Chapter 7

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Naruto heard his name and turned around to face Sasuke with a smile, only to look on in horror as he watched his husband fall to the ground. “Sasuke?!” He dropped the bags, pulling out his cellphone and dialing 911. He quickly explained the situation to the dispatcher while also checking to see if he was breathing.
A small crowd of people gathered around the two, curious as to what was going on.
Naruto hung up the phone once he confirmed an ambulance was on its way. He double checked on Sasuke, only a small sense of relief as he saw Sasuke was still breathing. He dialed Itachi’s number and placed the phone to his ear.
“Naruto, why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be on the plane by now?”
“Sasuke passed out,” he quickly explained. We're still at the airport now but the ambulance is on its way now.”
There was a brief pause. “I'll meet you there.”

Sasuke groaned as he felt himself wake up from unconsciousness. His head was hurting badly and felt like someone was trying to jackhammer it open. He opened his eyes only to see white and closed them quickly, the brightness only making his head worse.
“Sasuke?” Sasuke slowly opened his eyes to see Naruto, his eyes puffy and red.
“Naruto? Are you crying?” Sasuke asked, slight concern in his voice.
Naruto wiped at his eyes and let out a chuckle. “You've been unconscious for almost thirty hours and you're asking me if I'm okay?” He laughed harder before climbing up onto the bed and into Sasuke’s arms.
“What even happened?” Sasuke asked, resting his head on top of Naruto’s.
“You passed out at the airport.” Naruto mumbled. “Itachi's was here when you got here and left a few hours after once I forced him to go back to the office. He said he'll stop by after work today.”
“Hn.” He began to thread his fingers through Naruto's hair. He looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. He looked carefully at the heart monitor next to him, the numbers meaning nothing to him. He looked back down at Naruto who was lying there. “So, what's wrong with me?”
Naruto looked up at him before staring straight ahead. He grabbed onto the hand Sasuke wasn't using to play with his hair, and brought his hand to his lips, giving it a kiss. “Tsunade thinks it's stress and that you overworked yourself to the point of exhaustion.”
Sasuke took notice in the slightly irritated tone that Naruto used and gently shook his hand. “And you think it's bullshit?”
Naruto looked up at him and then shifted his eyes. “I do, actually. You don't just pass out for almost thirty hours on overworking alone. There has to be more. But you're not dehydrated which is what I thought. And everything else seems normal” He shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows. “I'm missing something here, I just don't know what.”
Sasuke studied his husband carefully and couldn't help but to smile at Naruto's determination. “Don't think too hard, I can see the steam coming out your ears.” He gave a gentle tug on the blonde’s ear.
Naruto glared up at him playfully before lightly slapping him on the chest. “Why aren't you taking your health more seriously?!”
Sasuke kissed the top of Naruto's head. “I trust in Tsunade. And after resting, I do feel better. Honestly.”
Naruto frowned at him. “I don't know. Something still doesn't sit right with me.”
A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. And they both turned to see Tsunade leaning against the door frame of the room, arms crossed over her chest. “You were supposed to come get me as soon as he woke up. Instead you're over here in the bed with him!”
Naruto laughed sheepishly before climbing out of the bed. “Sorry, sorry!” He held up his hands in a surrendering pose. “I swear I was going to get you, eventually.”
Tsunade rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the door frame, walking into the room and standing at the foot the bed. “Sure you were. Anyways, I looked over the results of your tests and to be honest, everything seems normal. Your red blood cells count is a little low but you just got over a sickness, right?”
Sasuke nodded in response. “I did. And I feel better too.”
Tsunade gave him a warm smile. “That's good to hear. So I'll give you the okay to go home and you should be free to leave in a few hours.” She nodded before turning and walking out the door.
Sasuke let out a sigh. “Finally.”
Naruto turned to glare at him. “If you think for one second this means you're going to work you have another thing coming.”
Sasuke gave him a small glare before crossing his arms over his chest and looking away. “I wasn't going to go to work.”
“Or work at all, Mr. Smartass. You're going to sit in that bed and relax for once.” Naruto sat down in the chair that he was sitting in earlier.
Sasuke uncrossed his arms and let out a sigh. “Alright, I won't work.”
Naruto smiled brightly at him. “Good. That's all I wanted to hear.”
Sasuke sat up in the bed. “I gotta pee. Help me up?”
“Sure thing, babe.” He helped the raven up and wheeled him the IV stand. “You need help going to the bathroom?”
Sasuke gave him a quick glare over his shoulder. “No. I think i can manage from here.”
Naruto giggled as he watched Sasuke make his way to the bathroom. Once the door closed, Naruto got up and sat at the foot of the bed, making it easier to still talk to the raven. “We should grab lunch once you're free to go.”
“Hn. Sounds good to me.”
Naruto smirked. ‘We should go to Ichira-”
“No ramen, Naruto.” Sasuke quickly cut him off.
Naruto pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine.” He was silent for a moment, trying to think of someplace to eat. “I don't know. What are you in the mood for?”
Silence came from the other side of the door and Naruto fidgeted in his spot, waiting for Sasuke’s reply. “Sasuke?” He stood up and walked to the door, placing his ear against the door. “It shouldn't be this hard to figure out what you want to eat.”
There was still no answer and Naruto felt his heart drop. “Sasuke? I'm coming in!” He quickly opened the door and gasped at the sight.
Sasuke was slumped against the wall next to the toilet, unconscious.
Naruto quickly kneeled by his side, pushing the red emergency button that was above them to signal a nurse.
Naruto worriedly looked over the raven’s body before gently rocking the two of them, trying to calm himself as he began to cry silently. Soon, a nurse appeared in the doorway before immediately paging a doctor to report the scene.

Sasuke awoke feeling achy. His eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal he was in a dark room. He looked around to find he was still in the hospital. He didn't see Naruto anywhere and he was struggling to recall what happened. He sat up in the bed with a groan.
“Fuck.” He felt a lot worse waking up this time then the last time. He felt weak, and soon, he fell right into sleep.

Naruto sat at a table in the cafeteria, staring at the tabletop. It's been the fourth day that he's been here. Going back and forth between Sasuke's room and the cafeteria or the break room. The first two nights he spent crying, feeling helpless that he couldn't help his husband. He would watch Sasuke wake up and not remember anything only to pass out again shortly after. By the third day, Naruto’s sadness turned into anger and frustration. He snapped at his colleagues and even Tsunade. It wasn't until now, the fourth night, going into the fifth day, that he felt nothing.
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He grabbed the water bottle next to him and took a slow sip.
The cafeteria was empty until two doctors walked in. He watched as they walked to the vending machine and made a purchase.  They sat at the table next to him and began to talk. He ignored their conversations and went back to his thoughts.
At this point, Sasuke's condition had both him and Tsunade stumped. He leaned back in his seat and stared up at the ceiling.
“I've never seen anything so aggressive before.” Naruto tuned into the doctor's conversation. “I feel bad for the guy.”
The second doctor grunted in response. “Right. A rare form of cancer with little chance of surviving. Super cancer at this point.”
Naruto sprung up from his relaxed position. His eyes widened in realization. “Why didn't I think of this before?!” He quickly stood up, ignoring the bewildered looks from the doctors.
He started to sprint towards Tsunade’s office, praying that she was still there. He rounded the corner of the hallway to her office, and a wave of relief washed over him as he still still her lights on.
Without knocking, he burst through the door, heavily panting.
She looked up at her desk, giving him a glare. “Why are you barging into my office like a maniac?! Use the door like a normal person!”
Naruto ignored her, stepping up to her desk and placing his hands on her desk. “I think I might know what's wrong with Sasuke.”

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