A Kiss Goodbye

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Back in Bella's purgatory, Bella continues to be in a rage, after Desmond and Daniela have perished, and Isaac realises the whole castle is going to collapse. He goes to stop his sister. "Bella!", Isaac cried, as he goes up to her as she continues to scream.

Isaac turns her to face him and held her shoulders. "Bella! Hey, hey, hey! Bels!", Isaac replied. "She killed Ash!", Bella cried. "I know, but this, won't bring him back!", Isaac replied.

Bella looks up and sees the castle about to erupt and Isaac's time watch, which then breaks. "You have to get out of here, before your time's up.", Bella cried. "No, I'm not leaving here without you!", Isaac cried. "Isaac, please. I don't wanna hurt you!", Bella cried.

"Bella, what I said to you is true. I admit everything about us and how much I thought about you every day for 10 years.", Isaac replied. "I lost everything! I lost Mom, I lost Dad and I lost Ash!", Bella cried. "But you still have me. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere!", Isaac replied. This broke down Bella, as Isaac hugs her.

Bella embraces Isaac as she stops her magic and broke down in tears, in her brother's arms. Isaac comforts his sister, as Lili and Astra gets out of their hiding spot and watch the siblings embrace. "You're ok, it's over now.", Isaac sighed, as Bella continues to cry. Lili goes to embrace Isaac.

Then, Bella sees Ash, lying dead on the floor, which broke her down even more. "Ash!", Bella cried, as she runs and falls on her knees beside his body. "Ash, no! Wake up!", Bella cried, as she held his face. "No...", Bella cried, as she lay her head on his chest and cries. Astra cries too, as Lili comforts her.

Bella held Ash's hand and finally admits her feelings for him. "You have been there for me and you betrayed your brother for me. Please come back to me, because I love you. I love you since I watch you sleep that night. My heart will always belong to you.", Bella sighed, as she sighs next to his body and kisses his hand.

A tear falls from her eye and lands on his hand, which suddenly evaporate into his skin and Ash's body starts to glow, which shocks Isaac, Lili and Astra. After a flash of light, Ash suddenly breathes, which surprises Bella, who looks at him. Ash regains consciousness and opening his eyes.

"Ash!", Bella cried, as she helps him sit up. "Be careful.", Bella cried as Ash sits up. "How?", Lili asked. "It's an act of love.", Astra sighed. "What?", Isaac asked. "When true act of love, is stronger between the deceased and their loved one, the deceased has a chance at life again.", Astra sighed.

"Ash, are you ok?", Bella asked. " I am now.", Ash sighed, as he held her face. "Your love for me is stronger than any magic, so strong that it bought me back to life.", Ash sighed. Bella cries and hugs Ash tight. "I love you, Ash.", Bella sighed. "I love you too.", Ash sighed, but the castle then starts to collapse, and Lili and Astra looks at their watch and sees 5 minutes.

"We have 5 minutes to get back to the real world!", Lili replied. "Let's get out of here!", Astra cried. Isaac checks his watch and just realise it was broken. "Shit, mine broke!", Isaac cried. "What do we do?!", Lili cried. "I got an idea, but I need to do it in the real world.", Astra replied.

"You girls, so ahead!", Isaac replied. "Come on!", Astra cried, and she and Lili turn on button on the sides of their watches and they disappear and return to their bodies in the real world. Lili and Astra wakes up with a gasp, which surprises Ethan and Helena.

"Lili! Thank God you're ok!" Helena cried, as Lili goes to Isaac's body who isn't awake yet. "Why's Isaac hasn't woken up yet?", Helena asked. "His watch was destroyed inside the Purgatory. We have to wake him up!", Astra cried. "How?", Lili asked. Astra takes out a defibrillator from the side.

"A defibrillator?!", Lili asked. "This will shock him, and enough to wake him up!", Astra replied. "Hurry because the purgatory is about to collapse!", Lili cried. Astra fully charges it up and shocks Isaac with the defibrillator onto his chest.

This shocks his body and Isaac then disappears from the purgatory and back into his body in the real world. Isaac wakes up in his body and Lili sighs in relief and embraces him. "Thank God! But what about Bella?", Helena asked.

Back inside Bella's purgatory, the whole castle is erupting and everything is collapsing down. Bella and Ash looks around and then at each other. "You have been there for me since I was sent down here and you have been by my side from the first day I met you.", Bella sighed.

"I made a promise to you that I would help you find your way out, Bella. I never break that promise.", Ash sighed. "Yeah, I remember.", Bella smiled, who then looks around the castle. "If you're really Desmond's brother and Desmond real is in the real world. Does that mean you're real too?", Bella asked.

"It's hard to say, but my body in the real world is not near where your body is, and yes I am real.", Ash replied. "Will I ever see you again?", Bella asked. "That is something I can't answer, Bella.", Ash replied. "But if you let me go, you'll be able to go back to the real world and reunite with your brother.", Ash sighed.

Bella takes Ash's hand and looks down. "No, I don't want to lose you, Ash.", Bella cried, as she cries. But Ash held her chin with his fingers and lift it up, looking directly to his face. "No Bella, you won't. Because, I'll be always with you.", Ash sighed.

Bella looks at him in tears and held his face, before her and Ash comes closer and share their very first kiss, as the castle collapses around them. Suddenly, Bella wakes up from her own body, in the real world, as Isaac goes to calm her down. "Bella, it's ok. You're ok, you're safe.", Isaac replied.

"Where am I?", Bella asked. "You're home.", Isaac smiled. "Back in the real world.", Lili smiled. Bella is happy that she back in the real world. Bella sees Isaac and embraces him, finally reunite with him in the real world. "I miss you.", Bella sighed.

"I miss you too.", Isaac smiled. Then Luna meows, which delights Bella. "Luna!", Bella cried, as she gets off the bed and embraces Luna in her arms. Lili reunites with her parents, while Astra is happy with joy of being alive again.

Moments later, Isaac, Lili, Bella and Astra eats a feast, after being in the purgatory for a long time, after Helena casts a spell that makes food appear. Ethan comes in and is shock to see what's going on. "Whoa! Never seen anybody this hungry before.", Ethan cried.

"Well, they've been in the purgatory for a long time, they deserve to eat something.", Helena replied. "Which is good, because everyone is back in one piece.", Helena sighed, as she pets Lili's head. "Well, we succeeded the mission.", Lili replied. "I'm still weirded out of being alive again.", Astra replied.

"Yeah. Mom, what's going to happen for Astra now?", Lili asked. "Well, Astra can live another chance of life, so the resurrected spell is permanent.", Helena replied. Astra cries with joy, as she gets live another chance of life again, and Bella embraces Astra.

"But Desmond is dead and Ash is nowhere in the real world. How's Astra going to live on her own?", Bella asked. "Maybe she can live with a foster family.", Helena replied. "That won't be necessary.", Isaac replied. "What?", Astra asked. "I'll take Astra in my wing, she'll stay with Bella and I.", Isaac replied.

"Really?", Astra asked. "Yes.", Isaac replied. "Would you like that?", Bella asked. "I would love that.", Astra smiled, as she embraces Bella and Isaac. "That it's settled and the mission is complete.", Helena replied. "Actually, there's one more thing that we have to do.", Isaac smiled.

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