The Defeat

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As Lili and Astra continues to fight Daniela, without hurting Bella, Isaac and Ash comes to their aid to help. "Good, you're here!", Astra replied. "We don't know what to do, Isaac. I tried to reason with Bella, but nothing worked.", Lili replied. Daniela strikes at them and all four hid from her. 

"What do we do?", Isaac asked. Ash then remember something from his magic book. "Wait a minute.", Ash cried, as he pulls out his magic book. "What?", Isaac asked, as Ash quickly go through the pages and finds the page he's looking for. 

"Here it is!", Ash replied, pointing at the page, as everyone looks at it. "Only the people that the host knows the most, will be able to repossess their body back.", Isaac replied, as he realises something "That's it!", Isaac cried. "What?", Lili asked. 

"Ash and I have being in Bella's life. I've known Bella since she was born, and Ash knew her for a couple of days now. But you, Lili and Astra, you've haven't being in Bella's life, because you never met her or knew her just yet.", Isaac replied. 

"So, someone that Bella knows very well, can reason with her. That's why Astra and I couldn't get a hold of her.", Lili replied. "Yes, maybe either Isaac or myself can talk through to Bella and see if she's still in there somewhere.", Ash replied. Daniela strikes to attack their hiding spot, which annoys Isaac. 

"That's it! I'm going in!", Isaac yelled, as he goes in to reason with Bella, Lili grabs his arm. "Wait!", Lili cried. Isaac looks at her as Lili kisses him passionately. "I love you.", Lili sighed, finally confessing her love to Isaac, who kisses her back. 

After a kiss, Isaac and Lili has a loving moment, forehead to forehead. "I love you, too.", Isaac sighed. "Ok, go!", Lili replied, as Isaac goes out of his hiding spot and calls out for his sister. "Bella!", Isaac called out, and Daniela stops and turns around. 

"Isaac Lightwood. Have you come to surrender?", Daniela asked. "Bella, I know you're still in there!", Isaac yelled. "Stupid boy! Your little sister is longer inside this body. Her body now belongs to me!", Daniela yelled. 

"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to my sister, Isabella Lightwood!", Isaac replied. Daniela laughs at him hysterically. "Remember the day I left for Samroths? Before I left, I gave you my necklace, which you wore every day for 10 years.", Isaac replied, showing her his red bloodstone ring necklace around his neck. 

"When I read those letters, that you wrote to me every day for the past 10 years, I was very happy, but yet sad, because I knew how much I miss you and how much I love you.", Isaac sighed, as tears come down his eyes. 

Suddenly, tears come down from Bella's eyes, meaning that Bella could hear Isaac's words. "Bella, I miss you so much and not another 10 years can keep us apart. Because you are the best sister that I could ever ask for and I want to make more memories with you, from the years I've missed.", Isaac sighed. 

Bella then cries, after hearing those words from her brother, and almost regains control of her body, but Daniela suddenly takes over and laughs hysterically. "Foolish boy! You can't bring your sister back! Her soul is forever gone and she's never coming back!", Daniela smirked. 

Isaac realises that Bella is not coming back and felt like he failed his mother for not saving Bella, like he'd promised before she died, as he remembers her last dying words. 

"Bella...", Isaac sighed. "Now, die!", Daniela, as she strikes a killing curse at him. "Isaac!", Lili screamed, as Daniela strikes her magic at Isaac, who stood in frozen. 

Suddenly, Ash runs out and screams out loud. "No!", Ash cried, as he jumps in front of Isaac and takes the shot, which hits him in the chest. "Ash!", Astra cried, as Ash is struck and hits to the ground, dead. 

This shocks Isaac as he never thought that someone who loved his sister so much, is willing to sacrifice himself for him. Ash's brave sacrifice, broke Isaac down. "Ash...", Isaac sighed, as he falls onto his knees, next to Ash's body. 

Bella sees Ash dead on the ground with Isaac beside him and cries in agony. "Ash! No!", Bella screams, as Daniela's soul exits her body, with Bella finally gaining control of her body back. 

Bella sees Ash dead, then turns to Daniela, and enrages. "You killed him!", Bella screamed as she unleashes her magic, which causes a swirl of wind and darkness.

Desmond regains consciousness and sees Bella in a darkness rage, perishing Daniela's soul. "Daniela! No!", Desmond screamed, as Bella also perishes Desmond with her magic. 

Back inside the real world, Desmond attempts to kill Ethan and Helena, when he felt pain and realises that Bella has perished him in her Purgatory. Desmond falls back from pain and agony, realising that Daniela has perished for good, as Ethan and Helena watch him cry. 

"No! My love! My Daniela!", Desmond cried in agony as he starts to crumble and turn into ashes, which shocks Ethan and Helena. "What just happened?", Ethan asked. Helena checks and realises that Desmond is dead, and so is Daniela. 

"They did, they defeated Desmond.", Helena replied, as she looks at the timer and realise they only have 10 minutes to return to the real world. "But they must hurry because time's running out!", Helena cried. 

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