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Olivia woke up later that day, and she was so excited to plan for a wedding. She didn't know if she and Elliot were actually engaged, but she knew it would happen soon. That in a few months, she would be a Stabler, which was significantly better than being a Benson at this point.

"Good morning, baby." Elliot smiled as Olivia walked into the kitchen. Elliot was sitting with the girls at their small kitchen table, and Olivia couldn't help but smile. He had really jumped into the role of being a father, and he was a great father to her little girls. Their little girls.

"Hi." Olivia replied. She moved over and kissed Lou and then Letty's hair before sitting beside Elliot and kissing him several times.

"How'd you sleep?" Elliot asked.

"I slept pretty good. But you helped tire me out last night." Olivia spoke, breathing the last part.

"You are very welcome." Elliot laughed. 

"What are we doing today, Mama?" Lou asked, as she sat her sippy cup down.

"I don't know yet, Lou. Do you want to do something special?" Olivia asked, and Lou nodded.


"Okay, I'm assuming you wanna go and see Grandma and Papa?" Olivia asked, and Lou nodded as Letty started to chant Papa over and over again.

"I bet they would watch them today, and we can start planning our wedding."

"What?" Olivia asked, as her eyes went wide.

"I haven't gotten you a ring yet, but I thought we should try and get things going."

"Okay." Olivia breathed.

"Wedding?" Lou asked, as she struggled to say the word.

"Yeah, baby. Mama and I are going to get married. So there will be this big party, and Mama will wear a really pretty dress and so will you and Letty... uh, there will be a big cake that will weigh more than you!" Elliot exclaimed, which got Lou and Letty both beyond excited. Letty didn't know what was happening, exactly, but she was really feeding off the fact her big sister couldn't stop squealing and talking about how fun a huge party would be.

"I think they approve." Elliot smiled as he leaned close to Olivia.

"I think they do too. I guess we gotta do a big wedding now."

"You deserve one, baby. One without you being knocked up and it being more of a pity wedding."


Olivia called Bernie and Joseph, and they were both completely excited to see the girls. Olivia got the girls around and took them over to their house while Elliot went out to do something that he refused to tell Olivia about.

"Papa!" Lou exclaimed, as Olivia opened the front door for them.

"Hey, pumpkin! C'mere." Joseph smiled. He squatted down and drew the small girl into a tight and loving hug, before kissing her forehead softly. The embrace probably would have lasted longer, but then Violet was getting upset because she wasn't being held by her grandfather yet.

"These two just adore you, Joseph." Olivia spoke, as she sat the diaper bag down and waved at Lou before she ran upstairs to play.

"I love them so much, Liv. I have good bonds with my other grandkids, but these two... there is just something incredibly special about them." Joseph sighed softly, as he snuggled the youngest of his many grandchildren.

"I need to talk to Bernie real quick... but before I'd just like to thank you for loving these two as if they were your biological grandkids. My father hates them and my mother never got to meet them."

"Elliot is the father of these two, and that makes me their grandfather. No questions asked. Now, Bern is in the basement going through the freezer. I'll take care of these two." Joseph smiled.

Olivia went downstairs, and she scared Bernie a bit.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Olivia laughed weakly.

"Don't apologize, honey. I just didn't hear you even show up." Bernie replied. She moved to Olivia and hugged her tightly before moving back to the freezer.

"Thanks for watching the girls today. Lou asked if we were doing anything special today, and that always means that she wants to come over here and spend the day with her grandparents." Olivia smiled.

"We are always ready to watch them. But now that they are here today, what are your plans?"

"Uh, well..." Olivia trailed off nervously.

"Liv?" Bernie asked softly.

"Elliot and I are getting married."


"He kinda, sorta,  proposed super early this morning... I don't have a ring or anything, but he told me that he wants to marry me. So we are planning our wedding."

"Oh my god! Congrats, love! I can't believe he proposed but didn't even tell me and his father the plan!"

"I don't think he realized that I'd be so on board. But he wanted to spend the day planning, and I'm all for that."

"Did you have a big wedding before?" Bernie asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"I was pregnant when I got married last time. Brad just said fuck it and told me we were getting married. I was nearing eight weeks, and I was super sick, but it still happened. But Elliot wants to have a big wedding. We want a big party to celebrate the love we have for each other."

"Are you pregnant this time?" Bernie asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, I'm not. But Elliot has some plans in regards to that." Olivia laughed weakly.

"That boy... if you two need help with this, just tell us. We helped pay for the weddings of the other kids."

"I'd like us to do this ourselves, but we might need help. Thanks. Now, I gotta go and find your son. He told me he had an errand to run before we went and did planning together."


Elliot told Olivia to meet him in the park near their apartment. Olivia was sure he just wanted to get a plan going, and then they could head out. But instead, she found something completely different.

"El?" Olivia breathed as she looked at him. He smiled at her, before quickly getting down on one knee.

"Olivia, I know we kinda got engaged last night... but I wanted to do it in a more proper way. Ring and all."

"You don't even have to ask me, El. I am so fucking ready to be your wife." Olivia grinned, before pulling Elliot to his feet and kissing him deeply.

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