Chapter 4

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Naruto pushed past the double door of the scrub room, removing his face mask as he took in a deep breath.

“Good work today, Naruto.” The surgeon, Tsunade commented as she clapped his shoulder. “You're improving really well for a newbie.”

“I would have never made it this far without you.” Naruto smiled up at her.

The two of them walked to the nurses station and Tsunade handed the nurse a file as she leaned against the counter. “So today's the big day, huh?”

Naruto nodded, the grin on his face even brighter. “Yep! I got front row seats to see Sasuke and my friends graduate, I'm so proud of them!”

“Don't forget to be proud of yourself, too. Three years of hard work finally paid off for you.”

“Are you sure there's nothing else I can do before heading out?” Naruto asked, already inching away.

Tsunade laughed loudly as she straightened up. “You already know there's nothing else. Get out of here!”

“Alright! See you on Monday!” Naruto called out as he turned and started to jog towards the changing room.

He hurried inside and went to his locker, pulling out the tuxedo that he brought with him to work that day.

Changing as fast as he could, he checked himself out in the mirror before deeming himself presentable.

He walked out of the changing rooms and down the hospital corridors, heading for the employee parking lot.

“Looking good, Naruto!” Tenten, Neji's girlfriend appeared out of nowhere, walking beside him.

Naruto looked over to see her dressed in a slender, knee-length, black gown. Her normally tied up hair was let down, leaving it straight and stopping past her shoulder blades. Her makeup was done well, looking natural. “Well, you look very nice yourself!”

“Really? I just got out of a six hour surgery so I did my best.”

Naruto shook his head. “I would have never guessed.”

“You need a ride to the graduation?” She asked as they reached the parking lot.

“Nope! I drove for once today! I'll see you around later, though!” He waved as she walked towards her car. He only had to walk a little bit before he reached his car and climbed into the driver's seat.

With a determined nod, he started the car and drove to the university.

Once there, he parked his car and headed towards the main hall and into the very large auditorium. He looked around in awe at all the people already gathered. Hardly a seat was empty.

He walked down the aisle to the front row and sat in his reserved seat. He looked around to see his dads a few rows away and waved at them happily before turning and facing the stage.

Suddenly the auditorium grew quieter as the dean walked onto the stage and stepped in front of the podium.

“Hello everyone,” he started with a loud voice. “And thank you for joining us for Konoha University’s class of 2012 graduation!”

The crowd cheered loudly.

“We'll be calling names, followed by a speech from our valedictorian, Sasuke Uchiha.”

Naruto cheered loudly at the mention of his boyfriend’s name, the crowd laughing along with the dean. Naruto smiled brightly back up at him.

“Afterwards, there will be refreshments served in the dining hall. Now, let's hand out these diplomas!”

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