Foreword: a brief summary & update history

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Welcome. Please note this story is a work in progress. be patient as I try to create a decent story. Prototype is what I named it because it is a prototype, and it has no official name.

1st off this is a fanfic but it may be different than others, based on fanfics I've had experience with. I'm not saying mine is so unique or original either, it's just not romance driven or shipping etc. if that is your preference you may not be interested in this. Or maybe you will be. I don't know, just giving a heads up.

This fanfic is very much like my first K-pop fanfic, a t-ara inspired story called you're my target. The characters are all loosely based on group members, and while I try to make them have personalities matching real life, obviously liberties are taken to fit the story. This story also takes place in that same universe, with the same mythos, lore etc. it has no direct connection to it though, so it's not a sequel, just a new story. You don't have to read you're my target to understand this story. you're my target was more of a drama with some suspense, romance and mystery and it focused on a character that was not a t-ara member. I tried to have red velvet be the mains of this, though some chapters that isn't always the case. The genre is also more action and adventure. (With other genres sprinkled in) The t-ara story was also written backwards. The original idea that inspired the story was the ending and I worked from there. This Red velvet story Is more of something I'm writing as I go as I've stated earlier.

being a work in progress, naturally the story has changed as I progressed. my original vision (version 1) for the story was to have 5 introduction arcs for each of the 5 characters inspired by each red velvet member. the final intro arc was going to be the culminating event that tied all 5 together. (the 1st intro, based on Wendy, was still based on this original vision. ) while i wrote Joys intro, it changed. (Version2) it became more of a backstory and wasnt going to end near the culminating event. i started Seulgis with the backstory in mind as well as yeris, but i found Yeris intro a bit easier and finished it quicker. i got stuck trying to sort out seulgis and eventually just gave up on it and decided to just ditch the intro idea.

!!!!!!!update 5/6/22!!!!! Prototype Version 2.5

Wendy and Joys intro are still "canon" as their bits of story will take place eventually. However I have decided as  of may sixth 2022 to actually change the format. Yeris intro will be the "intro" chapters while Joy and Wendy's intros will now be moved to their chronological place in future installments. Seulgis intro (backstory) will be removed until I can finally revisit it and write it with care and give it the attention it needs and reveal it when the time comes.

Update 9/22/22 minor update, created a trivia section at the "back" of the story and moved any trivia from the foreword there. (Helps avoid any possible spoilers)

On 3/31/23 I was in a serious car accident and was unable to dedicate time to writing. There was a big gap between chapters 27 and 28 being published almost an entire year. 

Red Velvet Fanfic [prototype]Where stories live. Discover now