move on?", Ash asked. 

"Hey, that's my lover, you're talking about, alright?! I love Daniela, and I still love her. I promise her that I would not let her go! She deserves a second chance, and I'm going to bring her back, with a new body. Isabella Lightwood is the last hope for Daniela!", Desmond yelled. 

Ash is devastated and yet disappointed by his words. Desmond notice the look on Ash's face and realises there's something. "Ash, is there something you're not telling me?", Desmond asked. Ash didn't say a word and looks up at him. Then it hits Desmond. 

"Oh, now I know. I can tell by your face, the same face I did for Daniela.", Desmond replied. "Are you falling for her?", Desmond asked. Ash remains quiet and Desmond demands an answer. "Talk, boy!", Desmond yelled, which jumped Ash.

 "Yes!, I do. I love her! And I won't let you use her as a vessel!", Ash yelled, which enrages Desmond. "Ash!", Bella called out, which surprises him and Desmond. "If you ever betray me, you'll pay for this, Ash!", Desmond replied in a threatening way, before disappearing, leaving Ash standing there alone, as Bella arrives to the scene. 

"Ash!", Bella cried, running up to him. "You ok?", Bella asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just got carried away. Go back to your training.", Ash replied. "Ok, see you when you get back.", Bella replied, as she returns to the camp site and resume her training, while Ash continues to collect more wood. 

Back in the castle, Desmond is thinking of what had happened during his encounter with Ash and looking at a photo of him and his late lover, Daniela. "I miss you so much, Daniela. We'll be together again someday, and I will do everything to bring you back, but I have to take that witch's body back and it'll be yours soon.", Desmond replied.

Seeing that Ash will not let him take Bella as a vessel, Desmond had no choice, but take matters on his own hands. Meanwhile, Isaac and Lili rode keep in the forest, near the castle, still searching for Bella. Isaac and Lili continues to search and they notice a bright light of blue from the distance. 

"What is that?", Isaac asked, as he and Lili rode towards it. Meanwhile, is learning the last magic spell, Bloom. "Ok, the last spell. Let's go!", Bella sighed to herself, as she closes her eyes and  chants the spell, then a bright light of blue flashes in the air, and blue flowers suddenly bloom all over her surroundings. 

Bella open her eyes and smiles to herself, as she finally nailed the last spell, and is amazed how beautiful her surrounding of blue flowers are. Behind her, Isaac and Lili appears and both are amazed how beautiful the surroundings is filled with flowers. "What the?", Isaac asked. "Whoa.", Lili cried. Isaac then saw Bella, standing there, looking around.

Isaac immediately recognises her. "Bella?", Isaac asked. His words startle Bella, who stops the blossoming spell, after seeing Isaac and Lili behind her. "Is it really you?", Isaac asked. She quickly uses her magic, which scares them both. 

"Who are you?!", Bella screamed. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Bella, stop! It's me, Isaac!", Isaac cried. Bella still stays in a defence position, as she tries to take a good look at Isaac. "I know I look different with the beard and moustache, but it's me. Just your hands down.", Isaac sighed. 

Bella drops her hands down and she slowly walks up to Isaac, and looks at him for a while. For Isaac is amazed how much his sister has grown. Bella looks down and notice Isaac's necklace around his neck. 

She held it in her hand, and it was the red bloodstone ring that he gave her on the day he left. Then it hits her. Bella looks up and held Isaac's face. "Isaac.", Bella smiled, finally recognising him. "Yes, Bella. It's me.", Isaac sighed, as he held her face. 

Isaac then held her by the back of her head and pulls her in his arms. The two siblings hug for the first time in a decade and both cry, finally reuniting. Lili watches them with a smile from the distance. "I knew you would come and find me.", Bella smiled. 

"Of course, I came.", Isaac sighed. "I miss you so much.", Bella smiled. "I miss you too.", Isaac replied, as the siblings look at each other. "Let me take a good look at you.", Isaac smiled, which makes Bella laugh. "Wow, you are so beautiful.", Isaac sighed, which makes Bella smile. 

Bella notice Lili behind Isaac. "Who's that?", Bella asked. Isaac turns from behind and she meant Lili. Lili then walks up to join Isaac to meet Bella. "Bels, this is Lili. She was my best friend from Samroths.", Isaac replied. "Was?", Bella asked. "She's now my girlfriend.", Isaac smiled. "Girlfriend? I like it.", Bella smiled. 

"Lili, this is my sister, Bella.", Isaac replied. "Hi, Bella. It's so nice to finally meet you. Isaac has told me so much about you.", Lili smiled. "Did he?", Bella asked. "Yes, he never stopped talking about you, he talks about you every single day for the past 10 years.", Lili smiled. 

"Well, I'm glad my brother has found someone special in his life, and you're one lucky witch to capture my brother's heart.", Bella smiled. Ash then appears and sees Bella with Isaac and Lili. "Hey!", Ash called out, which caught their attention. 

"Hey, who are you?", Isaac asked, as he uses his magic at Ash, but Bella quickly stops him. "Whoa, stop! It's ok! He's with me, he's been helping me.", Bella replied. "May I ask, who are you?", Ash asked. "Ash, this is Isaac, my brother.", Bella replied. "Ah, the one and only Isaac Lightwood that I heard so much about.", Ash smiled. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Asher Black, but Ash for short.", Ash smiled, offer his hand for Isaac to shake, who takes it. "Hi, nice to meet you.", Isaac replied. "Your sister told me about you.", Ash smiled. "Yeah, like that?", Isaac asked. "A lot of things. Being a loving big brother to her, and treating her so well.", Ash replied. 

"May I ask, are you two...?", Isaac asked. Bella and Ash realise what Isaac meant, and quickly reacts. "No! No!", Bella cried. "I wish, but no. We're just friends.", Ash replied. Then the siblings ask each other about what the attack from their home. "Bella, I know we just reconnected, but I wanna know what happened on the night you and Mom and Dad were attacked.", Isaac replied. 

"Well, the dark wizard showed up at the house and I open the door, thinking it was you, and for some unknown reasons, he knew who I was and he attacked Mom and Dad, killing them both." Bella replied. Then Isaac looks down. "They're really gone, aren't they?", Bella asked. 

"Yes, they are. Mom, she was still alive when I found, but Dad was already gone. Mom, she died in her arms.", Isaac sighed. Bella then cries, realising that her parents are truly dead. "I'm so sorry.", Isaac sighed, as he comforts her, as Lili cries behind Isaac. 

"I tried to save her, but her injuries were impossible to heal. Before she died, I made a promise to her that I would take care of you and protect you. When I found out that you were abducted and you are trapped in your purgatory, I knew I had to go in and save you.", Isaac cried. "You went in, to save me?", Bella asked. 

"Yes, but not just to save you. I'm taking you home with me, and we're getting out of here, together, all of us.", Isaac replied. 

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