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In Bella's purgatory, Bella tries to break herself free from her chains, when Desmond appears before her. "Isabella Lightwood, I've been waiting for you for such a long time.", Desmond smiled. "What do you want from me? Why am I the one you're after?", Bella asked. 

"Well, Isabella. You are very special, so special than any other witch I ever encounter. My brother is lucky to have a beautiful witch like you in his life.", Desmond replied. "What about you? Have you ever been in love?", Bella asked. 

"I have, actually. I had a lover once. Her name was Daniela and she was the love of my life, we were going to have a future together. But she died years ago.", Desmond smiled. "Did you ever move on? Found someone new after her?", Bella asked. 

"No, never. Daniela is my true love, I'll never love anyone else but her. I couldn't let her go. I promise her that we'll be together again, but giving her a second chance at life. But obviously, bringing someone back to life is impossible. But it's possible, if I have Daniela's soul in another witch's body.", Desmond replied. 

"What does that got to do with me?", Bella asked. Desmond goes close to the marble table, looking down at Bella and leans down to her face. "You're going to be Daniela's new body.", Desmond smiled, as he pulls out his dagger from his belt. Realising that Desmond will be using her as Daniela's vessel, Bella tries to break herself free. 

"You're a monster.", Bella replied. Desmond place his hand on her face and smiles. "Yes, I am.", he sighed, as he raise and carves the same symbol on Bella's left side of the chest, like he did to Bella in the real world. As he carves her, Bella screams in agony as she gets tortured. 

In the real world, Bella's carved symbol on her chest, starts to glow, as her body remains unconscious, and Helena knew Bella is in serious trouble. 

In the purgatory, Bella's screams can be heard by Isaac, Lili and Ash, who are underground in the dungeon. Ash, who couldn't handle Bella's pain, tries to scream out for her. "Bella!", Ash screamed. "Will you shut the fuck up?! They can't hear you!", Isaac yelled. 

"It's Bella, she needs help! My brother's up there, torturing her. I can't let him hurt her!", Ash cried. "It's your fault that my sister's in this mess!", Isaac yelled. "Isaac!", Lili cried. "It wasn't my idea for Dez to have Bella be used as a vessel!", Ash cried. "But you helped him with his plans, Ash.", Isaac replied. 

"Bella's in this mess because of you!", Isaac yelled, which left Ash speechless. "You know what? You are worse like your brother!", Isaac yelled. "Don't compare me to my brother!", Ash yelled, as he's face-to-face with Isaac. 

"Look, Isaac. I would never hurt Bella, and I mean it. I love her with all my heart and I would do anything to protect her!", Ash replied. "No sister of mine, will be romantically involve with a dark wizard. Once I get her out of here, I'll make sure that you will never her again.", Isaac replied. 

Suddenly, a huge gust of wind appears as a massive bright light flashes at the eyes of the trio, and the dungeon door breaks apart, which breaks Desmond's enchantment. "What the?", Isaac asked in shock. A female hooded figure in a cape appears in front of them.

The guards who were at the dungeons, try to attack, but were easily defeated by the hooded figure, who then stands up before Ash. "Who is that?", Lili asked. 

The trio walks closer and the female hooded figure takes off her hood, revealing her face to them. Ash is shock who it is. "Astra?", Ash asked in shock. Astra smiles at him "Hello, Ash. Long time no see, brother.", Astra smiled. "Brother?", Isaac asked. 

"Twin brother.", Astra smiled. Ash goes to his sister and hugs her, with tears of joy. Isaac and Lili watches the siblings embrace. As Isaac watch Ash reuniting with his now resurrected sister, it reminds him the way he reunited with Bella, and realising that Ash does love Bella and has betrayed Desmond for her. 

"How? But you're dead.", Ash asked. "I was. But this lovely witch, she resurrected me, and gave me another chance at life. Her name is Helena, I think.", Astra replied. "My mother?", Lili asked. "Yes! Your mother. She told me everything about my brother, and what he's been doing, and she told me about Bella too.", Astra replied. 

Isaac looks at her. "I have no idea, Dez is capable to doing something like this.", Astra replied. "Well, he's been like this after you died, Astra. He went into his evil ways and makes bad choices ever since.", Ash replied. "Anyways, why are you here?", Lili asked. 

"Your mother notice your were in trouble and she resurrected me and sent me in here, in order to help you, and defeat Dez.", Astra replied. "He's gone too far, and he's trying to get Daniela back, with Bella's body.", Ash replied. Lili looks at her watch and it says 3 hours. 

"We have 3 hours left, before Daniela takes over Bella's body for good, and Bella will be trapped inside her purgatory forever, if we don't bring her back in the real world in time.", Lili asked. "What do we do?", Ash asked, as Isaac comes up with a plan to take down Desmond. 

"We need to get up there and stop him and Daniela, before it's too late.", Isaac replied. "How the hell are we going to defeat him. My brother is unstoppable, he's impossible to defeat.", Ash replied. "But, there's four of us and one of him.", Isaac replied. 

"Still, there are guards everywhere, there's more of them, than us!", Ash cried. "But those guards aren't as powerful as us.", Isaac replied. Astra assures Ash about Isaac's words. "Isaac's right. We are all powerful than those guards out there, and Desmond doesn't have a team of powerful witches and wizards like we do.", Astra replied. 

"And, now I realise that maybe you have changed your ways and betrayed Desmond.", Isaac replied. "Isaac, I meant what I said. I love Bella and I would never hurt her.", Ash sighed. "I know you do, that's why I trust you now.", Isaac replied, as Ash looks at him. "Truce?", Isaac asked, offering his hand to Ash. 

Ash takes it and shakes Isaac's hand. "Truce.", Ash smiled, while Lili and Astra watch with a smile. "Ok, let's go save Bella.", Isaac replied. "Yep and kick my brother's ass.", Ash replied, as the four of them walks out of the dungeons and goes up to the castle.

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