Chapter 47- 'Every compliment is expected to be repaid in blowjobs.'

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A/N: thank you so much to alphaross for the amazing banner! proper made me laugh that one!


I’m not going to be one of those dicks that sits there and says ‘I’m not scared of anything.’

No man likes to admit it, but everyone’s scared of something. When I was a kid I used to be terrified of that creepy little chucky doll after Nate and I watched the movie and my dad being the wonderful parent he is brought me the doll for my 8th birthday. I locked the creepy little ginger bastard away in the attic first chance I got.

As you get older, things don’t scare you as easily. Even when I first went to prison, I was nervous but I was never actually scared. It was more anxiety, I was at the point of my life where I didn’t really care if I got stabbed in the neck with a spork in the lunchroom after everything that happened, but it didn’t meant the thought of it didn’t make me a little agitated.

So yeah, as a grown man not a lot scares you.

But right now I’ll swallow my pride and admit I was fucking terrified.

I was currently stood outside of the warehouse where all the shipments of the pills were being dealt with, and I was just about to go in and quit. Tell Derek and my dad that I was out and didn’t want to do this anymore. And there was a part of me that didn’t know if I’d actually make it out of the warehouse with all my limbs once I did.

I knew the type of person I was working for and I knew it would not be easy, but I had no choice.

I never wanted to do this; I never wanted to fall into this life like my dad did. I agreed to it and I admit it was stupid but I was at rock bottom. I’d lost everyone I’d remotely given a shit about and I just wanted to sink as far down as I possibly could.

But I had it back now. It wasn’t perfect I knew that, what was though?

I knew me and Nate weren’t completely back to normal, but we were talking. That was something.

I knew things with me and Mia weren’t perfect right now, the situation was complicated as hell but I wanted it to be something that resembled perfect. I’d settle for ‘decent’ to be honest, I just wanted some form of a normal life where I was actually happy, and as much of a soppy bastard I must sound saying this she was one of the only things that did make me happy.

Jesus Christ I think I’ve just started my period…

We’d gotten over the first hurdle: Nate.

Even he has sort of given his consent; the condition was I had to get out of this mess.

So here I was, trying to get out of it to sort my life out.

I felt like an adult. Like I was breaking my maturity virginity and becoming a man.

Some people experienced this when they start their first job or something, I experience it just as I’m about to walk into a drug factory and hand in my resignation.

My life ladies and gentlemen…

I took a deep breath and walked in, instantly the smell of weed fills my nostrils. Clearly a couple of the guys were ‘testing the products’ before they got put out on the streets to sell. I’ll admit I'm guilty of that as well. Who would say no to free shit? Do you have any idea how expensive drugs are now days?

We’re in a recession.

A couple of the guys greet me as I walk through. I walk straight through the main factory line to the back office where I knew Derek would be in. The only time he comes out of it is if someone is fucking about to put them in their place.

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