Chapter 16- Every man has a zombie plan.

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“No way! I’d rather accept the offer the creepy guy in prison gave me of becoming his ‘tickle buddy’ than spend a weekend with that jock strap!” Drake yells.

“I had no choice okay, he heard we were going and asked if he could come. What was I going to say?” I replied.

“Say that if he comes he was going to end up on the back of milk carton!” Drake responds.

I closed my eyes and inhaled. I knew this was going to be his reaction.

“He’s right Mia, you are aware that none of the people going actually like the dude?” My brother interjects. Even he wasn’t on my side on this.

We were in the kitchen, Drake and Nate were on the island looking at me like I had just suggested inviting Hitler to spend the weekend with us at the Cabin.

In fact, I’d invited Garry.

I mentioned to him yesterday I was going up there for the weekend as he asked me to spend it at his house, and he asked if he could come along. I knew the guys were going to kick off but I couldn’t say no, technically we were seeing each other so I had some obligation to actually spend time with him.

Plus after the whole ‘I love you’ saga I felt sort of guilty so I couldn’t say no.

“I know no one is exactly a fan of him but I know Jimmy and Luke, they would get along with Hitler with a few drinks in them so I don’t think Garry will be a problem.”

“It’s not Jimmy and Luke that are the problem; it’s my foot that will have the problem because it will be attracted to his throat.” Drake almost growls.

I let out a scream of frustration “Look you guys are inviting some herpie riddled sluts up the Cabin, I'm asking Garry. Get over it.”

Nate lets out a breath realising I had a point. Drake however had his fists clenched and I could hear him trying to think of any excuse to not have him come. I knew they didn’t get along, but he would have to suck it up ‘cos it was happening.

The doorbell rings, telling us the pizza has arrived. Drake stands up sending the stool screeching on the floor. He walks past me to get the door, stopping so he was looking me straight in the eyes.

“If his nose, or ribs, or knee’s accidently break during this trip, you have no one to blame but yourself.” Drake warns before leaving the kitchen to pay the delivery boy.

I look at Nate, who just shrugs.

“Well, if we get bored up there this weekend we’ve basically got a portable pay per view fight, so that’s a plus.” He tells me, trying to joke about the situation. I let out a laugh, a little nervous because I knew what he was saying could very well be a possibility.

We ate the pizza while watching Family Guy, spending the rest of the night watching TV. Drake spent basically the whole night in a strop much to my annoyance. That boy was like a child when he didn’t get his own way.

It was the night before we were meant to leave for the weekend. It was Friday tomorrow and technically Lacey and I had school but we offered to skip so we could get there early in the morning.

We were so thoughtful that way.

It got to just before midnight when we all decided to go to sleep.

Nate got to his feet and placed a kiss at the top of my head “Night people, try not to kill each other.”

Drake lets out a snort and Nate makes his way up the stairs.

I stare at Drake, waiting for him to say something but he just keeps his eyes on the telly, his face frozen in an angry expression and his arms crossed over his chest.

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