First Kiss

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Isaac and Lili start dancing together on the dance floor with other guests surrounding them as Desmond watches them from the distance. Meanwhile, outside the castle, in the forest, Bella is watching the castle and listening to the music of the royal ball, as Ash notice her watching the castle. 

"You ok?", Ash asked. Bella turns and saw him behind her. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just loud for me to concentrate on my training.", Bella replied. "Ok, how many spells have you learned already?", Ash asked. "About 20.", Bella replied. "Ok, you have 10 more to go, but you should get some rest. You can complete the 10 remaining spell by morning.", Ash replied. 

"Ok, goodnight.", Bella sighed, as Ash goes to sleep. "Night.", Ash sighed, as he doze off to sleep. Bella goes deep in the forest, and stops by a beautiful lake. She decides to take a swim after long hours of training, she takes off her clothes and goes into the lake. 

Unknowing to her, Ash follows her to the lake and watches Bella, enjoying the water from the distance with a smile, seeing how special she is, but he's still unsure of what he feels for her. Ash then leaves lake before Bella gets out. 

Bella later returns from the lake and she lies next to Ash and watching him sleep. She gently plays with his hair and and looks at his face. "You are something, Asher Black.", Bella sighed with a whisper, before she doze off. 

As Bella doze off to bed, Ash wakes up, after hearing her words, and looks at her. Ash gently strokes her face with the back of his hand and looks at her, realising his feelings towards Bella. "You are so beautiful, the most beautiful witch I've ever met and I think I'm falling for you, Bella Lightwood.", Ash sighed, as he goes back to sleep, holding Bella's hand. 

Back at the castle, Isaac and Lili continues to dance and everyone watching them dance to the music. Everyone stops dancing and forms in a circle, for Isaac and Lili, who is dancing in the middle of the circle, as the orchestra musicians starts playing fast. 

Isaac and Lili dance fast to the music, when Lili's bun suddenly becomes undone, and her hair is is left as a half an up-do as the song ends, they pose for the audience, who claps for them. Isaac and Lili look at each other for a while, and during that moment, they both felt something in each other. 

"You know what to do.", Isaac replied, but Lili didn't say a word, but slowly held Isaac's face, who then grabs her hand and held it in his before pulling her close to his body. They slow waltz and spun, before Isaac dips her down, and pulling her back up. Isaac held her waist, then he leans in and kisses her. 

Lili kisses him back and wraps her arms around his neck, as everyone, including Desmond, watches them have their very, first kiss. After sharing a passionate kiss, Isaac and Lili looks at each other, realising the other person's romantic feelings for them. 

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time.", Isaac sighed. Lili smiles at his words. "Me too.", Lili sighed. "Well, since that happened. There's one thing I want to ask you.", Isaac replied. "Really? And what is that?", Lili asked. "Get the girl.", Isaac smiled. "What?", Lili asked with a smile. 

Isaac grab Lili's hands and held it up to his chest. "Lili, I really like you, I like you since I first met you and I want you to be my girlfriend.", Isaac replied. "Isaac, I...", Lili replied, but Isaac stops her words. 

"You don't have to answer right now. Take your time, I can wait. You can tell me when you're ready.", Isaac replied, as he is about to leave her on the dance floor, but is stopped by Lili, who grabs him by the arm. Isaac turns and looks at her. "Then yes.", Lili replied. "Hmm?", he asked. 

"I'm happy to be your girlfriend.", Lili replied. Isaac then kisses her again, which makes him and Lili now an offical couple. Outside the real world, Helena is back in her laboratory after resting, so that Ethan could rest, and she watches Isaac and Lili kissing, which makes her cry. 

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