Falling In Love

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That same night from the real world, Desmond is in his cabin, looking at a photo of him and his late lover, Daniela. "I miss you so much, Daniela. I will do everything in my power to get you back, and I will bring back your new body as soon as I can. We'll be together again, my love. I promise.", Desmond sighed. 

Back in Bella's purgatory, it's now morning and Bella wakes up as Ash makes breakfast by the fire. Ash notice Bella waking up. "Morning.", Ash greeted. "Morning.", Bella replied with a yawn. "You want some breakfast?", Ash asked. "Sure, what are you making?", Bella asked. "Bacon and eggs.", Ash replied. 

"How on earth do you find bacon and eggs?", Bella asked. "I'm a wizard, Bella. I know a spell that can provide us food.", Ash smiled, as he offers her plate of bacon and eggs. "You are full of surprises, Asher Black.", Bella smiled, taking the plate. After breakfast, Bella starts her first day of magic training.

"Ok, if you're going to get yourself of here, you must know how to defend yourself from dark witches and wizards, who might be inside your own purgatory. I know you only have 2 more years left until you'll be able to go to magic school, but I want you to know some magic and spells beforehand, especially when you encounter a witch or wizard of the dark arts.", Ash replied. 

"This is like another nightmare in one.", Bella replied. Ash pulls out a magic book from his sachet bag, and it is a big and heavy book, filled with lots of pages. He puts it onto a tree stump. Bella goes to take a look at it. "What is this?", Bella asked. "This is the ultimate magic book. This book contain spells and potions, but we'll be looking at the spells today.", Ash replied. 

Bella opens the book and the first page is the first magic spell. "To complete all of these spells, you must learn them one by one, in order. So, start with the levitation spell, and once you succeed, go to the next one. Just work your way up, until you reach the potions section.", Ash replied. 

"Ok, if I'm getting out of here, I must learn it all.", Bella replied, as she looks at the first page and starts practicing it. Meanwhile, Isaac and Lili woke up from their sleep and set off to find Bella again. They rode around, until they reach another village, called Ronarus. The village is beautiful, as it's felt like spring. 

Isaac and Lili are amazed how beautiful the village and it's kingdom is. Isaac and Lili walks into the village and it's market town, where it's packed with people and the villagers are selling food, flowers and other items. Lili is looking around and see the stalls, and how they display their items. 

Isaac looks around and sees a woman selling beautiful flowers, he came up her and bought a single white rose from her, and use a spell to make a coin to pay. Lili stops by at a stall, selling bread and fruit. Lili became fascinated how the grapes were displayed, and the man who is selling them, offers her a bunch of purple grapes. 

Lili has a taste of the grapes and she is surprised how sweet they are, when Isaac comes up to her and gives her a tap on the shoulder, which got her attention. She turns and he gives her the white rose, he previous bought. "For you.", Isaac replied, as Lili takes the rose. "It's beautiful, thank you.", Lili smiled, as she sniffs it. 

"You have to try this.", Lili cried, as she feeds him a grape. Isaac tries it and he is surprised how sweet the grape is. "Mmm!", Isaac cried in delight. "It's sweet, right?", Lili asked. "Yeah.", Isaac smiled. They look at each other for a while, as Lili plays with her rose and smiles at Isaac. 

"You're hungry?", Isaac asked. "Starving.", Lili smiled. "Well, we can buy something here, or there's a tavern over there.", Isaac replied. "Maybe the tavern, because I need a drink.", Lili replied. Isaac smiles to her words. "Me too.", Isaac replied, as he and Lili goes into the tavern to enjoy a decent meal. 

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