Chapter 18

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Another month passed, and Naruto was now thirty-two weeks pregnant. His belly was quite larger and moving was nearly impossible. Tenten provide him with a walker in case he did want to move around and for his frequent trips to the bathroom.

Sasuke was doing much worse. The shower they held in their hospital room seemed the last time Sasuke was conscious for the whole day. It slowly progressed to him having to take naps throughout the day until it turned to him maybe waking for an hour or two a day.

Naruto was also feeling the drain of his energy. He was sleeping nearly as much as Sasuke, though he was eating maybe five times as much. His whole body ached, and the constant moving of his babies inside him, made his stomach quite sore.

"Knock, knock!" Naruto sat up in his bed to see Deidara in the doorway, a large smile on his face. He stepped further in the room and Naruto was able to see just how pregnant Deidara was. "How are you doing today?" He made his way to the bed, lying down next to Naruto who was now holding Sasuke's hand next to him.

Naruto let out a heavy sigh. "I feel like I'm stressing out as much as usual."

Deidara frowned as he placed a gentle hand on Naruto's belly. "Naruto, you know you can't think about worst case scenarios, un. It's not healthy for your children."

Naruto lightly groaned. "I know that Deidara, but I can't help it." His voice got lower, Deidara having to lean in closer. He looked Deidara in the eyes, his own baby blues beginning to tear up. "He's getting worse and worse. And it's not like before where he'd have a day or two where he was normal. He's been asleep for three days now, Deidara. Everything seems...hopeless."

Deidara frowned further as Naruto began to cry audibly. "Naruto, please, don't think like that." He sat up and slowly pulled Naruto to himself, holding in his arms and letting him cry. "Sasuke's in good hands, he'll be-" a groan came from Deidara's mouth and his grip on Naruto got tighter.

Naruto paused in his crying, looking up at Deidara. "Hey, are you okay?"

Another pained groan came from the older blonde, his eyes clenched tightly. He opened one eye, focusing on Naruto. "N-no. I think it's the baby, un."

"The baby?!" Naruto's eyes widened and he sat up quickly. "I'll call in a nurse or doctor!" Naruto pressed the red emergency button that was placed within arms reach above the headboard of their bed.

It didn't take long for a nurse to come running in. She paused and checked Deidara, his ;breathing became labored.

"Is he and the baby okay?" Naruto asked after the nurse finished giving him a quick check up.

The nurse turned to Naruto, she didn't look familiar. He assumed she must be new or maybe even a substitute. She gave Naruto a small smile. "Yes, but he's showing signs of labor. I'll be taking him to the maternity ward. I'll be right back."

Naruto held on to Deidara's hand, lightly rubbing his thumb across it. He watched as the nurse left and came back quickly with a wheelchair.

"Here we are." She situated Deidara into the chair before saying her goodbye's to Naruto and then wheeling the blonde away.

Everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye, and once Naruto felt himself being able to calm down, he felt himself have a slight hopefulness. He smiled to himself, maybe Deidara's baby will be a match for Sasuke. He began to imagine Sasuke getting well again. His eyes spotted blonde hair in the hallway, it was Tsunade.

"Hey, Tsunade!" Naruto yelled loudly as the person passed by the doorway.

It was about five seconds before Tsunade's scowling face appeared in the doorway. She stepped into the room, her arms crossed over her large chest. "Don't be yelling from your room like that, brat. It's a hospital."

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