Chapter 28

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As the sun began to rise, it started to peek through the windows. I opened my eyes, remembering where I was, and smiling. I turned around to grab Nolan, only to be met with an empty spot. I was confused for a minute until I looked at the clock and saw what time it was, 9am. I grabbed my phone off the charger and walked down the hall to the kitchen.

A smile came across my face when I saw an iced coffee, fresh picked flowers, and a note sitting on the counter.

The note read: Good Morning, Beautiful. I hope you slept good. Enjoy the coffee while you apartment hunt today. Text me when you are up. Nol

I smiled and took a sip of the coffee. I don't know what he did to it, but it was the best coffee I'd ever had. I grabbed my coffee, Nolan's laptop, and walked to the couch. I got comfy with a blanket, opened the computer and cut on the TV. I picked up the phone and texted Nol.

Me: No kisses before leaving, huh?

I waited a minute, and then I received a picture of Nolan making a kissy face.

Nol: Sorry love, I did not want to wake you up.

Me: I slept like a baby last night, you were so warm.

Nol: Get use to it because I am never letting you leave.

Me: Is that a threat or a promise?

Nol: Both

Me: Get back to practice. Thank you for the coffee and flowers. I loved them!

Nol: Anything for you, my girl

I smiled at his response and went back to the computer.

I pulled up a Google Chrome browser and searched "apartments near me." I started to scroll a bit, but everything I saw was out of my price range. I mean, I had money saved up, but I wasn't trying to blow through it. I looked a little longer before I decided to call my mom and see what she thought I should do. She answered on the first ring.

"Hey darling, how are you?"

"Hey mom, I am good! I miss you!"

We continued with the conversation. I told her about my date with Nolan, and him asking me to be his girlfriend, and then I told her about going to the games and enjoying watching the guys play. I decided to leave out the part about me almost coming back home. But I did mention coming back home to grab my things.

"It sounds like you are having a great time, baby. Have you looked at apartments recently?"

"That is what I called you about. I am looking, but everything in this area is expensive. I am not sure what to do."

Mom offered to send money to help, but I would feel guilty taking it.

"You could always stay with Dylan. I know he could not mind," she offered up.

"It might be the only option. I guess I will talk to him, and just see what he says. Thanks, mom."

We wrapped up the conversation and I went back to the computer. I was still looking around at apartments when Nolan's computer dinged and a text came through. I guess his phone was linked with it. I happened to catch a name of the person he was texting, Dylan. Why was Dylan and Nolan not talking in person? Now I knew I had to look. I opened up their messages and started to read. 

Dylan: Man, you have to tell her. She needs to know

My heart sank. What did I need to know?

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