Chapter 15

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The first practice with Neymar, coach Harris and Ian after what had happened at the reception came and went, with Ian not making an appearance.

"This was easily the best practice we've had since we started." Neymar said and to my complete shock, loud enough for coach Harris to hear. "Since that douchebag isn't here."

"Good job guys." Harris said diplomatically. "We are coming up to a month of these practices now and coach Emery is going to want an update from us, but things are going great I believe. If there is anything to report on your side..." He said. Neymar opened his mouth to speak but I shot him a warning look which the coach saw. "You can let me know by end of week." He added then and he started walking back to the main building.

I went back to the bench to drink some water. "We don't want to start anything with Ian now, especially since the first games of the season are this weekend." I told Neymar who had followed me, kicking a football absentmindedly.

"We wouldn't be starting anything, he started it!" Neymar said angrily. "I saw him grab you, he had no right to do that! What was even his problem?"

"He has it out for me. He had from the start."

"Cause you're so much better than him. You intimidate him. Because he was handed what he has and you've fought for everything." Neymar said, looking at me, straight in the eyes.

"He doesn't think that." I told him. "He actually said... He said I'm trying to seduce you, so that you'll go to bat for me."

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Neymar said and stopped kicking the ball. "He actually had the nerve to suggest that?" I nodded. "It doesn't even make sense, you've been here longer than me. You were already a coaching assistant and a player before I came."

I sighed. "He's not the only one that thinks it's strange how quickly things have moved for me since you got here." Neymar came and sat next to me. "The practices with just you. Me being featured on the poster. My teammates..." I started saying. "Things are weird between us, they're a bit distant."

"Because they don't know our history Liv." Neymar told me. "They don't know we used to have practices like that in Brazil and even later..." He trailed off. "They don't know these practices were for my benefit solely, back then. Because you refuse to tell them. But how can you be a team if you don't trust your teammates? If you don't trust them off the pitch, it's never gonna work on it."

I looked at his hazel eyes, getting lost in their depths. Depths of courage and sincerity and even affection. He was right, of course he was right. He reached and covered my hand with his.

"I didn't know all this was going on." He told me. "I had no idea."

"I should have told you."

"Yes, you should have. And you should tell them. For what it's worth, I never hid us from my teammates, even those that I barely knew. You share yourself with them, otherwise you can't be a team. As for Ian, he still was out of line and he had no right. Because he knows exactly why we are having those practices and it was no seduction on your part that made it happen. He's just a loser. But if he ever tries anything like he did at the reception, I swear to God."


On Friday, the last practice before both teams' first games was a light one. We were split in three groups and did a rotation of light conditioning in the gym, swimming and checkups with the sports scientists and team doctors for any concerns. Thiago, David and Neymar were all in my group so at same point we found ourselves floating in our swimming suits on the side of the pool after we were done with our laps.

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